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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='Toasted' post='524853' date='Jun 26 2009, 02:03 PM']Hi, sorry no - it belongs to someone else now [/quote] What on earth have you done!!!!?
  2. Tickets are now selling pretty fast for this! Please get in touch on 07974 317 284 to book your ticket/s Cheers
  3. [quote name='Flanker' post='501754' date='May 30 2009, 04:35 PM'][/quote] Hold on a minute!!!! Thats from the bass merchant!! oh man its gorgeous!! Im guessing you bought it then?? do they live up to the hype?
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' post='502055' date='May 31 2009, 03:17 AM']Awsome Marcus..i really want a UV...[/quote] You really cant go wrong with this one!!
  5. [quote name='Marcus' post='501924' date='May 30 2009, 09:37 PM']3 Sadowsky basses is too much for one young lad to handle...... you'd most likely explode or something !! [/quote] Im not that young! Im nearly 28! .............maybe i could handle it! hahaha Good luck with the sale (it wont take long)
  6. You've got me wanting this bass back now Mark!! Its stunning!!
  7. Thank god for that!! i knew it wouldn't last long at that price!
  8. oh man!! i really really want this!! im very tempted to put my metro RS4 up for sale!
  9. Thanks everyone!! did anyone else find it odd that once you voted it didnt really do anything? i expected it to say something or ask you to log in or something so you dont end up with one person voting thousands of times! (now there's an idea hahaha)
  10. Hey everyone! We're on the "short list" to play Bingley Music Live! This year its up to the public to decide which local bands play! Me n my band would love your support! [url="http://www.bingleymusiclive.com/local.php"]http://www.bingleymusiclive.com/local.php[/url] Cheers
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='499211' date='May 27 2009, 07:33 PM']If you want to price your bass that low, thats your perogative, but the trick is to price high then get haggled down.. Im not saying i will get 950 but its a waiting game..[/quote] +1
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='498870' date='May 27 2009, 03:22 PM']Do you think that through the body stringing makes a significant difference?[/quote] Dont even get me started on this subject!!
  13. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='498962' date='May 27 2009, 04:25 PM']Put a BadAss on it.[/quote] I hope your joking!
  14. [quote name='GЯДИК' post='498859' date='May 27 2009, 03:13 PM']I sold mine on here last year for £700, I don't think you'll get £950[/quote] Things change though mate so you never know? I was "forced" to sell my stingrays for £600 each last year but since then ive seen a few go for around £750 or more! suppose its all a case of what someone is willing to pay for it
  15. i A/B'd the BadAss bridge on a few jazz basses a while back and i found it to be a pretty pointless piece of kit (in my opinion) (here come the BadAss gang to kick my head in)
  16. [quote name='PauBass' post='498795' date='May 27 2009, 02:33 PM'] If it was a maple fretboard I'd take it from you but not very keen on dark wood ones. Anyway, have a bump on me... Sadowskys, great basses...Good luck with the sale.[/quote] If its a sound issue then the Morado board on these basses have a very similar sound to the maple ones! its clear and articulate sounding like maple but it's still capable of the warmer sounds too! they're very versatile, dont be fooled by its appearance! bump for a cracking instrument
  17. [quote name='Simon' post='498564' date='May 27 2009, 10:45 AM']Now reduced £200 off my original price. £1000[/quote] Wont last long at that price
  18. [quote name='PauBass' post='498553' date='May 27 2009, 10:31 AM']Possible silly question but what's that square mark on the back of the body? [/quote] its a piece of protective plastic that sadowsky put on to stop buckle rash my NYC still has it on after nearly a year (edit due to spelling)
  19. im amazed that this is still around! if only i had the cash!!
  20. [quote name='Marcus' post='496160' date='May 23 2009, 05:24 PM']Hi Bubinga...... here's your Bass being used as it was intended...... Aguilar DB680 & 728 with a pair of GS410's & a Trace Elliot V8 combo for a bit of side fill (Both Amps feeding FOH with the Trace set up for an overdriven sound) We had a 16k rog FOH & 4k on stage with us...... 1958 Custom Shop Ltd Ed Precision on the stand [/quote] Thats just showing off!! haha
  21. I know what I'd do mate!! I'd give roger sadowsky or jimmy coppollo a call! The Alleva coppollo basses look fantastic! Plus the build times for both would fit in great with your time scale
  22. [quote name='stevieb85' post='495790' date='May 23 2009, 08:35 AM']hell, how many folk have played this bass lol. pretty keen on the bass, have half the money sitting aside, just have to find the rest. just wondering if the paint solid or can you see the wood grain through it?[/quote] Ive got this one! (im the original owner) Its a beautiful transparent red!!
  23. [quote name='greyparrot' post='495864' date='May 23 2009, 10:37 AM']I was looking at a MM 06 LTD great bass, very in your face tone, but at £1400 alot of dosh. Im glad that deal never worked, as i have a sadowsky, which has all the MM and fender tones and many others in one solidly built bass. Well worth trying one, there are one or two in the for sale bit. Not cheap mind still £1100 + 2nd hand, but its great, and the recording quality is amazing and the slap recording is very cool, as you have lots of bottom and searing highs, and no need to tweek the eq at all it sits in the mix great, even bass on bass (bass line and solo) they both cut through and seem to stay sperate and defind with minimal tweeking during recording and playback. never heard that in a bass B4 regarding the slap sound. Have done a couple of slap things with it, when i get a chance to mix it, convert it to mp3 and bung it on my website, ill put the link! Alas a gigging weekend, then painting the house all next week will keep that on hold for a few more days! Also try a GL2000 all the MM and more at half the price. GP.[/quote] +1 couldn't agree more about Sadowsky basses!
  24. My advice is to buy Jobiebass's Trans red ray from the for sale section! It used to be mine and i regret selling it! its light, plays great and is a fantastic example of what a ray should be, plus buying second hand means you will pretty much get what you paid for it if you decide to sell, making it a no risk situation!
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