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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. Well ive got to say they both look amazing!! ive never really been into Shuker basses until i saw these! they look great together well done mate
  2. [quote name='Captain Bassman' post='366874' date='Dec 31 2008, 09:44 AM']Well, I was a good boy all year so imagine my disappointment on Christmas morning when I didn't find a nice, shiny new Metro UV70 under the tree. So, sod you Santa! I've gawn and bought one meself! Happy Christmas me!!!!!!!![/quote] good choice! i have the same bass but with pearl blocks! its fantastic! although im now thinking of gettin a five string sadowsky! anyone got one to trade? lol
  3. [quote name='bubinga5' post='363708' date='Dec 26 2008, 02:57 PM']Hey Chris,, what 5 you got ur eye on?..there is a beautifull NYC standard in stock at Sadowsky..number 5193..WOW..if i could i would!![/quote] Yeah i'd love an NYC 5! im not after any particular one to be honest! im just hoping something nice comes along! if i sell this im seriously considering going for an NYC! hang on! you have a metro 5 dont you?? fancy a swap??
  4. Hey!! hope you all had a great christmas!! anyone else interested in my beautiful bass??
  5. Hey if your in leeds tonight (13/12/2008) come down the the Cardigan arms and have a beer with us! here's a link to our music www.myspace.com/mmivmusic doors open at 7.30ish and we're on at 8.15 hope to see you there cheers
  6. [quote name='stonecoldbass' post='353007' date='Dec 12 2008, 07:09 PM']I've got a black RV5 with rosewood board.......but you can't have it!!! Haha! ;-) craig[/quote] HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for that! lol i dont like black that much anyway anyway!!
  7. [quote name='Quatschmacher' post='352518' date='Dec 12 2008, 10:57 AM']Fair enough, thanks for the reply. Having never had the fortune to play a Sadowsky perhaps you could tell me - does it nail the passive Fender tone?[/quote] well! to be honest thats not exactly what roger sadowsky set out to do with his basses! he intended to improve on the jazz bass sound/look/feel etc and in my opinion he's done a remarkable job! you can get a sound thats pretty close if you use passive mode and the VTC but i'd say if you want a fender jazz bass tone then get a fender jazz bass! if you want a more refined sounding instrument then get a sadowsky
  8. [quote name='Quatschmacher' post='352040' date='Dec 11 2008, 06:48 PM']If someone would just buy my house (without trying to rip me off) then I'd buy this in an instant! Chris, just wondering why you were looking for an RV5 as opposed to a UV5, I'd be interested to know.[/quote] well i prefer the look and feel of the smaller body. thats it really! the UV's are full fender size while the MV and RV's are slightly downsized.
  9. [quote name='jmstone' post='351383' date='Dec 11 2008, 12:10 AM']Great songs! Great playing! The way the vocals mix sound a bit weird - could it be that they are too dry? The "ambience" seems to be lost... I am sure with a decent engineer it would sound fantastic tho. J Edit: by the way, the name is really great [/quote] hey thanks for your comment. i know what you mean about the mix being a bit strange..............the whole thing was recorded and mixed by me and the guitarist in his attic and we dont really know what we're doing! haha i'd love to work with a professional engineer! we couldn't afford to do that though unfortunately. im hoping someone else might pay for us to go to a proper studio one day!
  10. Hey Dave! your bass looks lovely mate! its really refreshing to see a newbie to the forum making such an effort with info and pics etc! i wish you all the luck in the world with your sale (heck even im tempted!!)
