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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='Toasted' post='335328' date='Nov 24 2008, 10:19 AM']I know Chris thinks different, but I'd really advise try before you buy on the Metro's [/quote] maybe i was just really lucky? i did have marcus trying them out for me in newcastle, he recommended one and i bought it! oh and after buying the metro i only waited about 2-3 months before i ordered my NYC! i'll be honest with you when it comes to recording i almost always end up using my metro UV70! seriously give em try!!
  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='335339' date='Nov 24 2008, 10:40 AM']Do you have a music lawyer? Have you given this person the intellectual rights to your music. Say if one of your bass lines was to be used on a video game or sampled into a huge hit or used in a TV campaign, what sort of deal do you have with this person. I think £1000 for 10 tracks is a good deal for the guy in the US.[/quote] nah i dont have a lawyer. wouldn't this cost me a lot of money? im pretty happy with the £1000 to be honest and so is the artist! my plan is that if i keep him sweet he'll come back to me for his next record which will have a bigger budget and i can then charge more for my time! and there's a chance of a tour at some point too so that'll be fun.
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='335294' date='Nov 24 2008, 09:14 AM']Sounds interesting ... What recording gear do you need to do this?[/quote] i currently use a trace elliot v-type pre to send my bass to a MOTU 828mk2 that then sends the audio signal into logic pro on my mac! the sound then comes back at me via some Event TR8xl's.
  4. cheers for all the advice guys!! well we finally agreed on what im being paid! at first i was offered 1000 Dollars for 10 tracks! i was cheeky and said i wanted 1000 Pounds! he agreed to it so im pretty happy! i dont call that bad considering its my first paid work and its not taking very long to do! i reckon this should open some doors for me!
  5. as the topic description says i got my first paid session job today!! its a whole album of pop/electro songs for a guy in the old US of A! (i cant really mention who it is yet) he sends me 2 versions of each track over the internet, one with "guide bass" and one with no bass at all. I then do my bit and send it back to him! it seems pretty straight forward really! it just seems strange that someone wants to pay me for doing something i love! he also mentioned a US tour!!!!! now that would be crazy!!!! so back to the question! how much do you get paid for session work? cheers
  6. you cant beat a good sadowsky!! but i would say that!!! lol nice to see you getting along with it! looks like a fantastic bass! (i almost bought it myself)
  7. how about a G&L JB2 [url="http://www.glguitars.com/"]http://www.glguitars.com/[/url]
  8. I'd say this is a bargin!!! just the bridge and pickups would cost about £120 someone get it bought!!
  9. We (Meet Me In Vegas) Played at The Stone Roses Bar in York on friday night with Radio Gypsy! It was a pretty small pub but it turned out to be a great venue! it was our first ever gig and it went really well! thank god! haha! not a bad turn out either! [attachment=16040:DSCF3126.JPG]
  10. while they are great for the money i will say i had a few small issues with mine! now im not saying that they're all like mine but.... mine was rather heavy and had a pretty bad problem with noisey pickups/interference it was however put together very well! especially for the price! i'd say go and try one or maybe a few of them and find the best one for you!
  11. Hey! Just bought a few cables From Dave! i couldn't have asked for a better service or better quality cables! and the price?? fantastic!! expect some more orders in the future mate!! i plan to use your cables for everything! Thanks again!!
  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='326553' date='Nov 11 2008, 10:13 AM']Hey Chris, I was wondering when you'd show up I think I'm going to have to try the Metros at GG in Newcastle to see if I like them, really.[/quote] Hey I can't say that they're for everyone as we're all so different! definitely worth a try though
  13. To me the through body stringing never made a huge difference and probably only ever made up for the poor fender parts and construction etc! get all the elements right (sadowsky) and there's no need for through body at all! just my opinion! but that doesn't make me right! If your happy with a Fender then thats all that matters!
  14. [quote name='Toasted' post='326537' date='Nov 11 2008, 09:54 AM']Ah. Balls. You only live around the corner too.[/quote] PM'd!
  15. [quote name='Toasted' post='326515' date='Nov 11 2008, 09:13 AM']Wanted To Trade: My Aguilar DB750, genuine UK model (not a re-wired US import), 2006 model, serial number 2025, just had a full re-tube with original replacement tubes and a full going over and 100% bill-of-health by my local esteemed tech. My trade value for this is £1100 For: Your AG500 (or similar spec high end amp) + cash on your end to meet my trade value. Picture here: [url="http://www.josephpurcell.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/celinderrig.jpg"]http://www.josephpurcell.pwp.blueyonder.co...celinderrig.jpg[/url] (although, it's now in the rather more fashionable and expensive appropriately sized Aguilar Headcase and not the Gator 3u you see here (cost to me £120).[/quote] Joe......you know you should be swapping this for my Mesa Big Block 750 don't you??? im up for it if you are mate
  16. Hey! i fully agree with everything Marcus and Phagor have said! After listening to all the hype i put my faith in roger sadowsky and ordered my metro UV70 without even playing it! (i suppose i did have the advantage that marcus had already tried it and said it was a excellent bass) cheers mate! i honestly could not be happier with it! the playability, the sound, the feel, the fit and finish etc are easily as good as my NYC!! so much so that my next bass is probably gonna be a one of the new metro PJ 5 strings! (jazz body PJ pickups released early next year) i would recommend a trip to guitar guitar! they seem dedicated to really doing this sadowsky thing properly! and they're service is second to none in my experience! or you could pay me a visit in sunny yorkshire? i'd be happy to let you try mine out! here's what guitar guitar have in at the moment [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars.asp?brandname=Sadowsky"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...ndname=Sadowsky[/url] i think it would be worth making a day of it and trying all the sadowsky's they have! you wont find anywhere else with that much stock! in fact looking at that page is giving me GAS again!! lol ooooh and as phagor mentioned the VTC is a must!! it really does make all the difference when your after those vintage style tones or if you just want to tame the high end a little! if you find a bass you want at guitar guitar that doesn't have the VTC they can fit one for you as they are a registered sadowsky service centre! good ey? Good luck mate! keep me updated on what you decide to do!
