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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='238722' date='Jul 13 2008, 08:00 PM']Regretably Sold needs must and I need to pay for some beers on holiday.[/quote] you are gonna miss that one mate!! tis a shame
  2. looks awesome!! you cant beat a good mesa!! well done mate
  3. [quote name='Gretschilli' post='238079' date='Jul 12 2008, 05:22 PM']Hey Chris !! Am loving the Sadowsky Your last bass ? You know the white jazz in the first piccy ? Is that one of the deluxe active ones ? i'm looking for an active, and wondered whether that one would be a good choice ?! xxx[/quote] hey hope your well hun! the white bass is a passive bravewood/geddy lee jazz! pics here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22943&hl=geddy"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22943&hl=geddy[/url] the sadowsky is the first active jazz that seems really right to me! but ive never tried a fender deluxe jazz! im not sure what they are like? you not decided what to go for yet then?? i think ive found my next bass already! just waiting for a reply from someone now
  4. [quote name='ironside1966' post='238509' date='Jul 13 2008, 01:29 PM']Sound good. Listening with headphones at the mo, sounds good, also good drum sound to say it was recorded in some ones attic.[/quote] cheers mate! thanks for the feedback!
  5. We've just put new versions of our tracks on myspace! they now have vocals!! have a listen here!! [url="http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/mmivmusic[/url] enjoy lol PM me for a FREE CD
  6. [quote name='PauBass' post='234524' date='Jul 7 2008, 09:36 PM'] About 8 months ago I started playing bass on [b][size=4]Vice Like Grip[/size][/b], taking over Dan (fellow member of this forum) who moved to play guitars. We decided it was time to head into the studio and lay down some new tracks as a 4 piece band and with me on bass. Over the past weekend we went into the studio and recorded 3 new songs... what a great experience it was! It's been a long time for me not recording properly and I was really missing it. Please, check us out on MySpace and let us know what you think. Feedback will be highly apreciated [url="http://www.myspace.com/vicelikegrip"]http://www.myspace.com/vicelikegrip[/url] The new songs are the first three on the list: Circles, Let You Down and Loosing Our Senses. Cheers guys![/quote] just checking out your tracks now!! sounds really good man!! good catchy songs!! nice fat bass tone! i like the vocals too! where did you record?? coz it sounds like dead professional good luck with the band!
  7. trouble is the better the amp the more its gonna reveal all the problems that come with a cheaper bass! personally i'd go for getting the right bass.........but i'd look at finding a second hand one! its a buyers market at the moment and you'd save loads of money that you can put towards an amp! im pretty sadowsky biased at the moment but if it were me i'd get a second had sadowsky like phsycoandy's at about £1000 then you have £500 left for an amp! i think thats plenty! plus if you buy the right amp like a good combo with extra speaker outs on it you can always upgrade with a new cab later when you have more cash!
  8. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='86184' date='Nov 9 2007, 08:48 PM']this is the metro version right?? ive been after one of these for a while!!!! if you ever wanna sell it get in touch!! once ive sold my stingray im gettin one!!!!! nice review by the way!!! [/quote] i finally got one and they wonderful!! i really would love to try an NYC one!! i cant imagine anything any better than this metro!!
  9. [quote name='phagor' post='238201' date='Jul 12 2008, 09:24 PM']I have a UV70 5 string. It's not a short scale length bass, it's 34" - normal for a jazz style bass. The body is a little bit bigger than other Sadowskys - maybe that's why you thought it was short scale? The B string is fantastic. I'm quite fussy about Bs, have gone through quite a few basses to find a good one. When I first got the Metro, the B didn't sound great, but that was because of the Sadowsky strings on it. I put on some DR Hi Beams, and haven't looked back. Not saying Sadowsky strings are bad, maybe it was just this B string that was dead on arrival. If you're going to buy one of these, definitely consider the VTC option. It's a passive tone control that works alongside the active bass and treble controls. The active treble control is great, but doesn't roll off to give you an old skool tone. The VTC does that - worth the little bit extra. Overall this is a great bass, my main workhorse instrument at the moment. If you want a Marcus Miller sound, this nails it. But it's very versatile - just a small turn of the pickup blend gives you a huge range of sounds.[/quote] +1 on the VTC i have the UV70 4 string and the VTC is awesome!! you get all the benifits of both active and passive instruments! just did a bit of recording the other day with this bass! it records really well with very little fuss! so far ive found it hard to find a bad sound!! oh and i agree about the pickup blend pot!! much better than having 2 seperate volumes like on my fenders ive heard nothing but good things about sadowsky B strings! i wouldn't hesitate if i were you!
  10. thats excellent value mate!! come on all you warwick fans!! get this snapped up!
  11. its a shame you didnt want the 5 string version!! jake is sellin one [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22043"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22043[/url] how cheap!!????