  11. [quote name='roonjuice' post='351073' date='Dec 10 2008, 06:08 PM']i'm interested whats the price bud?[/quote] why is everyone afraid to make offers these days?? lol well it cost me nearly £1700 less than 6 months ago! you can get UV70's for around £1600 now due to the VAT changing see prices here [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars.asp?brandname=Sadowsky"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...ndname=Sadowsky[/url] its mint! so id say its gotta be worth £1250-£1300 all day long! thats less than the standard models see here [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=08081610255329"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...=08081610255329[/url] as you can maybe tell im not that keen on selling it unless someone is prepared to make a serious and sensible offer! im not here to muck about lol
  12. [quote name='flippyfloop' post='350803' date='Dec 10 2008, 02:57 PM']OMG. I want one of these sooooo much. Do you have a price in mind ?[/quote] well a bass may have just come up that i want! but i'd need to buy it as the seller doesnt want another UV70 lol so im now open to cash offers as well as trades for sadowsky 5 strings
  13. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='349623' date='Dec 9 2008, 12:42 PM']Sounds great mate. To my ears the vocals seem to be getting a bit lost in the mix for one or two of the tracks, don’t know if that's just me though? - Probably just the MySpace music player Her voice really complements the style though, it's sounding great man [/quote] cheers for the kind words mate yeah i think myspace's music player isnt the best as im sure they were loud enough before they went on myspace................im off for another listen just to check lol
  14. Hey one of my on going projects requires me to tune this bass down nearly all the time so i thought it might make more sense to get a 5 string! its a totally awesome bass! gorgeous sound and playability etc! so im probably gonna regret offering it up for trade! .......anyway see pics [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22889&hl=sadowsky"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=sadowsky[/url] i bought it new in july and its still in brand new condition! Trade wise all i want is a sadowsky RV5 or an equivalent NYC model! (i would add cash to the deal for an NYC obviously) any colour considered but it must have a rosewood board! i dont want any other make of bass so please dont offer anything else! cheers
  15. i'd say give the sadowsky blue label stainless steels a try! they work out at about 14 quid a set and they have a fabulous tone! or if you have the money go for some DR highbeams or fatbeams ive tried nearly everything out there! sadowsky's and DR's have been the best for me.
  16. im sure this jazz used to be mine!! its a lovely bass! fantastic neck!!
  17. [quote name='Currrls' post='342365' date='Dec 1 2008, 09:01 PM']as much as i try i just can't ignore the name on the headstock lol. lets face it. half of the reason for buying this bass is so that i dont have to wear something that says 'squire' on it around my neck[/quote] the other day i played a new squire in my local shop that really made me rethink squires in general!! it was awesome!! a squire standard series p bass with a jazz pickup at the bridge! it played really well! lovely jazz width neck! and for 200 quid?? seemed like a bargin to me! im very impressed with what they can make for so little money these days!
  18. [quote name='ped' post='341138' date='Nov 30 2008, 02:12 PM']Kev, don't worry about student debts. You can't avoid them. Keep the bass otherwise that £900 will disappear really quickly and you will end up still in debt but without a bass. If you truly think it is the best bass you have played, save yourself money in the long run and keep hold of it... ped[/quote] +1 keep hold of it Kev! you'll regret getting rid of it man!!
  19. The jazz bass i bought off Neil was real a corker!! he seems to pick really good fenders!! dont hesitate on trying/buying this one!
  20. [quote name='3V17C' post='335533' date='Nov 24 2008, 02:42 PM']i say again........ these internet based paid sessions sound good - any recommended sites etc to get hooked up with people? peace c[/quote] Like Birdy said i doubt there's much of this sort of work around and if im honest i wouldn't know where to start! i was very lucky! 2 years ago a friend of mine produced this artists last album and called me up when he needed help with the bass on one of the songs! i helped him out and was very happy just to be involved as im a big fan of his music! 2 years later im doing the whole record!
  21. [quote name='Josh' post='335516' date='Nov 24 2008, 02:33 PM']I'll hazard a guess and say that the Metros have more mids as opposed to the NYC's, I love mine because I dig in alot and it is pure Hi-Fi growl heaven, but it can lack warmth at times, and I'm guessing thats what the Metros provide. What say you Chris?[/quote] i would say the mids on my metro come from the wood combination! ash/maple my NYC is Alder/rosewood so is warmer and less in your face sounding! i wouldnt say that there would be a whole lot of difference between the 2 if they had the same wood combo's!!
  22. [quote name='OldGit' post='335469' date='Nov 24 2008, 01:51 PM']Forgive my techie numptyness but ... So they send you a logicpro file and you add a track to that and send it back?[/quote] he sends me MP3's which i import into logic, i then record my bass, send him an MP3 of his track with my bass on so he can make any suggestions or comments! then when he's happy i bounce just my bass track down in his preferred file format and send it across! we talk most days on ichat to keep up to date with how things are going! that way we both know exactly whats going on!
  23. [quote name='jakesbass' post='335459' date='Nov 24 2008, 01:41 PM']which reminds me Chrisdabass, register as a performer with PPL, just ring them up and ask for a PID (performer Identity Number) and they will collect and deliver to you your performance fees from radio play etc. Their number is 020 7534 1000 They are a licensing body and all the work they do is good stuff IMO. It would also be in your interest to join the MU and get the standard session contracts and get your guy to sign them, this will ensure you get your rights as the aforementioned PID is recorded on the contract. Jake[/quote] Thats great advice!! thanks a lot mate! i'll get on the phone tomorrow and have a word!
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