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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. the sound quality is fantastic!!! its not something i'd usually choose to listen to but i could help but really, really enjoy it! great work guys!! your making me want a precision now!! dam you!!! lol
  2. Hey After a few months of using the pretty abused laney bass combo's at the rehearsal studio my band uses i finally decided to ask them if they had a bass cab i could borrow so i could bring my mesa head So Brian the owner lent me a new Hartke 4x10 Transporter cab that he's just got in! i was very, very impressed!! so much so that i think im gonna buy it and leave it in storage at the rehearsal studio! he only wants £150 for it! i personally think thats a bargin!!!!! especially because he's letting me pay for it in installments! has anyone else tried these cabs?? please share your experiences! cheers
  3. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='319970' date='Nov 2 2008, 09:18 AM']Ive tried pretty much every roto string there was out there cause I was highly recomended them by a bass playing mate when I first started playing bass. But you (chrisdabass) opened my eyes to elixirs when I bought your lovely 'ray. and I havent looked back, ive fitted elixirs to all my basses now. supurb strings. even sound emense on a 5 string. (cheers for the B string Ped) I wont use rotos again ever. the only ones that were half decent were the Jazz Flats, and even those we rougher then elixir rounds.[/quote] hey chris! im really glad you like them! elixir's are great on the right bass! they really worked for me for a lot of years and they suited most of the basses i used to own! unfortunately i just cant get on with them on my current instruments. back to rotosound.............i wonder just how many of these famous players would still use these if they had to pay for them!!! my guess is not many at all!! lol
  4. [quote name='alanbass1' post='319977' date='Nov 2 2008, 09:34 AM']Like others have said, Sadowsky are excellent basses and extremely well put together. One word of advice is that if you do go for a Metro make sure it has the passive tone control fitted. I was at the Bass Gallery a few months back on my hunt for a great Jazz Bass. Both Metro's they had never had the passive tone control and I found them far too hi-fi and bright for my taste - although I have tried an NYC before and the VTC done a good job at taming this. I ended up paying 300 quid more for an immaculate 2nd hand Cellinder Jazz which had everything I was looking for, including the growl.[/quote] +1 for the vintage tone control!!
  5. well im now posting them to Prosebass!! ive been trying A LOT of strings lately and ive got to say that as far as im concerned the best all round bass string for quality, consistent and even tone across all strings, smooth feel, durability, tension and price are the sadowsky blue label steels! (45-105) they're fab! very similar to the last set of DR's i had but at less than half the price! 5 sets for $90!??! Bargin!!!
  6. Hi its been a long, long time since i tried these strings! I'd say probably 8-10 years since i last bought some! so i had forgotten why i dont use them! Anyway i got hold of a few sets yesterday to try on my sadowsky's!! All i can say is that i have no idea how Rotosound are still in business! They felt really rough, had really uneven tone from string to string! one string was bright and lively while another was dead sounding! This happened with both sets! Just plain RUBBISH!!! they had the ability to turn a great playing/sounding bass into the complete opposite! They must be giving different strings out to all the hundreds of named artist that apparently endorse these bad, bad strings!! .............anyone else had this experience? does anyone want a set of rotosounds? 45-105 been used for 15 minutes!
  7. hey!! im selling my BBE opto stomp as i like to keep my set up as simple as possible! (bass-lead-amp) great quality unit! very sweet sounding compressor! its in excellent condition and comes with original box i'd like £55 please cheers
  8. [quote name='Toasted' post='318869' date='Oct 31 2008, 10:38 AM']IMHO, without question.[/quote] +1 i wish i lived closer to you so you could try mine out! my metro sounds totally awesome when recording!! so much so that the last few sessions ive done with it the producer said "dont you dare sell that bass!" i never had that reaction with my multiple fenders, warwicks, stingrays etc i would say my ash/maple metro (UV70) cuts through ever so slightly better for recording than my warmer sounding alder/rosewood NYC! i can never decide which one to take out with me though coz there really is nothing between the two quality wise! i have the best of both worlds!! so if you get chance to try some make sure you try both the ash/maple and the alder/rosewood as it does make a pretty big difference both are fantastic!! you simply cant go wrong in my opinion! good luck mate
  9. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='318712' date='Oct 30 2008, 10:57 PM']Personal preference really. I think the East is better personally but thousands would disagree.[/quote] i'd say the j-retro by a mile!!!!! ive had both preamps, the audere was just noisy to the point where i picked up russian radio and it was pretty odd sounding too! the j-retro on the other hand was very pleasant, musical and it had loads of different sound options! each of them very usable. thats just my experience (i'd still probably get a sadowsky on board pre though if i were you ) by the way im looking forward to getting that trace off you mate
  10. [quote name='joe_bass' post='318301' date='Oct 30 2008, 12:36 PM']Cheers guys. I suppose right now some questions I can think of are... 1. Are they all they are cracked up to be? Because they seem to have 1 hell of a reputation. 2. How is the neck? Is it smooth & glossy? 3. I've been looking at a Fender American jazz. If you have played 1 of these how would you say it compares to a Sadowsky? & finally Chris, is there much of a difference between the NYC & the Metro?[/quote] i'd say it depends what your looking for but if your looking for a really really well made modern sounding jazz then yes they are all they're cracked up to be!! the necks on both the metro and NYC are finished in nitro celulose so the more you play the the smoother and smoother they get! they're not sticky and glossy like some! ive had american jazz's! yes they are pretty good but the sadowskys are in a totally different league!! the construction, quality of the parts, pre amp, attention to detail are in my opinion second to none! and the service from roger and his team is amazing!!!! like roger says himself the quality of the metro's and NYC's are the same! its only the extended NYC options that make the difference! my metro is flawless!! i could tell the difference between that and my NYC to be honest!