  12. ooh its all got a bit serious!! i'd rather talk about basses but hey!! yeah bills, food n stuff have gone up but there's not a lot any of us can really do about it! just gotta get on with it really i suppose! i do hate the way this country is run and how we all pay way over the odds for everythin through tax after tax! but like i said what can we do? i'd love to actually see where most of that extra tax goes! im sure there's a big black hole (or someone's back pocket) but now the mrs is living with me there's 2 wages coming in compared to last year when she was a student and i had to pay all the rent,bills, food and then paid for everywhere we went etc and im not the highest paid person in the world by any stretch of the imagination!! so you can imagine how tight last year was for me! i have no mortgage (yet), no debts or credit cards, no kids (yet) and we have a low rent and a very good landlord who doesnt put the it up every 5 minutes! i feel that together we're in a better position despite all this rising cost of living! i also pretty much always fund a new purchase by selling something just to keep things nice and even! 1 sold speaker cab = 1 new bass!! does anyone want to add anything positive or light hearted?? its getting depressing lol
  13. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='237703' date='Jul 11 2008, 11:22 PM']I had some great service from Bass Merchant last week. Ernie Ball super slinkies for me please![/quote] i also had fantastic service!! Darren is a legend! i ordered my aguilar DB410 one afternoon and it turned up the next morning!! awesome!!
  14. hey i cant believe how cheap some of these basses are selling for!! (mainly warwicks) it really is a buyers market at the moment! the money ive just spent on my new bass could have bought at least 4 if not 5 second hand warwicks!! its bloody crazy! that red pro m looks awesome for £350!!...........£350 man!!! you cant even really get a mex fender for that!! its insane!! this "credit crunch" bullshit must really be gettin to everyone! coz prices of secondhand gear seems to have plumetted lately! is everyone really that skint and desperate for cash at the moment?
  15. [quote name='Josh' post='236864' date='Jul 10 2008, 08:33 PM']Chris=Legend! Buy with confidence![/quote] cheers mate new pics added!! come check em out!!
  16. [quote name='Josh' post='236844' date='Jul 10 2008, 08:15 PM']SOLD![/quote] i knew it wouldnt take long!! the new owner has one hell of a deal!!! truely a great instrument!!
  17. sadowskys are fantastic basses! if i had the cash i'd be all over this just need to sell the fenders...........i here a price reduction coming on!!!!
  18. bloody hell!! that will not last long at that price!! i reckon it'll be gone by the end of the night!! its a fantastic bass!! i bought it new and it served me extremely well!! that neck is gorgeous!! i was gonna wish you luck with the sale.....but you wont need it mate!! trust me
  19. i tried all my different cables all are 10ft (planet waves, monster,chord etc) the level difference between using the pedal in its off position and just pluggin straight into the amp was just silly! ive found this with everything i use pedal wise! so just to be sure i tried a 20ft cable straight into the amp and it sounded just as good as the 10ft one same thing happened in the effects loop! i played without it connected........didnt change my settings and just put it in the effects loop and it instantly went loads quieter!! pedals suck lol
  20. [quote name='iain1985' post='236383' date='Jul 10 2008, 11:36 AM']haha cheers chris ! how you getting on with that sadowsky list the uv in blacks mine btw !![/quote] im struggling a little to be honest! there's not the exact combination im looking for really so i either compromise on that or order the one i want and compromise by waiting 5 months lol got no cash till i sell the fenders though! good choice on the black UV70! if mine's anythin to go by it'll be awesome
  21. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='236217' date='Jul 10 2008, 12:32 AM']It's inevitable that you'll lose [i]something[/i] even with true-bypass pedals. You've got more cable to travel down before you get to the amp, and if it's a long run (or a passive bass) you may well notice the difference. You might actually be better off with a pedal that has a good buffer rather than true bypass somewhere in your chain, just to help pump your signal along to the amp.[/quote] trouble is i only use one pedal and 2 good quality short cables so its not like ive got a massive pedal board! lol i just couldn't believe the difference in tone!
  22. last night i took my new sadowsky to band practice for the first time!...... ....ive been experimenting with a few effects and compressors lately so........ i plugged my bass into each pedal (tested one at a time) then from the pedals output to my amp (mesa/aguilar) sounds pretty normal right? each pedal had fresh duracell batteries and sounded just about ok while on but really seemed to be lacking something while in the off "true bypass" mode so with each i tested the difference between the "true bypass" and just plugging straight into my amp!!! [size=6]BOOM!![/size] plugging straight into my amp was amazing!! (ive not done it in a while) it had loads more punch and sounded so much more alive than in the stupid "true bypass" mode or even with the effect/compressor switched in!! im starting to think that these pedals have been designed to sound a bit sh*t with the effect off just to make the processed signal sound even better! ive bought these pedals to improve my tone but they just end up taking the life out of my sound!! has anyone else had the same happen to them??
  23. how and why on earth would anyone string a bass like that?? bloody floppy little end bits flappin about!! makes me mad!! its not exactly very hard to do it right is it!! lol rant over!
  24. no longer a feeler get em bought lads!! ooh would also trade both for a sadowsky!
  25. Iain is a top bloke!! so you can buy with confidence!! looks like a great bass mate! good luck with the sale
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