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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='molan' post='986066' date='Oct 12 2010, 06:57 PM']Ah ha - did you win Phil's prize draw then?[/quote] Yeh both me n luke did
  2. Thanks guys ive locked this in its case just so i dont play it again, realise how awesome it is and withdraw it from sale!! haha
  3. Cheers for the PM certainly explains things Im looking at going for one like this [url="http://www.bassprice.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Music-Man-Big-Al.jpg"]http://www.bassprice.com/wp-content/upload...-Man-Big-Al.jpg[/url] Black / black / maple Just waitin for distributers to get back to me
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' post='985072' date='Oct 12 2010, 12:05 AM']Personally, I am all for rosewood boards. EBMM maple boards are my favourite maple boards, but still, I prefer rosewood. This is probably due to playing my ex MIJ P for years and years, and simply finding darker boards more aesthetically pleasing. I am currently negotiating a mammoth EBMM order with the Bass Merchant, who have been very helpful. Currently, instead of getting another Fender Jazz (I never 100% bonded with a Jazz in my life....yet) im going to push myself and get a Big Al 4 H as well. Thats as well as the Sterling 5 HS and Big Al 5 SSS. Personally, I think the best colours for the Big Al are: White/Rosewood/Tort or Black and Vintage Sunburst/Rosewood/Tort or Vintage White Pearloid. The Black does look slick, and the silver is very out there! I currently have one here to demo and the paintjob is stunning. The bass is packed to go back as my demo time has finished, and Im missing it already! The Sterling neck profile that the 4 has is brilliant. Halfway between a P and a J....fast but not too thin.[/quote] How did you manage to get a demo of one like that? i'd love to do that! to really make sure its "for me" You fancy sending it my way next instead of sending it back?? On the topic of colour choice......it kinda seems strange to have traditional colours on such a modern looking bass doesn't it i still cant decide what to have!! haha
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='984221' date='Oct 11 2010, 11:22 AM']Woah, good price! They are fantastic instruments.[/quote] the only thing im struggling with is the colour! i dont know which to go for?? and do i get a maple board or rose wood.........matching headstock??? i like this one [url="http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-basses/39380-fans-sapphire-black.html"]http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-...hire-black.html[/url] i also like the idea of a silver one! even white with a black guard would be cool!! hmmm
  6. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='984279' date='Oct 11 2010, 11:56 AM']Really wanted to try the Fodera NYC P/J in Sunburst and the Wooten they had with the greenish buckeye type finish. Dangerous though, would have been hard to explain how i left with an early 80's jap squier and came back with £3k's worth of Fodera. Thinking about it, had it been a bit quieter, i could have ended up in a lot of trouble![/quote] If you went for the wooten you'd be looking at more like £7000 the PJ in sunburst was a great bass! ive no idea how you managed to resist trying it?
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='984198' date='Oct 11 2010, 11:05 AM']I'm the abnoxious tw@ that was milling about. Nah, I believe you and Ped were around whilst I was having a substandard noodle on the Xotic at Mark's Bass Direct stand.[/quote] What did u think to it? I really enjoyed playing that one
  8. Played a 4 string SSS yesterday for a while!! Loved it!! The tone was like nothin ive tried before! They had 30% off on the strings n things stand so i could have bought it for like 1300 Very, very nice!!
  9. Another great bass i tried was the Musicman Big Al, lovely feel and very unique sound! i forgot to take a pic of it (because i was too busy almost buying it) seemed like a great deal once the dealer offered 30% off
  10. [quote name='goblin' post='983905' date='Oct 10 2010, 10:50 PM']That NYC was bloody gorgeous, I had a go as well, so did my teacher who I was with (doing all the fancy triple slapping and stuff) It sounds fantastic, looks beautiful and is extremely accessible. I reckon my overall favourite was the Shuker fretless I played, that was lush.[/quote] i think we met briefly, you told me about your Wal? Great day all round ey! i think a lot of people were impressed by that fodera
  11. [quote name='funkyspuke' post='983885' date='Oct 10 2010, 10:37 PM']hey, I was there and it was awesome! spent most of my time playing the Alleva and the Fodera NYC! the Fodera 4 string (in red) was amazing ... best bass of the day IMO.[/quote] you mean this one?? [attachment=61020:luke___fodera_nyc.JPG] Now that was a great bass!! i agree with luke, it was the bass of the day for me.........actually for me it was in joint first place with this [attachment=61021:Xotic.JPG] this xotic bass was gorgeous!! here's a few more pics for those who didnt make it [attachment=61022:bassgear...a_fodera.JPG] [attachment=61023:GB__WOW_.JPG] [attachment=61024:loads.JPG]
  12. back up for sale!! sadly i cant justify having 3 of these while my credit card bill is in the state its in!!
