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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. Very tempted to get one of these! follow the below link, go to the online shop section then go to stock basses then to t-bass (couldn't get a direct link to work) [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/carts3/frames/frame3.htm"]http://www.status-graphite.com/status/cart...ames/frame3.htm[/url] has anyone played one? thoughts and comments are welcome
  2. Im sure there's way more members of basschat who own a Sadowsky or 2! (maybe even 3) Come on guys get some pics up!
  3. Thats great news!! customer service IS still alive in the UK after all!!! Glad you got it sorted mate! good luck with getting them to back you and your band too
  4. [quote name='Matte_black' post='375702' date='Jan 9 2009, 10:22 PM']If you like my basses we could find a deal [/quote] Hi Although your basses do look lovely they're just not my style really. Im into traditional looks but with modern build and sound everyone should check out his basses though at www.prometeusguitars.com
  5. Withdrawn because ive come into some cash and i can probably just about afford to keep this and get a 5 string! Good ey? Im a happy man!
  6. Five times your monthly salary????!!!!! CRIKEY!! you'll be needing me to buy your RV5 then!! hahahha
  7. any more interest? might stick it on ebay in a week or so
  8. Im starting to GAS for the new 5 string PJ hybrid Sadowsky Metro that will be shown at NAMM!! (Jazz body P+J pickups)
  9. [quote name='NJE' post='371483' date='Jan 5 2009, 10:27 PM']About time I think, and for me the worst possible thread that could come along when I am a) GAS-ing like mad for a Sadowsky and b.) Poor Anyway I will really enjoy watching this thread progress has to be the best one so far with the possible exception of the Wal thread. I really really want a Sadowsky. Just before I leave, does anyone have both the Metro and NYC bass? I would really like to read an honest comparison/review/opinion of the two. I know everyone says they are the sadowsky if you just want the basic options but cant help wonder if the NYC made by Rogers crew are slightly better. All stunning basses though, love the red one.[/quote] Ive got to be honest and say that i cant choose between my NYC and my Metro! they're both great basses! they're both very different because of the body/fingerboard woods and pick up positions so its hard to say which sounds better! from a build quality point of view there's nothing in it! not between my 2 anyway! my Metro UV70 is extremely well made!! My advice would be to go to a shop like Guitar Guitar in Newcastle/Glasgow and try the Metros out! if they have one in a colour/wood combo that takes your fancy then there's seriously no need to pay the extra money for an NYC especially now the exchange rate is so bad!
  10. [quote name='bennifer' post='371242' date='Jan 5 2009, 06:51 PM']Hmmm, whatever it would cost to get me a second hand DD3... know of anyone selling!?[/quote] sorry mate i dont i'll let you know if i see one
  11. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='371179' date='Jan 5 2009, 05:52 PM']I've had an explore and couldn't find any for less than £2,159. Maybe a pm is better for this stuff? Peter[/quote] yeah my apologies to the original poster for hijacking the thread! i didnt think! sorry
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' post='371232' date='Jan 5 2009, 06:39 PM']My RV5,,with VTC, Great bass..what a tone.....[/quote] Crap!! i want that one too!!
  13. [quote name='birdy' post='371227' date='Jan 5 2009, 06:28 PM']^^ Very Good Here is Sadowsky Number 4. I believe that our very own Mr.Cougar now has this bass after a short spell of ownership by Richardd..... [attachment=18167:3948_body.jpg] [attachment=18168:3948_body1.jpg] [attachment=18169:3948_full.jpg][/quote] now there's a bass i'd like to own!!!! Where's Mr Cougar?? you selling it mate?? (long shot)
  14. very very nice mate!! here's mine!! [attachment=18159:NYC.JPG] [attachment=18160:UV70.JPG] [attachment=18161:2_SADOWSKY__S.JPG]
  15. [quote name='bennifer' post='371153' date='Jan 5 2009, 05:30 PM']Bringing this back up![/quote] would you sell this pedal mate?? if so how much do ya want for it?
  16. Wow! thanks for the nice comments guys!! If anyone wants a free CD just PM me and i'll slip one in the post! cheers
  17. hi edited my post for all the right reasons good luck with the sale
  18. ooooooh!!! looking forward to seeing pics of this!!!
  19. [quote name='Marcus' post='368261' date='Jan 2 2009, 10:02 AM']5......4.......3.......2......1... here comes CHRISDABASS [/quote] HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA and here i am!!! Happy new year Marcus! still waiting for my session cheque to arrive or for someone to buy my UV70 though so i cant buy this or any other bass just yet!
  20. right now im learning Sophie Ellis-Bextor's murder on the dance floor (played by Guy Pratt) its a great bassline! real fun to play! ooh and its in issue 40 jan/feb of Bass Guitar Magazine!!
  21. im very interested!! cant wait till my cheque comes through! lets hope this bass is still here in a few weeks!!
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