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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='309323' date='Oct 18 2008, 04:13 PM']Am I missing something? The Aguilar (or other) will have to be racked. Going from a 4u to a 2u rack will save very little space and doesn't seem to be downsizing much![/quote] the aguilar doesnt need to be put in a rack, yes it comes with attachable rack ears but its smaller and can just be slipped into aguilar's carry case with shoulder strap! which is my plan plus the 4 unit rack i have is shockmounted so its more like 6 unit size n weight wise! (check the pics) also the aguilar weighs just 18 pounds while the mesa weighs 35. oooh and with the aguilar i could easily take my head and my bass on the bus if i liked! they are my reasons! that ok?? lol
  2. [quote name='Sting2007' post='309006' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:38 AM']I have one of these bad boys and you sir are one crazy mofo ![/quote] Yeah i must be nuts for selling this! i'll probably regret it! doea anyone want my lovely mesa??
  3. [quote name='mcgraham' post='306064' date='Oct 14 2008, 10:46 AM']Really? From what I've heard there isn't a whole lot between the Metros and the NYCs? Anyone else got any experience with this? On a similar note, I have to confess, when I tried the Nordy's, they were very nice but no more than my very nice workhorse jazz. And mine was substantially cheaper even with all the modifications I've made to it. I don't struggle to see why boutique jazzes are popular, I just wouldn't spend my money on them. Mark[/quote] hey!! i have a metro UV70 and an NYC vinatge! ive got to say they are the best basses ive ever owned and ive had a hell of a lot!! (including A LOT OF FENDERS!!) yes they are expensive but to me they are worth every penny! if a bass can make you smile every time you pick it up to play, record, gig etc then sadowsky have to be doing something right. on the 2 basses that i own it would be hard to tell which was a metro and which was the NYC! the quality really is that good! this is the first time in my playing life that ive had so many compliments on my sound! especially in the recording studio! and also the first time that im not worrying about any element of my instrument! everything about them is the best quality, solid and extremely road worthy! so i can just concentrate on my playing!! All i have to worry about now is how to get the money together for my next one!! lol
  4. check this out!! [url="http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/nyc_b_is.html"]http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/nyc_b_is.html[/url] the first 2 on the page are really getting me GASing!!! argh!!!!!!!!!! lol
  5. i simply can not say enough good things sadowsky metro's!!! (well all sadowsky's) ive had loads of fenders over the years and yeah they're ok! but nothing beats a sadowsky!!!! since i got them ive not had GAS for anything else!! if i were you i'd save my money and look for a used one!! [attachment=14714:DSC01171.JPG]
  6. For once in my life i am actually happy!! (been through about 10 basses this year) Since getting my Sadowsky's nothing has caught my eye/ear at all! they just nail it every time! like yesterday i turned up for a session not knowing what to expect! I'd never worked with this guy before and hadn't even heard the track but i just DI"d my Metro UV70 and it totally nailed every sound required! The producer was like "wow! it really is a pleasure to listen to you play!" how could i ask for any more than that? Every time i try to doubt these basses they just get better! The best part is they're starting to give me the confidence to turn up to the session/rehearsal/gig and get the job done without constantly worrying about my sound like i used to! that meens i can concentrate on my playing instead of my gear and i can actually start havin some fun!! and thats what its all about! right??
  7. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='298179' date='Oct 3 2008, 12:12 AM']IDIOT! I love my ray, and ive just got a flea so I LOVE graphite. and I REALLY want the ray with a graphite neck now. AND I LOVE BLUE DAWN! the hell are you doing getting rid?? drop me a message please and tell me how the graphite changes the tone on the ray if any. really thinking about putting the flea neck on my ray if it fits. or getting a grahite for my ray. cheers[/quote] Whoah!!!!! dont go taking that ray apart mate!!! its way too lovely for that!! (it is the red one your talking about isnt it?) lol
  8. i bet you are well happy with that set up!! looks awesome mate!!
  9. looks lovely!! good choice!! is that the metro then?? i reckon if i ever get another sadowsky then it'll be a metro! i just love my metro UV70!! ive heard that they're bringing out metro P/J 5 strings in january! (jazz body P/J pickups) now that sounds pretty bloody good to me!! make sure you get plenty of pics up when it arrives!!
