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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. Hey im gonna be going for a berg cab in the next few weeks and wondered what you guys thought of my options? Ive usually always been a 4x10 kinda guy but since seeing the AE212 on bass direct's site its made me re think slightly! the 2x10 cab i have is capable of covering most of what i do so if i replaced it with a 2x12 surely it will be even better?? While still being smaller and lighter than a 4x10..... Here's a link to the AE range [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Bergantino,_Passive_AE_bass_speakers.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...s_speakers.html[/url] I will be keeping my hartke as a back up regardless do you think i'll miss the punch of 10's ? Or will 12's open up a whole new sound for me? Any thoughts or opinions are welcome cheers
  2. [quote name='jimbobothy' post='865966' date='Jun 13 2010, 02:26 PM']Hi folks, anyone know of the best balanced 5 string Warwick out there. I've tried a Thumb bolt on 5 string and Streamer Jazzman 5 string and personally found them to be too neck heavy for my liking. I'm digging the sound of the basses just the ergonomics don't agree with me. I've currently got two 4 string Warwicks but I'm needing that low B string![/quote] Try the Dolphin set neck! The one i had balanced really well due to the extended top horn [url="http://www.warwickbass.com/modules/produkte/produkt.php?katID=14485&cl=EN"]http://www.warwickbass.com/modules/produkt...14485&cl=EN[/url]
  3. Hi Recently ive been using my Korg pitch black pedal for everything so i no longer need my trusty DTR 1 its a cracking piece of kit and was the best model you could by at the time (cost me £200) It has the same features as today's DTR 2000 but with nice little extras like a built in cable tester etc [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://downsli.de/knostmann/gear/dtr11_small.gif&imgrefurl=http://downsli.de/knostmann/gear/dtr1.htm&usg=__sKzbGlUu8PToTZXnVq3nozM2OZQ=&h=300&w=400&sz=86&hl=en&start=9&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=_l_QSZE9pnAYWM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkorg%2Bdtr%2B1%2Btuner%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1"]http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http...%26tbs%3Disch:1[/url] (not my pictures, these are just for reference) I'm the original owner so i know its been looked after, however there are a few marks little here and there but that's to be expected for its age (pics to follow) I'd like £80 including postage within the UK (£75 if you can collect from Bradford area) Payment by paypal, bank transfer or cash on collection is also good Im away on holiday as of monday until Friday the 18th, i will have some kind of access to the internet via my phone so i'll do my best to get back to you when i can Cheers Cant wait for tonights England game!!!!
  4. Hey As stated in the wanted section, I'd like to trade my 2 month old, mint condition Aguilar Tone Hammer for a Sadowsky Preamp/DI pedal Do you have one?? Or i will sell for £120 (+ shipping) Get in touch cheers Chris 07974 317 284
