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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. hey Ever since the dawn of (my bass playing) time i've been constantly playing around with the setup of my basses trying to achieve the lowest possible action! My Sadowsky's can go LOW!! but ive only just started to realise that you CAN go TOO low and the quality of the tone / notes played can suffer quite a lot! Yesterday i decided enough's enough and gave each saddle on the bridge one & a half turns clockwise to bring the action up, to my surprise it made the bass easier to play!!??!! strange!! by easier i mean easier to play cleanly, it lets me have way more control over the dynamics, this is something i'd previously lost sight of! so, do you have your action set stupidly low?? do you suffer from noisy nastiness in between notes? Go on, be a devil and raise your action a bit! Give your bass a little room to breathe! feel free to post your thoughts / results here
  2. looks like it could be Alder anyway lol it would make sense in traditional Fender terms Alder / Rosewood Ash / Maple but who knows!? it was the 70's after all
  3. [quote name='Stacker' post='994057' date='Oct 19 2010, 08:35 PM']If I had two that were heavy, why should I not be allowed to believe that a third from the same era would be around the same weight?? I agree with your second statement.[/quote] why would you want to believe that?? wood is a natural thing and will vary quite vastly from piece to piece depending on where in the tree it was cut from, moisture content, density etc The year of manufacture has no baring on wood weight some basses are heavy, some are lighter, thats nature for you
  4. [quote name='molan' post='994002' date='Oct 19 2010, 07:42 PM']I haven't bought one - just kinda like the looks. Mind you, I do know of one for sale. . . I'm not sure it would ever leave the house if i did buy one though so no worries about people thinking I can even contemplate playing a VW bass line, lol. I spend a lot of time playing at home just for fun so wouldn't be too concerned about having something that never left the house [/quote] in that case i'd go for it If you can afford it, why the hell not? great news for us lot as some of your lovely bass collection will be up for grabs
  5. Have you bought this mate??? im a little unsure on the looks...........hmmm for me i guess its because its so heavily associated with Mr Wooten that people may expect you to have his ability (and be disappointed in my case) etc i'd rather have an understated bass and people be surprised at how well i play
  6. This is a great bass! good luck with the sale mate (this has just reminded me that i should have posted that strap out to you ages ago!! really sorry )
  7. [quote name='richardd' post='993951' date='Oct 19 2010, 07:12 PM'] Hi Chris. certainly would but afraid I have nothing to add to the Valenti .Rich[/quote] thats a shame would have been an interesting deal
  8. Not interested in my sadowsky are you!? (long shot i know)
  9. [quote name='dood' post='992883' date='Oct 18 2010, 10:39 PM']Musicians are just running out of chords.... (includes Under The Bridge, funnily!) [/quote] GENIUS!
  10. Hey!!! Love the video mate! it looks like your a fan of gorgeous black basses with block inlays!! (me too ) if i was anywhere near local i'd come check you guys out
  11. [quote name='funkyspuke' post='989676' date='Oct 15 2010, 09:29 PM']this not sold yet?!![/quote] Nope!!
  12. Basschat needs an iphone app!!
  13. Me and a good friend went to PMT, Leeds over the weekend to try out their selection of basses We spent a good few hours trying everything in every price range and the results were very surprising!! We tried US fenders, Musicman, Sandberg etc etc and they were OK but it turns out that a £400 Ibanez was (in our opinion) the best bass there! lovely light weight, beautiful slim neck with great feel and very playable action! Its a shame neither of us had the cash on us! no doubt we'd be fighting over it!! haha we were both annoyed at the lack of attention to setup on all the top end basses!! some of them were pushing £2000 but had shocking action etc! that shop needs to get it together and get these instruments set up properly! anyone else been to PMT Leeds??
  14. am i slightly blinded by all the beer and greasy pizza or is there no price on this add??
  15. Hey Yeah, i've had this a few times before it puts you in a very awkward position doesn't it! When i had my expensive amps (mesa, ampeg etc) i often said no due to one pretty big american band blowing my mesa head up!! it still bugs me today when i get asked but not as much as im using much cheaper gear these days and im fully insured i feel promoters should be more organised and just hire something! Also i never understand bands who dont have their own gear!!?? what would happen if we all thought that way and nobody brought anything to the gig???
  16. [quote name='funkyspuke' post='988595' date='Oct 14 2010, 11:08 PM']exactly what I thought! as well as a thread comparing the Sadowsky and Valenti [/quote] can i help??? mini yorkshire bassday!!
  17. evening all! Any interest in this ?
  18. The new Jimmy Eat World album! really enjoying it!!
  19. i think the fact that you started a thread about it tells me you're not happy with it at all! These niggles are unlikely to go away as your first impressions will stay with you! dont feel pressured to keep it! the customer is always right!
  20. +1 to there being a Basschat meeting area also +1 to playing actual bass lines while trying basses out! Im guilty of a little too much slapping when demoing a bass (im not even that good at it either ) this thread has made me think again before i slap n pop my way through all the basses at the next bass day!
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