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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1241731' date='May 23 2011, 03:28 PM']Unfortunately, yes, this is the case, but I also think manufacturers and dealers are hiking the prices like they are on Fenders. 20% VAT does not mean £200 increase...obviously the cost of fuel is rising, etc, but I think if they carry on no one will buy, and it will be almost a stalemate scenario. I wont buy a new Fender at the new prices, simple as. There is no need for the £200 approx. rise. £2000 for a Metro is insane IMO, they are very well built, but then again, so is a Stingray![/quote] Just looking at fenders on guitar guitar's site! A 5 string 2011 american deluxe fender is £1515!! So i dont see the £1875 i paid for my Sadowsky PJ5 as that bad at all!! ive played both basses and i personally consider the Sadowsky well worth the extra £300+
  2. The price in dollars for metro's hasn't changed! our exchange rate is the main reason for the "extreme" prices! So thats the only reason you pay more
  3. [quote name='molan' post='1241674' date='May 23 2011, 02:49 PM']I've just agreed to buy another one![/quote] Thanks mate!! I was waiting for a buyer
  4. When the most basic spec (vintage style) NYC now costs $4075 (£2546) before shipping, import duty and tax you can see why people still buy metro's at their current prices here in the UK! I bought mine from From Guitar Guitar because buying one direct actually worked out more expensive!! Having owned both nyc and metro i really dont get why there seems to be this wierd thing against the metro range?? The quality is the same but with less paint / wood options I personally wouldnt ever buy a new fender because i dont think they're worth the money but thats just me!
  5. Im a complete Sadowsky addict!! Absolutely love them! My latest metro 5 string PJ is amazing!! Perfect for my needs so im happy
  6. I'd say buy the best quality 5 you can afford!! Dont worry too much about scale length though! My 34 inch scale Sadowsky B string sounds better than my old 35 inch Lakland by quite a way in my opinion! Try as many as you can!
  7. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1236561' date='May 19 2011, 04:45 AM']Nicest SR5 I've seen, I'd change the pickup to white and the controls to chrome if I owned it [/quote] I'd do the same + put a black scratchplate on then it'd be perfect!!! Always wanted to try a Ray 5!
  8. I find that the only way to get the tone i want is to set the action low enough to get that "grind" when i dig in slightly yet when i play soft the notes sound full Setting the neck as flat as possible works well for me so that "grind" sound is even all over the neck it really helps to cut through the mix (IME)
  9. I played the Matt Freeman Sig bass in Dawsons, Leeds at the weekend! Felt / looked great but felt £400 was a little too much.... I only buy new when i know there's little or no chance of finding what i want on the used market! My most recent purchase had to be new as ive never seen a Sadowsky Metro RV5 PJ in Candy apple red for sale here before
  10. Matt just bought my Lakland Super fast payment, great communication throughout and all round nice bloke what more do ya want?? I hope you enjoy that great bass mate!
  11. Gavin recently bought a bass from me! paid very quickly (which is always nice ) because of shipping problems and bank holidays there was quite a delay when it came to me getting the bass to him but he was very cool about it! his patience and understanding are second to none! Im glad such a lovely bass has gone to such a good home! Dont hesitate to do you next deal with Gavin! he's a cracking bloke!
  12. [quote name='4 candles' post='1214390' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:08 AM']stop being a bitch, just because you cant afford one!!!![/quote] Well ive just spent more than that on my current bass!! Im just not a fan of these big bodies
  13. It was awesome!! Turned quite a few heads even at band practice and they generally dont care / notice anything! Even had the guitarist tell me how lovely it sounded!! Second rehearsal tonight and gig on saturday!!
  14. I think Jimmy makes these bodies slimmer (front to back) but then makes them oversize so the mass of the body is the same, sounds like a decent theory but to me it just looks odd!! For me the standard jazz body is big enough already! I never thought jazz fives ever looked out of proportion.
  15. Is it just me or does this body look HUGE?!? [url="http://allevacoppolo.com/accessories/alleva+coppolo+hippy+dippy+trippy+bass"]http://allevacoppolo.com/accessories/allev...ppy+trippy+bass[/url]
  16. Yep its here!! On my way to band practice now!!! wish me luck
  17. [quote name='PTB' post='1212734' date='Apr 27 2011, 03:34 PM']That's very cool - congrats. I have a 4 string JJ one so I know how good this is gonna sound! Is it a metro or a NY?[/quote] Its a metro, ive had 3 metro's in the past and all were just as good as my old NYC so i didnt see the point in the extra cost to be honest! plus i dont need any of the fancy wood/finish options that the NYC shop offer.
  18. I may be wrong but didnt 70's fenders have the more hard wearing Poly finish rather than the thin Nitro of the 60's?? what im trying to say is......What the hell do you do to a bass to make it look like this?????
  19. Now only offered with both sets of pickups as i dont have the time or money to get the originals re-fitted
  20. Hey! This should hopefully be with me this week! You like?
  21. Plenty of interest so far but nothing confirmed
  22. Hi These may become available soon as the bass they are in may be sold with its original pickups re-fitted 2 months old, bought from Bass direct for £220 selling for half price for a quick sale! yep thats £110 including postage! here's the info from Nordstrands website: [url="http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/index.shtml"]http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/index.shtml[/url] (scroll to the bottom) String spacing is 19mm Get in touch if interested cheers chris 07974 317 284
  23. for sale is my Lovely Lakland! pics of actual bass here : [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=px-EH127XF2515"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...=px-EH127XF2515[/url] Its served me extremely well these last few months but im wanting to eventually just have one bass and i know i'll be happiest on a Sadowsky 5 its in excellent condition! has a lovely neck and has the amazing Nordstrand Big Splits pickups installed! (orignal Batolini's included in the deal) also comes with a brand new hard case Info on the pickups here : [url="http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/index.shtml"]http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/index.shtml[/url] (scroll down towards the bottom of the page) String spacing at the bridge is 19mm so there's loads of room for all kinds of playing styles so price wise in looking for [s]£595[/s] £565 including both sets of pickups hard case & UK shipping (i no longer have the time or the money to get the original pickups re fitted so im offering this bass with both sets only, thanks Cheers Chris 07974 317 284
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