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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='461702' date='Apr 13 2009, 11:18 PM']So if someone is taking this 5 does that mean there is a 4 going spare? [/quote] Hahaha i wish i had the cash for it mate! although im not sure i'll ever get into playing 5 strings? im pretty sure this bass wont be for sale for long!
  2. hey!! Lovely looking bass mate! im pretty tempted my self actually! one quick thing though........i think it will be a morado fingerboard on this model, not Brazilian rosewood that wood is usually reserved for the NYC basses good luck with the sale!
  3. [quote name='Toasted' post='461243' date='Apr 13 2009, 02:32 PM']I was doing the same thing with my Celinder and Sadowsky over the same loop a couple of nights ago and I just can't seperate them. They're very different basses and are designed to do different things. I could poay my Celinder in any band, anywhere and the tone would fit right in. I didn't want that when I got my Sadowsky - I wanted an absolute chainsaw beast to cut through any band (heavy music) so I went for the most aggressive style, woods and pickups and I'm so happy. It's like a sledgehammer. I love it and it sounds great. I'm already planning my next one (silver burst I think!).[/quote] we still need to hang out sometime man! it would be great to compare basses! i wish i could afford to plan my next sadowsky!! i reckon it'd be an NYC PJ in some metallic or candy colour with matching headstock! hmmmmmmmm i wish the exchange rate wasn't so crap at the moment!!
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' post='460988' date='Apr 13 2009, 05:41 AM']I played my basses against each other this evening over the same loop... and ive come to the conclusion that the bass that stands above everything else is the Sadowsky.. The fender 75 is a class act, and the StingRay5 is awsome, the Lakland is great, the Ostinato is just pure funk,, but nothing touches this bass for amazing across the FB tone.. Its like a tone of butter and chocolate thats got the most incredible punch..i defy any bass to sound as good as my RV5..( a matter of opinion of course) I really do think Roger has the art of Electric Bass making down.....The Preamp is a masterpiece IMHO....coupled with the amazing quality..I think, if you can, everyone should try out a Sadowsky..if you like the tone , you will never look back... I just wanted to share my love. Surely Alleva's cant be that much better? Where's Chris?[/quote] Ey up!! Ive got to agree with you mate! since i got my NYC all other basses ive tried just dont do it for me! apart from my Metro RS4 of course!! The build/sound quality of the Metro range is in my opinion just as good as the NYC! they really know what they're doing! Since getting my RS4 im really happy!! i dont see me changing them for a long time! unless someone sells me an Alleva Coppollo!! hahahhaaha
  5. [quote name='james' post='461118' date='Apr 13 2009, 11:59 AM']My other Sadowsky, this was made for Francisco Centeno bass player for Aretha Franklin [attachment=23693:My_New_Basses_0049.jpg][attachment=23694:My_New_Basses_0051.jpg][attachment=23696: My_New_B...s_0052_2.jpg][/quote] Crikey!! Thats an old one!! Number 210! Wow! How much did that cost? if you dont mind me asking
  6. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='460469' date='Apr 12 2009, 11:43 AM']I can't promise to hold this till the end of the month or until your bass sells etc. and that isn't a personal attack to those who have shown interest and subsequently had to back out as these things happen but the bass is available to the first person with funds... money talks etc. I'm travelling down to York on Wednesday so I can arrange a meet etc if you are Northern or I can pack it up and have it shipped off Tuesday if you can clear payment before then. If this doesn't sell before then I'll either stick it on eBay or keep it till the economy recovers a bit by which time this model will probably have gone up in price again! There's always still the option of taking this bass and my cash and I'll have your Sadowsky or similar quality bass. Have a nice Bank Holiday weekend. [/quote] Ahhhhh sadowsky's!! you know your doing the right thing! Have you decided which model your after? (NYC, Metro, UV, Modern etc)
  7. [quote name='Foxx' post='460464' date='Apr 12 2009, 11:41 AM']I've got a ken taylor 5 string, and its bloody brilliant bass, only thing for me is i find the body a bit cramped, with two MM pickups on there and a 24 fret neck, to this end i'd swap for a california JM5 if i had the chance, as i guess i'm more used to traditional Fender shaped basses than more modern styled ones. In terms of sound and build quality they can't be faulted though in my book.[/quote] Im not saying they're not well made, just that they didnt feel right (for me) And the way that the beautiful finish was destroyed on a few of them was plain wrong (again in my opinion) If im gonna have a beaten up bass i want it to at least have happened naturally threw heavy use/gigging etc other wise its like buying an expensive pair of jeans that already have holes in them (how old do i sound now! dam it!) lol
  8. [quote name='tombboy' post='460452' date='Apr 12 2009, 11:24 AM']Only two in the whole world![/quote] and i can see why................. just kidding mate!
