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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='molan' post='434142' date='Mar 13 2009, 08:35 PM']I liked the second one best - you know, the one without any of the band in it, allowed me to just stare at the Aggie Spot the old bloke who hasn't concentrated on the singer's appendages [/quote] Oooooh yeah that Aguilar!! She's a beauty!!
  2. Haha the above comment was sent from my iPod touch so somehow it's got lost in the quote from panda LOL Oops
  3. [quote name='Panda' post='432395' date='Mar 12 2009, 01:34 PM']From a photographic perspective there's a couple of cardinal sins committed here. drummer wacking back of singer's head, halo behind singer (I know it's the cymbal the drummer is playing), some flying cards are distractions rather than add. The band appears to be playing whilst the singer stands aloof and stiff in a somewhat condescending royal pose - ah but that's what singers do don't they Having said that, the pictures are not bad, really good in fact Lighting is very well done, plenty detail retained in shadows and (most) highlights. Oops this is starting to be a photographic critique. If the pictures convey the image the band wants to portray then you've been very successful. Having listened to your music, which I enjoyed very much, think more dynamic for your next photo shoot. You could make the Vegas theme bigger (showgirls, neonlights, showgirls, one armed bandits, showgirls, etc,). Ok maybe just the neons, moody lighting and the singer dressed as a showgirl just the tuppence worth of an old codger .. Again cracking advice Thank you Given the right budget we would have done many of the ideas you mentioned, we had already thought up some similar things ourselves but we had limits on what we could do, it's not rolling stone magazine after all Thank you for the nice comments about our music [/quote]
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='432374' date='Mar 12 2009, 01:19 PM']Much more eloquently expressed, Sir. Exactly what was in my mind... Er...and what's the myspace address?[/quote] www.myspace.com/mmivmusic
  5. [quote name='spinynorman' post='432371' date='Mar 12 2009, 01:15 PM']I guess he's thinking that most people don't voluntarily set themselves up to be mauled in public. You deserve credit for that and also for taking the criticism in such a positive spirit. Leaving aside all the costume and setting stuff, in the last picture you all look natural and relaxed, like you're comfortable with what you're being asked to do. In the first picture you don't. That is the most difficult thing to do and it's down to the photographer to create a setting in which you can deliver that and they can capture it. That would be thing to work on the next time.[/quote] Ahh I see That's great advice! As with most things we'll get better with more experience and advice One of the main reason I put these on here is because I respect all your opinions and I knew I could learn something!
  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='432334' date='Mar 12 2009, 12:39 PM']Any way you look at it, pretty brave to put this up here...[/quote] What makes you say that mate?
  7. [quote name='neilb' post='432274' date='Mar 12 2009, 11:37 AM']To the OP: You guys perhaps should dress more in the same style as yer lady there..... and possibly have a shot with her at the back or the side, not foreground. Nice clean pics tho!![/quote] Yeah hopefully we'll try dressing like that next time we had limited budget, time etc so we did the best we could with what we had i cant wait for the next shoot now so we can try to include some of the above suggestions! Cheers
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='432008' date='Mar 11 2009, 10:54 PM']see I was intreagued and went and had a look at your myspace. the music's nae bad. The wee profile pics down the side of your page are great. The ones youve stuck here I dont like as much. The wee ones show you in your gear playing live, it looks natural and fun. The big one manages to bleach out all the colour of your singer. Compare her in red on a dk background to white on white. Also where you have tried to get away from a live shot it just seems like a live shot on a white background. Whats the concept. The cards and jigsaw pieces look odd, my guess is that at least some of them are photoshoped in. Also were they 2 separate photos stitched together? My guess is if the singer is standing where shes supposed to be you are a floating giant with an amp levitating a foot off the floor.... I may be wrong here though[/quote] hahaahahahh that last bit really made me laugh! we are stood in what i think is known as a cove! a room that has rounded corners so you cant see where the room ends!! its crazy when you first walk in! Oh and this is all ONE shot with nothing added afterwards! All the Playing cards and Casino chips were just thrown onto the floor randomly! the cards in the air were thrown by our lovely assistants just as the shot was taken! Id like to thank everyone for their feedback! its really helpful to know what we've done right/wrong so next time we can make a better job of it! cheers guys
  9. [quote name='fumps' post='431576' date='Mar 11 2009, 03:17 PM']Hey man well i really like them. Like you say, big differance from a load of people trying (And usually failing to look not interested) against some urban direpaired wall somewhere. You have made an effort . I like them.[/quote] Thank you mate! We all got fed up of looking at photo's of bands trying to look hard! its depressing! haha if any of the previous negative posters have photo's of their bands then get em posted on here and show me how it should be done!!!
