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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. ive recently replaced the original sadowsky pickups with some Wizard 84's! its given it loads of Fat vintage loveliness!! If your interested in this bass i can either supply the bass with both the original Sad pickups and the wizards for [b]£1100[/b]
  2. [quote name='Geek99' post='584938' date='Aug 30 2009, 08:42 AM']thanks - how noisy are they? i know theyre rwrp wound but i mean when at differing volumes? also are the wizards slightly different sizes? Kent mentions this and gives dimensions thanks[/quote] i just put a set of wizard 84's in my sadowsky and they fit perfectly, they dont seem noisey at all but Sadowsky are pretty amazing at electronics sheilding/earthing etc well all i know about sizes is that the bridge pickups are longer than the neck pickups.......is that what you meant? im sure the guys at wizard could sort you out with any info that you need or i could measure mine for you if you like?
  3. Hi Its taken a while but we finally got a few of our new songs remixed and mastered! We've put a minute or so of each track up for everyone to listen to please let me know what you think [url="http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic[/url] cheers
  4. so many replies all of a sudden! This mac is THE most stable computer ive ever had the pleasure to use! leopard runs brilliantly and everything just seems great!! The one and only reason im having to sell it is because the newest version of Apple's recording/production software, Logic requires an Intel processor to run correctly! but thats it! everything else runs very smoothly indeed and i'll be really sad to see it go!
  5. Hey Just thought i should share this with you lot! Ive spent ages trying to find somewhere that stocks good quality gig bags!! most of the places i called up seemed like they really couldnt be bothered to help me, so of course these other shops didnt get my hard earned cash!! I then checked out Bass Direct's website! They seemed to have exactly what i was looking for (and so much more) so i called them up on Friday to buy a new Mono gig bag, had a little chat with a thoroughly nice bloke who answered all my questions, dealt with everything very professionally and seem very enthusiastic about all things bass!! This is how it should be! Great shop that's really doing the bass side of things properly and is run by people who actually care about their customers Im sure a lot of you are already aware of Bass Direct but for those of you who aren't check them out when your next in need of anything bass related [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Home.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...lists/Home.html[/url] Hopefully i'll get chance to visit the shop one day (its 150 miles away)
  6. Hey Ive also heard good things about kent armstrong pickups but i would Recommend Wizard pickups! [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass"]http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass[/url] (i think andy at wizard used to be involved with Kent Armstrong) They provide a really fast, friendly service and the prices are hard to beat
  7. nice work mate!! i personally love that bassline! in fact im off to dig out that BGM issue and have a go myself
  8. suppose i better put my gran back up for sale then!!!
  9. Hi Meet Me In Vegas are playing this cracking venue in Clitheroe called the Grand! [url="http://www.thegrandvenue.co.uk/The_Grand/Home.html"]http://www.thegrandvenue.co.uk/The_Grand/Home.html[/url] if you live in the area please pop down! its only £4 in we're first on out of 3 bands and we sound a little something like this [url="http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic[/url]
  10. Hi Both my NYC and Metro Sadowsky basses have sadowsky's own Hum canceling pickups! They sound great but both basses sound very similar which leads to the Metro not being played as much as i'd like.......... so im thinking about putting some Wizard 84's (single coils) in the Metro to see if they give that bass a more old school vibe! Has anyone had any experience with 84's in an active bass? any thoughts or opinions welcome cheers
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='578528' date='Aug 23 2009, 08:47 PM']A Sadowsky isnt a Jazz bass..Its Sadowsky's take on a Jazz bass. there is no point in looking for that classic tone...If you want that buy a Fender Jazz?! This bass might not have been set up right..My old Sadowsky was a tone monster, the preamp is superb...Just because a bass is shaped like a Jazz bass doesnt mean its going to sound excactly like one...People put too much expectation on Sadowsky... Your only shocked becauase it didnt sound like a Fender Jazz..I will bet all my basses, that the Sadowsky was way better made than the Fender,superior hardwear, better pikups, thats why its more expensive[/quote] I agree! Sadowsky's aren't ment to sound like a classic passive fender! They are designed and built to be a more modern sounding instrument! also in reply to what Joe (Toasted) said, i think he what he means is they really do sound best in a live mix or when recorded. as a "solo" bass they aren't amazing.... but play them in a band, especially through a large PA rig and it will become clear why so many people rave about Sadowsky's!!
  12. This is the first time in my life that wished I was left handed!!!!!
  13. Hi everyone! Its a sad day!! Its come to that time where i would like to upgrade my Mac! So here goes...... Apple 17 Inch Powerbook, G4, 1.33Ghz, 1Gig Ram, 80G hard drive, OS 10.5.8 its an excellent machine, its never let me down once! cost me over £2000 a few years back Im open to sensible offers (£500+ please) or would possibly trade (+ maybe a little cash from me) for a New 08/09 Fender Jazz or P Bass get in touch if your interested Cheers 07974 317 284
  14. Changed my mind about fenders, i would now like a Sad Metro PJ please let me know if you'd like to trade
  15. Sadowsky NYC 3rd 1mm 12th 1.5mm 17 2mm (measurements taken with feeler gauges) Elixir 45, 65 85 105 nanoweb strings i consider this a low action
  16. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE!! [url="http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/view/5354.html"]http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/view/5354.html[/url] [url="http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/view/5359.html"]http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/view/5359.html[/url]
  17. [quote name='noisedude' post='565034' date='Aug 10 2009, 02:40 PM']I can vouch for this guitar being lovely and the seller being legit. It got snapped up in minutes when I sold it! And yes, Sunburst is the model name, not a description. If you can find my photos feel free to use them, might be wrong but I remember them being quite nice.[/quote] Cheers Mate! I'll have a look for them
  18. Now this may be a long shot but if anyone has one of the Metro Hybrid PJ Sadowsky 4 strings and fancies a swap then please get in touch!
  19. [quote name='hubrad' post='564053' date='Aug 9 2009, 11:47 AM']Yup.. he's mad but not [u]that[/u] mad! Total steal at the price.. very nice guitars![/quote] well said!
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' post='563948' date='Aug 9 2009, 01:07 AM']What are those Sadowskys like?!! How do they 'compare' to Fender USA etc? See....I want another Jazz....and Im thinking a higher end Fender USA again. Like a reissue or custom.[/quote] In my opinion Sadowsky's are amazing instruments in every way!! about 18 months ago i was buying and selling basses like crazy in search of "the one" Once i got hold of my NYC all that buying and selling stopped and ive had a good 18 months of pretty much just playing that bass for everything, gigs, studio/session work, rehearsals etc I dont see me ever selling it to be honest! Trouble is my Metro RS4 and NYC are very, very similar in sound/feel etc, so unfortunately because the NYC gets first dibs on anything i do, the Metro doesn't get used as much as it should. This is why i think a passive Fender would work well with my NYC as they would sound different enough to warrant using them for different projects or whatever. We'll see how my trade feeler goes in the for sale section
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='563891' date='Aug 8 2009, 11:57 PM']If Chris had lived nearer I would have taken it! Can't believe this hasn't been taken btw.[/quote] I know!! you people must be mad!! (there i go using all the !!!!!!!! again!) lol
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