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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. To me they just don't sound right at all!! Plus the four different ses I've tried all seemed rather floppy!! The none taper ones seem far better in my opinion
  2. i cant stand taperwound B strings!!! They just suck!!! the "advantages" to Taperwound strings and stringing a bass through the body are two things i will never understand!!!
  3. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='652301' date='Nov 12 2009, 09:19 AM']Chris - my P5 came strung with TI flats (which I love) and I foolishly sold 'em thinking that the sound wouldn't be right for my new band. Big mistake. I'm now saving up for another set £48 last time I looked). The low B was much tighter / useable with the TIs than with the roundwounds I've tried since.[/quote] Cool I have some Sadowksy Flats to try i'll let you know how i get on
  4. You've described the exact problem im having with my basses!! Hmmmm (Dam my spelling)
  5. Anyone tried flats on a 5 string Precision?? Whats the B like?
  6. Quick progress report! i sent the amp back to the bass merchant, they tested it including having it running through some cabs in the shop for a few days and they couldn't find anything wrong with it! so i asked Darren to send the amp back to me along with some new cables just to cancel them out! got it back yesterday, plugged all the new cables in and it still makes the weird noises every now and again! interestingly it only seems to happen when either of my sadowsky's are plugged into it! it wouldn't make the noise with the fender plugged in or if there was no cable plugged into the input. hmmmmm The fact that it happened with both basses and both my cabs led me to believe it was the amp! Could there really be something wrong with both basses?? if so what could it be? any ideas? it could also be just coincidence that it doesn't happen on the Fender because sometimes it can be at least an hour before the noise appears while other times its a few minutes! There seems to be no logic behind this at all!
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='648828' date='Nov 8 2009, 03:00 PM']That is awesome but you now have 2 Sadowsky's you're not allowed to play "Why aren't you playing the one I got you?" [/quote] Hahahahahaahaha The good thing about that is she (very cleverly) understands that the Fender does all the things my Sadowsky's cant do (Classic passive "old school" tone + low notes from the 5th string) and vice versa so she knows i'll use different basses for different songs/sounds etc
  8. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='648789' date='Nov 8 2009, 02:24 PM']Great story and yes, very jealous! You are a lucky man on both counts.. I think we need a new 'unoffical' Basschat policy that barrs you from ever trying to sell or trade that bass here on BC.. It has to be a keeper for life! [/quote] Thanks I'd never dream of selling that bass! ever!! im gonna teach my kids to play it one day! lol
  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='648558' date='Nov 8 2009, 09:23 AM']Congratulations on your engagement, Chris! And make sure you hang onto your future wife - She's a diamond! What a lovely and thoughtful gift. You realise you have to keep that one forever now! Rich.[/quote] Thanks Rich (and everyone else) for the comments The mrs really is awesome!! I'm so proud of her, not only for making an excellent choice of bass but for supporting my local guitar/bass shop instead of buying it online! I've hardly slept all night!! I'm so excited about this bass!! I love the thought of keeping hold of this one!! (the mrs and the bass)
  10. Hey All So me and my my other half got engaged back in summer! i bought her a very expensive engagement ring (Platinum + Diamonds) She's worth it! I couldn't be happier....................or so i thought!!!! Tonight was our engagement party, all our family came to see us and it was getting off to a great start Then Jill (my Fiance) did a little toast to thank everyone for coming, then out of nowhere presented me with this...... [attachment=35953:DSCF0341.JPG] [attachment=35954:DSCF0346.JPG] [attachment=35955:DSCF0347.JPG] [attachment=35956:DSCF0373.JPG] [attachment=35957:DSCF0372.JPG] as you can see by the very silly look on my face in the first pic i was absolutely stunned, excited and so, so happy!!!! its an awesome and beautiful bass!! Im a very lucky man!! I hope your all jealous!! lol
  11. How much???? i think you've lost it mate!! lol Good luck with the sale (like you'll need it)
  12. After looking inside my basses to figure out why they are so quiet it seems everything inside including the pickup cavities are coated in grey sheilding paint works well + it must be easier than trying to get tape to stick
  13. Rich You know what im about to say right??? .........................no? Get on the Sadowsky online store and check out their Pickups! They are Well priced and apparently their single coils are some of the quietest around! you could do a lot worse than a set of their Hum canceling ones too You might find that having your bass treated to a good course of Sheilding/Screening will help (im told the paint is a good way to go) Chris
  14. Right So i did as you said with each pot, changed the cab for my DB210, swapped every lead including the power cable and turned the amp back on! i noticed that the gain pot is slightly noisy when moved while the amp is on, this could be something to do with the problem so ive ordered some of the contact cleaner you mentioned! im now sat in the living room with the amp on with all the controls at 12 oclock (would be very loud if i played anything) im gonna leave it on for an hour or so to see if any noises appear ahhhhh just as im writing this its made some noise!!!!!! like a build up of almost static then a sudden POP!! it did this a few times i turned it off, changed the speaker lead then tried it again It did the same!! So it appears to be the amp! any advice on where to send it? or should i have a word with Darren at the Bass Merchant where i bought it from around 12 months ago?
