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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='563923' date='Aug 9 2009, 12:42 AM']I've realised I really get on with Jazz basses very well. Apart from the new USA line, what Jazz basses really shine? Obviously the Geddy is quite nice It doesnt have to be Fender....Lakland? I really do like the Fender tone....im hoping to just get another great Jazz. Any views on the USA 75 RI?[/quote] I think it really has to be fender, thats the tone/feel that im after and only fender do the fender sound properly Never really considered the 75 RI......ooh on that note i wonder what the 62 RI is like??
  2. Hi This is a fantastic instrument! just as good as my NYC Sadowsky IMO Im the second owner (previously owned by Marcus, and originally bought from Guitar Guitar) specs of my RS4 are as follows NO: M2506 Alder body 59 burst finish Maple neck Rosewood/Morado Board (fantastic looking piece of wood) Standard Sadowsky circuit (no VTC) Just Under 9lbs (digital bathroom scales) Comes with lovely original Sadowsky Case Sadowsky Hum Canceling pickups Ideally i would like collection only! im happy to meet up within reason but im not too happy to post it! Cheers Chrisdabass 07974 317 284 [attachment=30524:DSCF0064_2.JPG] [attachment=30525:DSCF0066_2.JPG] [attachment=30526:DSCF0069_2.JPG] [attachment=30527:DSCF0068.JPG] Pics dont do it justice at all!! but im no photographer!
  3. [quote name='lozbass' post='563536' date='Aug 8 2009, 03:55 PM']Hi bh2, I may have misled you in an earlier post in the thread (sorry for this) - it wasn't a Fender 3TS and RW that I was expecting but an A-C (it's on p5 of the Alleva Coppolo thread in Gear Porn). To the OP, if you're around in central Manchester, you're more than welcome to come along and try my '76 Jazz[/quote] Thanks for the offer if im ever over that way i may take you up on that
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' post='563424' date='Aug 8 2009, 12:40 PM']Come and play my CS Closet Classic Jazz chris, that will persuade you... Sometimes its a bit of a lottery with Fender..i had a 75 RI and thought the build quality was questionable for a £1300 bass....and i didnt like the feel of it..But some jazzez ive played feel like a stingray in there quality and are fantastic.. BTW i dont think Sadowsky's are like Fenders..the preamp takes care of that..they look like them yes..There is only one real Jazz/Precision and its a Fender.. Just some have improved on it..(depending on what you think is improving) Ive really settled in with my Jazz and it will never be sold...a Jazz is like an old friend if you find the right one[/quote] I'd love to come and try it mate!! Shame your so far away! i'd love to find a nice Custom Shop model that i could trade my Metro (and probably some cash) for do you have any pics of your fender CS
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='555596' date='Jul 29 2009, 09:13 PM']I reviewed my new Precision and Jazz. Best Fenders ive looked at, played, and heard....but I have little experience with proper vintage Fenders. The new series is stunning.....its even turning heads with people who normally dont like Fender. I bought a natural USA Jazz about 7-8 years ago and it sounded weak, badly set up, poor finish. I took it back and got one of my MM's. But I still craved the Jazz. Ffwd to last month, I realised Fender had got back onto form, and this Jazz is stunning. You just cannot beat passive Fenders....they are so right! BTW...can I ask, you own Sadowskys...which are always classed as uber-amazing Fender's basically, so why do you want a normal passive Fender? If I GAS for a Sadow, will I acheive TRUE jazz bass tones, or a more modern version? I really like classic passive Fender tones. Hope this helps. Try one out....[/quote] Sorry for the late reply on this! Well in my opinion Sadowsky's dont do the true passive Fender tone! They have their own sound thats inspired by Fender but with a modern twist! This weekend my GAS for fender has gone into overload!!!! argh!! anyone got any ideas?? lol