  13. Im hoping there's some big Al's at bass day tomorrow! Really wanna try one!!
  14. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sadowsky-Ultra-Vintage-Jazz-Bass-NYC-WOW-/250706565882?pt=Guitar&hash=item3a5f469afa#ht_500wt_1026"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sadowsky-Ultra-Vinta...a#ht_500wt_1026[/url] this is lovely!! i wish i had the cash!!
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='982555' date='Oct 9 2010, 02:19 PM']You should get an option to print,I did.Saying that last year I forgot to take it and just gave them my paypal name and all was cool,Ta. Just make sure she puts the wrist band on straight because last year the glue was pulling all the hairs out of my arm! (Or shave your wrists before you go!)Ha[/quote] Thanks mate time to shave the wrists............
  16. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='981010' date='Oct 7 2010, 10:13 PM']Sounds like what you need is a BASSDAY :brow: ! I'm certain you can pay on the door mate, although it works out cheaper to buy in advance...[/quote] im about to buy tickets for me n a mate via paypal, just before i do can anyone advise me on what i need to bring? is it just my paypal receipt? as i dont see anywhere to print tickets off? thanks
  17. Any chance of more pics?? Also where abouts are u based?
  18. What the hell indeed!!! How or why would they do this?? Surely they must see it as clearly as we do? Surely cnc machines are good enough to avoid problems like these?? Really poor on a bass of that price! Its funny how it seems to be on all of them too!!
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' post='980709' date='Oct 7 2010, 04:50 PM']I have tried this baby out. The paint job is first class, and the rosewood board is a treat. Not only that, its fairly light for a Lakland. I nearly bought it (literally had my card ready) when I noticed the bridge pickup doesnt seem to be placed correctly. The G and D string dont line up with the pup. Dave Bass had the same issue on a Fender Jazz, so I was looking out for it. Shame It looks ok on the picture, but much more noticable in the flesh.[/quote] Yeh that doesn't look too good does it!! if you check pics of all the J style Lakland 5's they all look like they have the same problem! to me it seems like they're using the same size pickup in bother neck and bridge positions! (could be wrong but might explain why its the same on all the basses in these pics?)
  20. WOW! this is the first Lakland that's made me really want to buy it! [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=10090117041929"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...=10090117041929[/url]
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='980109' date='Oct 7 2010, 12:41 AM']sure do. very pretty, sounds an plays great, and i mean great. It's in another leauge compared to the red sadowsky metro in guitar guitar in glasgow, but it's not for me. I don't like the active sound which is why i started looking at jazzes. This was at a amazing price so i got it knowing i could sell it on if i didn't like it. It's lovely and confirmed that a jazz was the way forward but an active one wasn't really. Actually having said that if Andytravis hadn't put a particular bass i was already excited about up for salei would have probably just learned to love this, as it is I doubt i'll ever own a more 'high end' bass.[/quote] Thats one hell of a good looking bass!!
  22. [quote name='dougal' post='979557' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:19 PM']I think one of these has featured on this thread before when owned by warwickhunt... My #1 bass: a P-J Hybrid Metro, bought on Basschat from Warwickhunt. My #2 bass: an NYC jazz-a-like, bought on baschat from ___---___ [/quote] [color="#00FF00"][size=7]WOW![/size][/color]
  23. thanks for all the pm's about trying to sell me your warwicks im currently skint so cant afford to make a move on one just yet
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