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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. moved to amps n cabs for sale
  2. Just a quick update! Ive been chatting with Roger Sadowsky about the matching headstock thing as i'll need a Decal for Dave to use, Roger is more than happy for me to go ahead and has even offered me the choice of decal colour, black, silver or gold.......think im gonna go for silver If i can pay on my credit card im gonna crack on and get the respray done if not i'll probably sell something im not using to fund it i cant wait!!
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' post='923654' date='Aug 13 2010, 11:37 AM']I`ve just my main-player Precision refinished, from black with black scratchplate, RW neck, to white with black scratchplate, RW neck - very SidVish. For some reason, although it was my main-player, whenever I was thinking abt getting a new bass, I`d think of using that one as a trade-in. I put up a swap post here on Basschat, and Burritobass remarked why don`t I get a refinish, if the bass was my main-player. And he was right, it was purely down to the colour scheme, nothing to do with playablity/sound etc. So went for it. Got it back yesterday, couldn`t be happier. Was done by TJC Guitars in Stevenage - cost - a very nice £150. Finished in nitro-cellulose too, so will "age" with the bass - all good in my opinion. Would def recommend it - its given me a new slant on my main bass.[/quote] Oooooh Nitro!! Now thats a good idea!!
  4. [quote name='lozbass' post='923584' date='Aug 13 2010, 10:37 AM']I'd do it - for me, Sonic Blue is the coolest colour! An opportunity to shamelessly offer an example (not the greatest image I'm afraid)[/quote] That Alleva is gorgeous!
  5. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='923562' date='Aug 13 2010, 10:16 AM']Depends on the cost, but sounds to me like a top notch idea. S.P.[/quote] Well its £250 which i think its pretty reasonable for such a pro job! Im also looking into have the head painted too! Just waitin for a reply from Roger Sadowsky with regards to the logo etc I hope he'll let me do it
  6. Hey Ive always loved sonic blue basses but ive never had the pleasure of owning one! Ive been thinking of having my currently sunburst Sadowsky Metro re finished by mr Dave Wilson! I'd like some opinions on this please
  7. [quote name='SpinalTap' post='923072' date='Aug 12 2010, 07:03 PM']First you got to be sure, this would be the type of Celinder you are looking for. I always thought there is something really special about the passive Celinder basses, but soundwise they are very different from the famous J Update sound.[/quote] let me know when u decide to sell stunning bass!!
  8. while in london surely The Gallery is worth a visit [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/[/url]
  9. I absolutely loved my streamer stage 1, stage 2 and thumb bolt on!! Amazing basses!! My thumb was a 1998 so had the wenge neck!! Lovely! Over all i'd say the best of my bunch was the stage 2 I still cant beleive how little i sold them for!
  10. U already know what im gonna say so i wont bother....... If you bargain hard you'll probably just about get one for a grand
  11. hahaha im trying to be nice and let one bass go so someone else gets the pleasure of owning such a stunning bass
  12. they're pretty dam similar if im honest! you cant get enough of a good thing ey!! i'd probably kinda miss it but i'd have too much new gear to really worry about it
  13. Trouble is im not gassing for more bass gear its more synth / studio based things that im looking at. Im just not sure if it makes any sense having all this money tied up in what are pretty much just spares to the main gear i take out to gigs....... While i love having both it can sometimes feel like a waste having such a lovely bass sat in a case at home most of the time. I do try to alternate which one i take out but really i would probably be happy spending most of my playing time on one bass Hmmmmmm :-/
  14. Hey Been having a bit of a re think regarding my gear....... Do i really need two sadowsky's? Surely one is enough for anyone and its almost greedy to have two!!?? Same goes for my markbass heads! Should i sell one sadowsky and one head and put the money into something else?? Please share your thoughts Cheers
  15. I wont be happy if your will lee comes up for sale as i cant afford it unless i sell stuff!! Argh! U got a price on it by the way??
  16. [quote name='bh2' post='915803' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:10 PM']They are nice but they are pricey for parts basses.[/quote] Aren't fender the mother of all parts basses ?? lol
  17. Yeh i wanna know this too
  18. [quote name='PauBass' post='916240' date='Aug 5 2010, 06:00 PM']Exactly! Some people doesn't seem to understand that and always come back to the old "...but a Fender sounds better and they are half the price". A Sadowsky is a Sadowsky, not a Fender, and it sounds like a Sadowsky, if you like it or not, that's a different matter. I own both, Fender and Sadowsky and I like them both for different reasons.[/quote] Well said!!!
  19. Sadowsky's sound like Sadowsky's! They're not trying to sound like a fender or any other bass and that sound is not for everyone. I'll admit, in isolation they aren't the best sounding bass, but play one live with a band and you'll soon see / hear the benefits The main reason they are so expensive is the exchange rate My NYC cost $4050 two years ago when the exhange rate was just over $2 - £1 (cost me just over £2000) the same bass today would cost me £700 - £800 more which i simply could not afford! Unfortunately this also means that the metro's price increases by a similar percentage and buying direct hardly makes a difference once you include shipping ($200) and import duty (15%??? I cant remember) I must admit i wouldnt buy a metro for their current new price but i also wouldnt buy and NYC for nearly £3000 either! I was lucky and bought at a good time Just a thought on sound.......asking an active bass to sound more vintage is like asking a passive p bass to sound like a modulus, its not gonna happen so i guess people either like em or they dont
  20. [quote name='nash' post='916139' date='Aug 5 2010, 04:11 PM']same pickups?[/quote] All electronics are identical The bridge is the same too as far as i know
  21. [quote name='SuperMaximo' post='915684' date='Aug 5 2010, 10:05 AM']Cool, thanks for the responses It's definitely a LMII (I called and checked yesterday). I don't have the chance to try it out as the shop is a bit far from where I live. I'll have 7 days to return it if I don't like it anyway (I can also exchange it before 30 days, and by that time I'd have enough money to get a LMIII... but I don't think I can justify spending £550 on an amp), and I can try it properly with my cab... I'm thinking of sticking it in the garden and cranking it [/quote] Go for it mate I have an LMIII and i love it! So much so that i bought a 5 year old LMK (2 channel head) second hand from someone here on basschat I had concerns regarding age/reliability of this head so i emailed markbass directly! i got a response a few hours later and had a good conversation with one of the team over in italy (someone pretty high up, i forget their name) They said i shouldnt have any problems at all as they have one of the lowest amp failure rates in the business and should a problem arise the tech support with the UK distributers (Proel) is apparently very good! £300 sounds like a good deal to me
  22. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='915862' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:47 PM']I do love my metro. Don't be put off by the 'made in japan' label. I wouldn't change mine.[/quote] IMO The Japanese have built and still build very fine instruments! They're attention to detail is why Roger Sadowsky set up his shop there in the first place! Roger says himself that the quality of the NYC and Metro lines are the same
  23. Hi I own both NYC and Metro basses I can honestly say that they're of equal build/sound quality etc I know my two basses really well so in a blind test i could tell the difference between them (not a quality thing at all) but i would find it difficult to tell the difference between other Sadowsky's in a blind test as each and every bass (metro or NYC) will be slightly different anyway. If you want a fairly standard bass, in standard colours then a Metro would be a great option! especially second hand (around £1000) Joe we should set up some blind tests with a bunch of Sadowsky's and see what happens
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