  15. [quote name='BOD2' post='643498' date='Nov 2 2009, 03:48 PM']It's most likely to be the amp - but checking it with another cab will confirm this anyway. Also try swapping every lead - power lead included - just to rule these out. It could be that the control pots need cleaned. With the amp switched off, turn all the pots from min to max and back several times. Then switch on and see if this has helped at all. If it has helped but the noise is still there you'll need to clean the pots. To do this you'd need to open up the amp, locate the control pots and squirt a little contact cleaner (e.g. Super Servisol) inside the pots, then operate the pots fully a few times. If this procedure makes no difference then it could be a faulty component (a failing capacitor can cause this sort of noise) in which case an amp tech would need to look at it.[/quote] Thats great very informative thanks very much mate! i'll give that a try
  16. Hey Ive recently been having some issues with strange popping/crackling sounds coming from my amp/cab and i wondered if any of you could help me with it? I use an Aguilar AG500sc and a Hartke 410 at first i thought it was my bass so i check the input and all the wires in the bass and all seems fine, also yesterday i used a different bass and the problem was still there. so.... i sat close to the speakers with my bass's volume down and watched the speakers moving intermittently all by them selves!! very odd!! i use good quality cables bought from our very own OBBM and i use a monster speaker cable so at the moment its either the cab, the speaker cable or the head (i hope not) By the way the amp doesnt seem under powered in anyway and doesnt seem to suffer a loss of tone or anything, just every once in a while (usually only noticed between songs) it has this annoying popping sound! any ideas??? im gonna do some further investigation one night this week when i can try the head with my other cab! Cheers in advance for any helpful suggestions
  17. [quote name='ianc' post='642772' date='Nov 1 2009, 08:10 PM']I have a fender deluxe fmt 5string red see through finish 2002model bought out of bass centre Manchester retailed at £1,800 back then mint condition hardly used looking for 4 string jazz prefferably a sadowsky would you trade ?[/quote] Hi Sorry mate buts thats not really what im looking for Thanks for the offer though
  18. That has to be the worst sunburst ive ever seen!! Just awful!! Im getting to the point where i just dont get the whole vintage bass thing!!
  19. Im always thinking about a new Sadowsky! but you knew i was gonna say that right??? Whats really getting my going at the moment is one of these fancy Wood&Tronics basses [attachment=35088:ErgonWholetop1200.jpg] [attachment=35089:ErgonWholeback1200.jpg] So, so nice to look at!! i'd love to try one!
  20. While i was very tempted to try the DB112's i ended up trading my DB410 for a DB210 plus cash so i'll see how that goes! Im hoping i wont need a second 2x10
  21. WOW!! I WANT THIS!! im off to check my bank balance!!
  22. [quote name='William James Easton' post='633785' date='Oct 22 2009, 08:27 PM']Just had to give a shout out to Nicholas Harmer. Such a simple but effective bass lines and a killer growl for good measures. If you don't know their stuff then check them out. Even the new the song form a vampire film is good and the bass is awsome. Nicholas, we salute you![/quote] Absolutely awesome band!! been a fan for years! ever since i saw them live at sheffield academy ive liked them even more! they sound sooooo much better live than on their records! Excellent bass work too!
  23. This week Rich bought my GK head! the deal couldn't have been easier Instant payment, great communication and all round nice bloke Cheers mate
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