  10. Thanks for all the feedback both + and - Its our first ever shoot so we're still learning! 99% of bands just stand against a brick wall wearing hoodies so at least we made a bit of effort! i expect some will love and some will hate it but im totally fine with that bare in mind that this shoot cost us nothing and was put together quickly as we needed some shots that looked better than just us playin a gig or whatever.
  11. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='431516' date='Mar 11 2009, 02:06 PM']Damn. Why didn't I think of that? This is usually when you tell us she's only fifteen!![/quote] And i thought this was basschat!! lol She's in her twenties! dont worry lol
  12. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='431499' date='Mar 11 2009, 01:59 PM']Isn't it about now that I say something grossly inappropriate?[/quote] Fire away mate! Might stir up some controversy! heaven forbid!! hahaha
  13. We had a photoshoot last weekend! thought i'd post a few pics to get some feedback! [attachment=21817:MMIV_15.jpg] [attachment=21818:MMIV_3.jpg] [attachment=21819:MMIV_B_W.jpg] [attachment=21820:MMIV_4.jpg] oooh by the way the band's called Meet Me In Vegas Check us out at www.myspace.com/mmivmusic Cheers
  14. Hey [attachment=21813:MMIV_15.jpg] We're Playing at the Cockpit tonight! Come on down and have a beer with us! Check us out at www.myspace.com/mmivmusic We're playing with a great band called Defend Moscow! www.myspace.com/defendmoscow Doors open around 7pm we'll be on at around 8 ish Look forward to seeing you there Cheers Chris
  15. This is a top bass! Its being sold by a top bloke! loads of people put things up for sale not quite knowing what the current market value is! CrazyKiwi is well within his right to get as much as he can for his bass!! if an offer comes along that sounds about right to him then everyone is happy! If i was after a Celinder i would expect this bass to be worth around £2000 and thats what i'd offer but thats just me!! best of luck with the sale mate!
  16. [quote name='Marcus' post='425887' date='Mar 5 2009, 10:38 AM']I think Chris and I are on our 3rd deal...... easy sale of my GK head to chris, a real pleasure to deal with. He also gave me a copy of his band's demo CD...... excellent stuff and some nifty bass playing for Chris...... very John Taylor (Duran Duran) ATB Mark[/quote] Thanks mate! thats a great compliment! Glad you liked the CD!
  17. I'd Buy a sadowsky pj hybrid It's got a slim jazz style neck and it will have all the sounds you'll ever need
  18. just bought a GK head of Mark! yet another cracking deal! Thanks again for delivering it mate!
  19. If it helps at all my alder/rosewood NYC Sadowsky and my Ash/Maple Metro UV70 sound pretty flippin different to me! both solo and in the mix! they have the same pickups and preamp! i can really hear the difference that the wood is making! the main difference seems to be the way the different woods affect the mid response! the ash/maple seems to have much more upper mids that the alder/rosewood.
  20. [quote name='Simon' post='420663' date='Feb 27 2009, 10:19 AM']Very tempted if I can find a buyer for my Sadowsky Metro 5 string (no VTC) Sorry for the hijack [/quote] Beautiful bass mate!! The UV is now sold pending the usual!
  21. [quote name='Simon' post='420130' date='Feb 26 2009, 03:06 PM']Hi Chris, VTC installed? cheers[/quote] Yes mate! The VTC comes as standard on the UV's
  22. [quote name='birdy' post='419346' date='Feb 25 2009, 03:35 PM'][attachment=21053:DSC00002_2_.jpg] Heres the latest arrival![/quote] Now that is lovely!! Where'd you get it from Steve?
  23. [quote name='Toasted' post='419348' date='Feb 25 2009, 03:37 PM']It's lovely and sunny today, I really should take some pictures of mine.[/quote] Yeah why are you hiding it from us mate?? haha have you seen the Sadowsky in stock page??? Argh!! GASSSSSSSS!!!! haha
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