  10. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='287626' date='Sep 19 2008, 08:01 PM']What difference does the slightly undersized body of the RV series make, and just how undersized is it?[/quote] as standard all sadowsky jazz's have undersized bodies. its only the UV70's in the metro range or the ultra vinatge in the NYC range that are full sized bodies! the link below shows the difference [url="http://www.warmoth.com/bass/bodies/jbass.cfm?fuseaction=laminate_dinkyj"]http://www.warmoth.com/bass/bodies/jbass.c...laminate_dinkyj[/url] it looks quite subtle there but it is a nice, slightly lighter and more comfortable shape (for me anyway) hope that helps
  11. Ive bought/sold/traded loads of stuff on basschat!! every deal has been a pleasure! every member ive dealt with has been fantastic! this is the first place i come for new gear!
  12. bought a hamer guitar.....yes i said guitar!! off noisedude (nik) nice guy! dead easy deal! dont hesitate to do your next deal with him!
  13. wow this is all getting quite technical!! i was an elixir user for many years! i used to swear buy them! but i did always have issues with my sound that i couldn't seem to fix! there was a slight "deadness" to my sound that i couldn't get rid of no matter what amp setting etc! it was like a slight lack of clarity and "sparkle" that ive always searched for! i ended up selling all my basses that had elixirs on and i bought a couple of lovely sadowskys (they threw 3 sets of they're own brand of strings in for free:) )! now not being sure of what the stock sadowsky blue label strings would be like i put an order in for a few sets of elixirs with strings direct as well! i tried the sadowsky blue label strings and elixir nanoweb strings side by side and ive got to say that the elixirs turned out to be the cause of my tone problems!!! the uncoated sadowsky's just brought my bass to life! i was like WOW! THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN MISSING!!! now dont get me wrong if your happy with the sound of a new set of elixirs then thats fine because they do sound like that pretty much forever but for ME after hearing a good set of uncoated strings a just can not go back to coated! i may have to change my strings a little more often but i dont really mind! the sadowsky's work out at about £14 so thats way cheaper that £30 elixirs! i may have a set of 45-105 elixirs for sale that have only been on my bass for 20 minutes if anyone wants them?? lol
  14. if you ask me thats a great deal!!!! well done
  15. cant bloody wait to see pics of this!! ive been checking these basses out recently!! very nice!!!
  16. [quote name='ashevans09' post='279585' date='Sep 8 2008, 11:53 AM']Since there are a couple of threads relating to crappy bass shops, I thought it might be worth making a thread filled with good, basschat approved shops , maybe with a rating system out of 10 for service, staff knowledge, stock etc...thoughts? Anyhoo, thought I'd start it off with Oxford's PMT - very friendly and helpful staff and if they don't know something or have it in stock they'll look it up or find a way they can get it in for you Me likey [/quote] good idea mate!! i'll vote for darren at the bass merchant!! great guy to deal with!!
  17. [quote name='birdy' post='279096' date='Sep 7 2008, 01:32 PM']I have owned two albeit briefly. They are fantastic basses, great playability and look gorgeous. Not quite sure why I sold them actually - although I could say that about most of the stuff I have sold Have a word with Mark (poptart) at bassdirect he has one as his main bass and stocks them. There is also a Roscoe forum on Talkbass. Steve[/quote] cheers mate! i'll look into it!! i hope this doesn't mean im gonna spend even more money!!!!! lol
  18. hey after checking out the Roscoe website and watching all the youtube videos of how they are made im really starting to want one!! there aren't many bass builders that let you get this close and see every step of the build process! very impressive! does any one have any info on these basses that they'd like to share?? cheers
  19. [quote name='martthebass' post='278676' date='Sep 6 2008, 04:02 PM']Cheers Chris, as I remember you had a Ray a bit like this once ^_^ Well hopefully the pricing is keen - lets not forget the $ is gaining ground [/quote] yeah my ray was pretty much the same but with a trans red finish!! it was a fantastic bass!!! im so glad i bought my sadowsky when i did!! the exchange rate is pretty rubbish at the moment! if i bought it now it would have cost me loads more!!!
  20. sh*t! i hope im never that desperate for cash!! hahaha i reckon she's a keeper! (famous last words)
  21. good prices on these basses mate!! they should sell quite well good luck
  22. [quote name='Marcus' post='278654' date='Sep 6 2008, 03:41 PM']ha ha...... yeah quite possibly !! My view is you can either put something "on the market" or put it up for sale !! I don't let little things like money get in the way of a deal.... whether buying or selling !!! [/quote] i like your attitude!! plus you never have to wait around for stuff to sell! you price it right and off it goes!!! lol
  23. right someone put a straitjacket on marcus!!!!!! he's gone bloody crazy!!!! lol thats a great deal mate!! i dont even need to wish you luck with the sale!
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