  6. I'm happy to take paypal payment for the tickets and I'll post to you them free of charge Good ey!
  7. Thanks for all the comments! They're really helpful oh and Warwickhunt my RS4 ways just under 9lbs
  8. [quote name='The Burpster' post='551748' date='Jul 26 2009, 12:57 PM']Oooooeeeew big subject that one... Fors:- 1. you will have a bass everyone wil instantly recognise (not just other bass players) 2. if its reliced you wont have to worry about getting the odd dink 3. any sound tech will know how to approach it 4. you will blend in (visually) with any band 5. if the tone isnt up to what you want is mega easy pimping them Againsts:- 1. you may not like it as much as your Sadowskys 2. other bassplayers will just look at is as a reliced J.... (is that a bad thing..? I dont know...!) 3. some bands may look down their noses at you because you dont play a Fender 4. sound techs may raise thier eyebrows at you when you get a Sadowsky out the bag.... 5. tonally the std J bass may not be a flexible as your Sad. but see 5 above. As to advice to which one to get, my advice would be just dont jump at the first one you see, as there are loads around and some are f***in' amazin', some are very average, and it doesn't matter where they are made, what year they are, or how much they cost - that applies to all of them.[/quote] Thanks mate This is helping to clear things up a little! Although the one thing thats been great about my Sadowsky's is the sound man's reaction to my tone!! they seem to love it! Ive never had that reaction before with other basses... perhaps i should try putting some single coil pickups in my Metro it might give it a more Fender ish kinda vibe! hmmmm
  9. Im having a strange feeling!! Although i have two amazing sadowsky's i can't help having gas for a fender jazz!! Ive even been looking at the road worn series, which is odd for me because im not usually into beaten up basses! .........i know my NYC Sadowsky is a definite keeper so im considering selling my RS4 Metro to get a more vintage sounding Fender!! Does anyone have any good advice or opinions on what to go for? i'll most likely be going for a second hand instrument, either a part ex or straight trade depending on what fender it is! a few questions: Are the new 09's worth the money? should i look for a custom shop model? What about a proper vintage bass? 60's/70's? Any thoughts/ideas would be great Cheers
  10. It would be great to see some of you there!! Contact me or any of the places mentioned on the poster for tickets 07974 317 284
  11. At that price I'm not supprised it went so quickly!!!!
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='543476' date='Jul 17 2009, 06:57 PM']I just checked out where Keighley is and I hadn't realised you were so far down into Yorkshire! As much as anything it was the time to get to you and Saturday is tight for time as it's my work leaving party. Ah well, I'm sure this will get snapped up soon. [/quote] No worries mate! Thanks for trying
  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='543145' date='Jul 17 2009, 12:47 PM']Any chance you could drive North a bit for a meet? [/quote] Not sure on that mate? The mrs does the driving and she's workin most of the weekend! Hmmmmmmm How far are we talkin??
  14. Right I'll knock a tenner off if someone collects this weekend!! How's that sound??
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='539998' date='Jul 14 2009, 08:10 AM']I love the look of these Hamer guitars and for the money they are a steal but I have to confess Chris, that the 'sunburst' on your particular instrument appears to have faded pretty quickly! [/quote] hahahhaaha cheeky! Sunburst is the model name! confusing i know!! great guitars though!
  16. This used to be mine!!! i wish someone would keep hold of it for longer than a few weeks!! its an amazing bass!! if i had the cash i'd have it back in a flash!!
  17. Hey My band needs money for some studio time so unfortunately im having to sell my lovely Hamer! Its in great condition and as you can see its quite the looker!! [attachment=30666:hamer1.jpg] [attachment=30667:hamer4.jpg] Im asking [s]£120[/s] [s]£110[/s] [s] £100 for it![/s] [color="#FF0000"][size=4]£90???[/size][/color] there is no case but i could probably dig out a gig bag or something if needs be. (it might cost you though ) i'd prefer collection only really but im happy to meet up if its pretty local (keighley/bradford/leeds area) anyways if your interested or have any questions just ask my number is 07974 317 284
  18. Anyone fancy popping down tomorrow night then??
  19. out of 40 bands My band Meet Me In Vegas have been voted into the Bingley Music Live Finals!! 4 bands battle it out this sunday for a spot on the bill at Bingley, supporting Editors, Calvin Harris, Reverend and the Makers, The futureheads etc etc please come down and support us! oh and just for a laugh check this promo video out [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0unb1HzBfVw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0unb1HzBfVw[/url] hope you can make it!!!
  20. Ive always played by ear! i will only find some tab online if i really get stuck on a tricky section of a song! i dont know how anyone else feels about this but being able to learn music "by ear" makes it easier for you to jam/improvise as you can react to whatever the band is playing around you! you dont have to have someone tell you what chords are being played etc you just "feel it"
  21. If i had a few grand to spend warwick and fender would be the last things on my list!! for that kind of money you could have an NYC Sadowsky, a Celinder, a US Lakland.......pretty much anything you want! especially If you go for a used instrument
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