As much as I love big venues, festivals and functions (okay, not so much love there, but the money's decent!), I've always had a soft spot for playing in small pubs, clubs and bars. Some are also a pain in the arse, notably due to landlords wanting live music, and then complaining that it's too loud, or that the speakers are pointing at the bar, when the other option is at the wall, etc etc. But there're some crackers too!
I think my favourite gig I did was in Wakefield at a place called Harry's Bar. It's tiny, I didn't even take my amp in it was that small! We turned up as a trio with a Bose L1 PA, which was plentiful loud enough, everyone in the room enjoyed it and go for the atmosphere and music, and there were no issues at all. Plus, I was packed up in less than 5 minutes, and my position whilst playing / attempting backing vocals was right next to the bar