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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. Tonight ive been listening to some recordings of my old band, the bass sounded awesome! took me a while to figure it out but it turns out it was the Warwick sound i was hearing! Years ago i used to play Warwicks pretty much exclusively! I loved them! I had a streamer stage 1, a stage 2 and a thumb bolt on Cracking basses Cant beleive i sold them!! Think i might go out and find a used one! A 90's one if poss! Anyone else still love Warwicks? They seem to be out of fashion right now don't they. (please forward all un wanted warwicks to me )
  2. Is it just me or are these pics way too small to actually be seen??? :-/
  3. I really wish i had £900!! I'd love to try one of these!!
  4. Ive no idea how these two haven't sold yet!!?
  5. [quote name='Doddy' post='976215' date='Oct 3 2010, 06:01 PM']I've got Bartolinis in both my Roscoe and Tobias and they sound great. If the guy from Modulus recommends the Bartolinis,I'd be very inclined to listen to him-he knows his basses better than anyone else. If you like the Sadowsky pickups,ask Modulus about the possibility Dimarzio pickups. Sadowsky uses a custom version of the Dimarzio Ultra Jazz Pickup.[/quote] Sadowsky have recently moved over to custom wound Nordstrand's across the range! Every JJ /PJ 5 string comes with Nordy's as standard now although you could end up with either dimazio or nordy on 4 string models as they're both kept in stock and are wound to the same spec they use either (apart from the soapbars which i believe are SD"s) the trouble is our ears are taste are all so different!! one man's "clear" is another mans "harsh" One man's "smooth is another man's "muddy" In an ideal world it would be great to have a listen first but that isn't always realistic
  6. [quote name='Hamsalad' post='975925' date='Oct 3 2010, 01:10 PM']Thanks very much! As soon as we sort our tour our I'll post it on here. If only we could sort out some kind of basschat festival....[/quote] If you need support on your tour check out my band Meet Me In Vegas (link below)
  7. [quote name='Hamsalad' post='975790' date='Oct 3 2010, 10:48 AM']I play in a progressive/dance/rock ish band called Dalla Russia. The basic ethos is to use odd time signatures, key changes and extended sections without people realising they're listening to anything more then standard 4/4, meaning it can be enjoyed on two levels. If you just want a pulse to dance to, we give you that, but if you're into music, then you can appreciated the architecture behind everything. Here's one of our tracks synced to Knight Rider: [url="http://www.myspace.com/dallarussiauk"]Our myspace[/url][/quote] I really like this!!! Nice work!
  8. just catching up with you lot now as im only just watching it on bbc iplayer! really enjoying Everything Everything! KT tunstall was pretty good too (quite an attractive lass too)
  9. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='971818' date='Sep 29 2010, 04:07 PM']The gold one tips the scales at over£3k, I'd really want it in my hands before spending that. And I don't know if Shorline Gold is my thing. Hmm, a Sadowsky NYC is next on the 'to do' list. Trip to guitar guitar?[/quote] If your ever passing the bradford area you could come n try mine?
  10. Can we just enjoy the bass for what it is and not get caught up in all the usual bulshit and arguements that seem to surrround certain bass brands! Please? Im not trying to start a war, im simply trying to give you all somethin pretty to look at I think roasted maple looks stunning, Anything else it does is a bonus!
  11. Just been checking these out on the latest Sadowsky stock update!! nice!! [attachment=60051:5591_full_lg.jpg] [attachment=60052:5591_rear_lg.jpg]
  12. And before anyone starts, ive been doing a bit of research on fodera and my opinion of them has become more positive! Im happy that there are people out there who continue to strive for excellence and make incredible instruments in the process all while making their customers very happy Can i afford one?? No! Would i like one? Yes!! There was a time when i never thought i'd own a sadowsky, i now have 3! Based on that I dare say i could probably aquire a Fodera one day, if of course they're actually to my taste sound wise etc
  13. Does anyone ever question the price of violins, double basses, classical guitars?? Some can make fodera's prices look cheap! At the end of the day Fodera as a company would not exist if people didnt think they were worth the money! I bet there's plenty of ordinary folk out there with one or more of their instruments! Good for them i say, whatever they're level of playing! I'd love to own one!! One day maybe i will But for now lets just let people buy what they like!! it doesn't affect anyone else!
  14. Any pics mate Also do you have a cash price in mind??
  15. I really wish i could afford this!!!
  16. Does the 25th aniversary come with all that beer?? The Big Al is really tempting me
  17. WOW!! I'd forgotten just how good this bass looks!! Great pictures!!
  18. [quote name='alanbass1' post='968163' date='Sep 26 2010, 09:53 AM']It might be worth doing a day out to a number of dealers with them in stock to see if you could find 'the one' - and try some alternatives along the way. I finally got the Jazz I have been looking for after a long wait and trial/error, but when you do get the one that suits you it is well worth it.[/quote] Fender really frustrate me!! They've been doing it longer than anyone else yet they still manage to make poor quality instruments! don't get me wrong, i love a good jazz as much as the next guy but i shouldn't have to go on a mission to multiple shops just to find one thats acceptable! what happens to all be basses we reject?? is there a scrap heap somewhere?? lol
  19. Have you ever tried a japanese Fender jazz?? They're dont seem to suffer from the quality control issues of the US models
  20. [quote name='thebassman' post='950848' date='Sep 9 2010, 05:26 PM']What are the dimensions. I need something to stick my bassman head on.[/quote] I'll find out the dimensions and post them here asap price has now been reduced to bargain levels
  21. i cant find them for sale anywhere yet??!! argh!!
  22. [url="http://www.drstrings.com/neon-strings-gallery"]http://www.drstrings.com/neon-strings-gallery[/url] I like the look of these...... what do you think? (will this thread get to 9 pages like the last one i posted?? haha)
  23. Hey! Lovely bass! Isn't that an 2006 model? the 06 on the back of the head leads me to believe it is Plus a 1996 would have a Wenge neck (warwick stopped using wenge for necks in 2000 ish) Absolute bargain price IMO!!!
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