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Everything posted by Anvil

  1. Anvil

    Fave guitar solo?

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTeAqZ6fzeE&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTeAqZ6fzeE&feature=related[/url] Maybe not a classic solo in the true spirit, but you gotta love Steve Cradock's use of the Les Paul in this one.
  2. As a relative beginner, I look at the neck a bit, but as I learn songs I find I look less - mainly for reference points
  3. Electric 6 - Fire (album) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTN6Du3MCgI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTN6Du3MCgI[/url] Going to see them in concert on Wednesday!!!
  4. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzE2CoFKl7o&feature=channel_video_title"]Green Day bass cover[/url] I appreciate Green Day might not be everyone's cup of tea, but this bloke is good.
  5. [quote name='Jimelliottbassist' post='1346759' date='Aug 20 2011, 09:59 PM']Finally got the last bit for my rig! [/quote] Anyone got some tissues...............? That's one beautiful rig.
  6. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74HVHNdYxuw"]Clicky Linky[/url] A bit of Saxon on a Friday neet!!!
  7. In my humble opinion [shot down in flames mode/on] I believe a bass should play thumping sounds that get you rockin' [shot down in flames mode /off] Stands back and lights the blue touch paper................... [smile]
  8. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ha0wr7e6pQ"]Stone Temple Pirates[/url] An easy bass line (for you lot), but quite tricky for a beginner like me. The song really rocks though - well worth a view if grunge/rock is your bag - or even just for the stage presence?
  9. What genre would you be put in on Ichoons? Me.....Punk/Rock/Metal/Grunge...........
  10. How does a Lead Guitarist change a lightbulb? He holds it and the world revolves around him.
  11. What do a guitar solo and premature ejaculation have in common? You know it's coming and there's nothing you can do about it
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1281847' date='Jun 25 2011, 08:59 AM']Stone temple pirates? [b]Are they a tribute act?[/b] What about some Rage Against The Machine?[/quote] Cheeky..............'ave some of this........!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ha0wr7e6pQ"]STP - Crackerman[/url]
  13. Where I work, I deal with loads of couriers, and by far the worst is sh*tty Link. Late deliveries, wrong deliveries, missed or late collection, and also lied to about collections - not a happy bunny, but hands tied by people who hold the purse strings.
  14. At least you didn't use sh*tty Link (City Link)
  15. Try anything from my sig line.
  16. Playing bass is having the opposite effect for me. SWMBO doesn't 'get' my will to learn and play bass, so am on a solitary trip music-wise. Don't worry, I haven't been dumped, she just doesn't 'get it'. Then again, she never 'got it', when I was skydiving, flying gliders, surfing, skiing, climbing and paragiding.
  17. Got the 'Dummies' book for a little light bedtime reading, but have also found a teacher, and 1st lesson is next week. 2 weeks (ish) till my 1st jam with another bass, a drummer and (one of THEM) a guitar.
  18. [quote name='steve-soar' post='885706' date='Jul 4 2010, 07:19 PM']That is one of the best quotes and signatures ever on Basschat, welcome Mr Anvil. [/quote] Why, thanks Been doing bass about 2/3 weeks, and have got my first jam in about 3 weeks. A lad at work plays drums, another lad I know plays guitar, so we are all learning With Or Without You by U2 and meeting up in a village hall to have a 'go'. I have contacted a tutor, not heard back yet if places available - only sent email today.
  19. I have loved music of various ilks, but never 'had a go' myself. Life's too short no to.
  20. Has anyone got (or read) the book 'Bass guitar for dummies'? Just wondered if it is worth it, or whether to enroll with a teacher?
  21. [quote name='lowdown' post='875655' date='Jun 23 2010, 05:52 PM']So you play drums as well? Garry[/quote] I am having a hard enough time learning bass (with headphones) without incurring the wrath of SWMBO and buying some skins to bang on too!!!
  22. I must be the only newbie here that is also learing to play??? Tonight folks, I have been mostly nailing "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Dave Mark's videos rule
  23. I spent the weekend building a shed, so didn't get much time with the bass, but am doing fret exercises with my left hand (24 combos of 4) and plucking exercises with my right. I am also trying to learn favourite songs to motivate me. Anyway gotta go...1 & 2 & 3 & 4....................
  24. A thread for noobs (like me) to say (type) how they are getting along. Had my bass less than a week and now have 2 songs and a few riffs under my belt. With or Without You - U2 So Lonely - The Police So, as Joey in friends would say, "How you doin?"
  25. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE3Dsk2YGwE"]Green Day - Longview[/url] I like loads of styles and bands. But the one reason I picked up a bass was due to this guy: Mike Dirnt of Green Day.
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