  5. What a cracking looking bass that is!! no wonder it sold so fast!
  6. [quote name='Musicman20' post='855513' date='Jun 2 2010, 10:45 PM']They do have some high end basses in stock, but I think the pricing, especially on Metro Sadowskys, is insane! Almost £2100. Its a shame most of their prices across the whole bass range is quite high.[/quote] It seems like a lot but its because of the exchange rate! The NYC i bought 2 years ago when it was $2 to the £1 cost $4085 (just over £2000) now at today's rates the same bass would be £2800 ahh i remember the days when a metro 4 string was about £1400 im so glad i bought when i did
  7. [quote name='molan' post='852930' date='May 31 2010, 08:35 PM']And it's arrived! Been playing for the last hour or so & just don't want to put it down It has that great Alleve Coppolo tone - just seems to be impossible to get a bad sound out of it - even in my hands, lol. I'll try to write up a review soon but in the meantime here's some of the original pics the previous owner sent me:[/quote] looks awesome! let me know when you decide to sell it


    House music legends OCELOT are playing a home coming show at The Rendezvous in Skipton , North Yorkshire They're all over radio one right at the moment and have worked with the likes of The Killers, Reverend and the Makers. Razorlight, Sugababes, Royksopp, Robyn, Divine Comedy etc They're also playing the main stage of Creamfields later this year! This is set to be an amazing night with cracking support acts!! just £5 a ticket or £6 on the door (if this was in leeds it would be £10 all day long) here's a video for their latest single [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmD5YdOKJtA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmD5YdOKJtA[/url] Check them out on Myspace here: [url="http://www.myspace.com/ocelotmthrfckrs"]http://www.myspace.com/ocelotmthrfckrs[/url] [attachment=51101:ocelot_1..._web_big.jpg] hope you can make it Please call 07974 317 284 for tickets or visit [url="http://www.gorillaicemusic.co.uk/?menu=tickets"]http://www.gorillaicemusic.co.uk/?menu=tickets[/url] for E-Tickets cheers
  9. Hey they're great basses but they seem to suffer from quite noisey electronics and pretty unstable necks! If you feel you can deal with those slight issues ( maybe it was just mine??) then i'd say go for it Or your could spend a little more and go for a second hand US 75 reissue
  10. These Metro's are stunning!! and second hand prices make them such good value! This is near enough half new price guys! Bargain!!
  11. Nice to see you tonight mate! You have some killer basses by the way! If i were you i'd keep hold of them!
  12. [quote name='Rik (ESA)' post='839244' date='May 16 2010, 08:54 PM']Loved it mate! New singers spot on! All bands were wicked that night, how tight were FOR? Nice one for putting it all on, great success!! Were you using that Aguilar head? Sounded stunning what ever it was![/quote] Oh man! Cheers! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks man, really appreciate it! Its always nice to have fellow bass talent in the crowd! I had the aguilar with me just in case but i was using the Markbass little mark 3. I love that little thing! Also if you ever get chance to try a sadowsky bass go for it mate! I dont think it matters what amp they go through they just sound mint! And yeah Flood Of Red were amazing!! So glad we booked them!! There's many more to come at that venue as we have a night booked there every month! June's gig has Ocelot playing with Alt Track + guests supporting should be awesome! Whens your next gig man?
  13. I played this a few weeks back! It has an amazing tone! There's something very special about this bass! I wish i had the money or something to trade that i wouldn't miss so much! Once you play it you'll want it!!
  14. check out the videos ive just added! anyone up for coming to this gig?
  15. Now then mate! Hows things? did you enjoy the gig on friday? hope the gear selling goes well by the way
  16. [quote name='gareth' post='825007' date='May 1 2010, 05:58 PM']Back in the club! What a fantastic bass, no VTC but superb tones, light at 8.5lbs and absolutely as new.[/quote] Thats gorgeous!! where did you find that mate?
  17. probably the cleanest looking control cavity ive ever seen! Gorgeous bass too
  18. Nice DB212 mate! i have a DB210 [attachment=49888:photo_4.jpg] its fantastic! really portable and surprisingly loud for such a small cab. i'd love to get another one or maybe a DB115......
  19. I will never understand how such a gorgeous bass goes unsold at this price?? If this was an american website it would have sold in a flash! I guess Valenti just isnt that well known over here..... Just to make everyone aware that Nino Valenti works at Sadowsky NYC! He builds instruments there! [url="http://www.sadowsky.com/welcome/crew.html"]http://www.sadowsky.com/welcome/crew.html[/url] That should tell you just how good these Valenti basses are! If its good enough for Roger Sadowsky...
  20. Wow! This is the first Bongo that i really like the look of! I'd love to try one! If i had the cash i'd go for it
  21. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='833797' date='May 10 2010, 11:45 PM']My SR5 has all it's strings nicely aligned with the poles... That Big All is a great bass. will wait for a review [/quote] the 5 string Ray's were never the problem thats why you never hear about the weak G string issue on their 5's
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