  9. [quote name='Legion' post='460405' date='Apr 12 2009, 10:26 AM']Cheers Chris. Bought from the Bass Gallery - I took a trip there to try out a couple of Sadowskys Alex had in stock but neither was quite my thing. However he did get in another 2 from the USA a few days later, so I went back and got to unwrap them and try 'em out fresh from the box! This was the winner. EBS_freak - the case is the Sadowsky Ultralight case that the metro's are sold in. Lovely case really, nice interior, quite roomy and very light. J[/quote] Ahhh nice one! i keep checking the gallery's website for updates on their sadowsky stock but it never seems to change! (not like i need another one!) They're great basses! Apart from the Alleva Coppolo's (which i'll probably never see in the flesh) i only have gas for sadowsky's! everything else ive tried recently has just disappointed me (Sandberg, USA standard and reissue fender, Spector, blah blah blah)
  10. Hey Just been checking out some of the links from the Alleva Copplolo website! There's some great factory tour style sections with step by step pics etc i found it really interesting to see just how much detail they go into! here's a refret [url="http://allevacoppolo.com/services/refret"]http://allevacoppolo.com/services/refret[/url] and a fingerboard replacement [url="http://allevacoppolo.com/services/fingerboard-replacement"]http://allevacoppolo.com/services/fingerboard-replacement[/url] i also found this video of Paul Turner and his lovely bass! [url="http://mediaweb.musicradio.com/Show.asx?Episode=1492"]http://mediaweb.musicradio.com/Show.asx?Episode=1492[/url] what a fantastic sound!! i wish i could afford one!!
  11. [quote name='Legion' post='460392' date='Apr 12 2009, 10:13 AM']I bought this very recently after being seduced by the balance, build quality and huge clarity of sound [attachment=23647:IMGP1831.JPG] Loving it![/quote] looks bloody lovely mate!! well done!! where did you buy it from?
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='460219' date='Apr 11 2009, 11:33 PM']£500 for a used Mexican Jazz? The colour may be unusual and I agree that the look is good but I took a mate to GuitarGuitar in Newcastle and he picked up a 'brand new' (old stock 2008) Mexican Jazz for £349... so not sure about your price affirmation! [/quote] Yeah actually thinking about it i must have just blacked out for a minute when i posted that!! Its mexican!! its not good value for money!! and its pink for christ's sake!! lol
  13. i like the look of this! especially for that price [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Reissue-Burgundy-Mist-4-String-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ250402482158QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item250402482158&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1688%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Reissue-...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url]
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='460117' date='Apr 11 2009, 08:54 PM']Hey! You forgot this! [/quote] hahahhahaha!! as you can tell i like these >!!! haha
  15. ive really got into metallic and Candy colours lately!! i reckon my next bass will either be Ice Blue metallic with matching head or Candy Apple Red/Orange!!
  16. Hey I was checking out a few sandbergs in my local PMT yesterday! ive gotta say i was pretty disappointed!! my expectations were quite high! i especially disliked the really over done "aged" look on a number of the models in stock!! Its just awful!! (its only my opinion, which never really mattered anyway lol) that and the ones i tried just felt dead and really heavy!! any thoughts on sandbergs in general?? i really, really wanted to like them!! The one thing that saves Sandberg for me is the new model on their website! [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/"]http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/[/url] its called UMBO!! it looks great in the white finish!! (almost larry graham inspired! in an odd way!) i nice new take on the J bass theme!! i look forward to trying one!
  17. [quote name='eubassix' post='459652' date='Apr 10 2009, 10:08 PM']Confirmed taker for the Sadowsky (pp).[/quote] I Knew that wouldn't take long!! Lovely looking bass!
  18. [quote name='Toasted' post='457937' date='Apr 8 2009, 11:11 PM']How did you end up playing on the recorded version for them Chris? [/quote] the story goes a little something like this........ A friend of mine (Jimmy from Ocelot mthrfkrs) produced The Secret Handshake's first album (one full year) they needed some bass for a song (Lately) on that album while they were in texas........Jimmy called me up, sent me an mp3 as a guide track i recorded some bass, Luis (The Secret Handshake) loved it!!! i didnt get paid for that one! i was just happy to be on his record!! i'd been a fan for quite a while already by that point! 18 months later when he needed a bass player for the new record who's he gonna call..........? This time we agreed on a session fee it was all done over the internet and ichat He keeps sayin i should go on tour with them sometime!! that would be amazing!!! Anyway hows things with you mate??
  19. [quote name='steve-soar' post='457916' date='Apr 8 2009, 10:44 PM']Yeah, what he just said, plus one. I'm made up for ya.[/quote] Cheers!! Seeing my name in print on the CD cover is the next exciting bit!!
  20. [quote name='Legion' post='454575' date='Apr 5 2009, 11:36 AM']There's no Rabbit to be seen here - but there is some Chocolate! Gigged this rig Friday night and it sounded marvelous. I'm done with gear swapping (for 10 minutes at least). [attachment=23350:Chocolate2.jpg][/quote] Looks fanbloodytastic mate!! i have a DB410 in the same chocolatey finish!! beautiful aren't they!!! ive gotta say that the Aguilar AG500's are just sublime!! i cant see me changing my main amp for a long while! Oooooh and nice Sadowsky in the background!!
  21. [quote name='jmstone' post='457870' date='Apr 8 2009, 10:05 PM']Congrats! I still prefer MMIV tho! James[/quote] Cheers mate!! i do too if am honest! i hope we get as big as The Secret Handshake one day!!
  22. Thanks guys! its great that soooo many people are listening to me play!!
  23. hey!! a song that i played bass on has has had [s]over half a million plays in under a month!![/s] NOW OVER A MILLION PLAYS!! not bad going!! Check it out! [url="http://www.myspace.com/thesecrethandshake"]http://www.myspace.com/thesecrethandshake[/url] its called "Saturday" its a pretty simple pop song but i dont care im just happy everyone seems to be loving it!!! ooh i played on "all for you" and "TGIF" as well!! The album is now out in the states and im hoping to get some copies soon Oh and here's a shameless plug for my band while im at it!! [url="http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic[/url]
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