  11. thanks guys!! the bass on Start Your Journey and Or Maybe Later is a bass ive now sold! it was a bravewood/Geddy lee hybrid with wizard pickups! the bass on the other one is my sadowsky NYC i think........................yeah it is all the sounds were just DI'd using a MOTU interface and recorded in logic pro! the bass amp plugin in logic is really good! i never bother with an amp for recording anymore thanks again for the comments!
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' post='318273' date='Oct 30 2008, 12:06 PM']Tis tricky to try them out as there arent many places..I bought mine from Sadowsky and took a chance..But im glad i did, my RV5 is awsome!! Im in the midlands so a bit far maybe but any questions you have Joe, dont hesitate to ask.. [/quote] i bought both my metro and my NYC "blind" i put a lot of faith in roger and his team and it certainly paid off!
  13. right!!! i have a problem with gear sharing!!...... .......hold on! i have my reasons! i'd say about 3-4 years ago i'd just bought a lovely mesa m2000 bass head on credit from soundcontrol! a month or so later we had a gig in leeds supporting Minus the Bear! www.myspace.com/minusthebear (man i love that band) i'd never dreamed of playing with a band that i was soooo into!! anyways cory (the bass player) approached me soon after entering the club (the basement for those interested) and very nicely asked me if he could use my bass rig.................i would never normally do this but how could i say no?? so we set up, soundchecked had a beer and the night kicked off! we played pretty well n we had loads of fun.........then it was minus the bears turn to take to the stage! i'll never forget that night! they sounded crazy good!!!! i loved it.....until half way through their set i'd come back from the bar and my mate said errm isnt that your new amp throwing blue smoke all over the stage?? it was the worst moment of my life!! i couldn't believe it!! i ran on stage, took it back stage while someone sorted another head out! cory so upset about it and i was going insane!!! it was totally f***ed and i'd not even made the first payment on it! i totally understand that it wasnt his fault, he's a professional! but from that moment on i have been very careful who even carries my gear. at the end of the day if my gear is gonna blow up i'd rather it blow up while im using it! at least that way ive only got myself to blame. Its also the reason why i try to avoid using anyone else's gear just in case it happens to me. Mesa fixed the amp at no cost to me and i sold it on! still lost lots of money on it but i certainly learnt something that night!! haha
  15. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='316876' date='Oct 28 2008, 05:23 PM']Im open to offers, but im not letting it go dirt cheep. thanks Chris and Mark for the kind words.[/quote] If im honest with you mate i think u must be bloody crackers selling this!! you dont know what you've got till its gone n all that!! its something that'll be hard to find again! im sorry that i let it go in the first place as its spoiled every other ray for me! what do you need the cash for anyway? is it really that important? lol
  16. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='316161' date='Oct 27 2008, 09:13 PM']Shows the headstock on this one, but not close, sorry. [/quote] Simply the best ray ive ever played!! i bought it new! one of my many reasons for getting it was its lovely light weight! ! it has a hell of a neck too! sometimes i wonder why on earth i bloody sold it!?? seriously guys i cant recommend it enough! if i wasn't so in debt for my sadowsky NYC i'd buy this back in a flash! good luck with the sale mate!
  17. wizard pickups are awesome!! great service too!! highly recommended!
  18. [quote name='rjb' post='313693' date='Oct 24 2008, 12:17 PM']For the money I would much sooner consider a Sadowsky Metro, but that's just my opinion! [/quote] i agree!! i know everyone is probably getting bored of me banging on about sadowsky but if your planning on making this 21st birthday bass a keeper then you really cant go wrong with a sadowsky metro!! good luck with whatever you decide on though man
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' post='312582' date='Oct 22 2008, 10:39 PM']Im sure this has been asked before but what do i need to record loops..what i need is to play chords, major or minor, and record so a loop carries on..Then i want to practice solos over them..Is this possible on Garage Band?? Or do i need something else??[/quote] hey! Garage band is fine for that! it should be dead easy too!
  20. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='312067' date='Oct 22 2008, 01:44 PM']"Or Maybe Later" is my fave...funky as f*** and I love the synths. Really great bass sound as well man, can't wait to hear it with vocals...[/quote] Hey Cheers for taking the time to have a listen!! yeah i cant wait for the vocals to be sorted either! it wont be long!!
  21. excellent basses!!! awesome price!!
  22. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='309876' date='Oct 19 2008, 03:55 PM']Thanks Bob! A "P" of some sort ought to be a consideration. The Attitude doesn't really [i]do[/i] that sound. I like the look of Clovers, or maybe a Sandberg with the P/MM combination...[/quote] i'd go for a sadowsky metro!! [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars.asp?BrandName=Sadowsky&guitars=25"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...&guitars=25[/url] the hybrid p bass (jazz width neck, p bass body with p and j pickups, 2 band active eq with passive tone control) like this [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=07061913304229&guitars=25"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...&guitars=25[/url] or why not a lovely sadowsky jazz like this [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=08081811360629&guitars=25"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...&guitars=25[/url] (click front view to see the full size image) they are fantastic basses and would really compliment what you already have
  23. [quote name='flychris' post='309292' date='Oct 18 2008, 03:26 PM']Are you looking for a trade ?[/quote] maybe! depends what you have???
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