  17. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='325292' date='Nov 9 2008, 02:33 PM']I want it but I can't have it. How about some pictures anyway.[/quote] Yeah i'd love to see pics of this too!!
  18. [quote name='2wheeler' post='324577' date='Nov 7 2008, 11:06 PM']I should be able to get there about 8:30. My most recognisable feature is ... I am 6'7" See you there.[/quote] oh man!!!! thats awesome!! ive just been told thats its a late bar so we might end up on at 9 ish! see you there mate cheers!
  19. Hey everyone!! i dont need this anymore so im moving it on! no idea what make it is? or if that matters?! i bought it for £10 from Sibob i think!? yours for £10 including postage! ooh that includes the screws too!!
  20. Just sold him my BBE opto stomp! the deal couldn't have been any smoother!! fast, secure payment and great communication! nice one!! cheers mate!
  21. hey!! if your in the york area on friday the 14th of november you should come along to the stone roses bar in York where my band (Meet Me In Vegas) will be playin our first ever gig!! you can check us out here [url="http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic[/url] we are supporting a band called Radio Gypsy! they're awesome! check them out on myspace too!!!! [url="http://www.myspace.com/radiogypsyfm"]http://www.myspace.com/radiogypsyfm[/url] anyway i think we're playing around half 8 or 9 ish! it would be great to see someone from basschat there! come and say hi if you get chance! cheers guys! chrisdabass


    just bought his trace v-type preamp! it came unbelievably well packed and i got it for a great price! Barrie is a top bloke!! excellent to deal with too! thanks mate!
  23. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='321311' date='Nov 3 2008, 08:40 PM']I tried it before buying the XL cabs, think it handles 100w less IIRC and flakes out earlier, i used a 500w head so needed more power handling. Think they're good for the money though. There's this on ebay at the mo too : [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hartke-HA2500-Transporter-115TP-Cab_W0QQitemZ270277419444QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item270277419444&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hartke-HA2500-Transp...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url] Get the lot!!! EDIT: Just seen you have a mesa head so you'll prob be looking for something with a higher rating. I think the TP is only 300w. Is it just for rehearsals?[/quote] hey! yeah ive got a mesa but it only pushes out the 750w when running a 2ohm cab, 500w when running a 4ohm cab and around 300w when running an 8 ohm cab! the hartke is 8 ohms and it seemed plenty loud enough! if im honest we're not a really loud band, i dont seem to need to have the amp master volume much past 10 oclock! and yeah its just for rehearsals at the moment as i have my aguilar DB410 for gigs! that looks like a cracking deal on ebay by the way!!
  24. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='175778' date='Apr 13 2008, 06:05 PM']I can't really talk from experience because in my 23 years I've only heard a few valve amps but after hearing an Ampeg SVT-VR through an 8x10 I knew that I could no longer progress in my life without having that all valve warmth, so...I recently bought an Ampeg SVT-CL with SVT410-HLF cab from MB1 through this forum. It had to be done, a lot of money but well worth it. All I can really say is that you should get out there and hear as many all valve heads as you can to get a real idea of what's available/prices/and the kind of sound that valves will give you. A lot of people have very valid points and things to say about valve amps on this forum but just get out there and get a real idea of what they're like, or...take a gamble on something you can properly afford (I very much doubt you'll be disappointed). An important thing to remember is that a good cab will make an amazing difference. I've heard the same head through different cabs and the difference in sound is crazy - sounds like a completely different amp. Keep that in mind when auditioning anything. (didn't mean to write a bloody essay)[/quote] i have to agree!!! my Ampeg SVT Classic was by far the best amp ive ever owned!! i wish i still had it!! bloody fantastic! dont get me started on how much i want the vintage reissue version!!
  25. [quote name='Toasted' post='305372' date='Oct 13 2008, 11:06 AM']I went to pay for my bass on my credit card a week ago when the rate was 1.72 USD to GBP. My bank held the payment (to protect me against fraud) and by the time they've managed to call me to tell me, to "approve" this transaction the rate's fallen to 1.68 and my bass is now costing me another £100. Thanks HSBC.[/quote] OUCH!! thats a pretty sh*t think that HSBC did there mate!! i think i was very lucky that i bought mine in summer! i got 1.97 dollars for my pound! it would have cost me loads more if i got it now! would have probably been out of my reach if im honest! im hopefully going for a metro 5 string PJ in the new year!! cant wait!!! cant wait to see your bass when its finished mate
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