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Everything posted by cycrowave

  1. [quote name='bassrig' post='1308965' date='Jul 19 2011, 11:45 AM']few dings to head[/quote] you should see a doctor about that...
  2. [quote name='lanark' post='1307559' date='Jul 18 2011, 10:50 AM']Everyone complaining about the dearth of left-handed models should be hoping on behalf of future generations of left-handed guitarists that rather than making the range slightly larger, they should stop making them completely and then they'd be able to play all those right-handed basses that are available everywhere. I genuinely suggest that in almost every case the reason that left-handed guitarists play a left-handed guitar is because they were given one first.[/quote] This is an interesting point. What I will say though, is that when I started out I insisted on getting a left handed instrument. That was my choice, and I think it would be wrong to deny others the same.
  3. think I had a bit of a breakthrough. this time i just poured it on, then levelled with the end of a brush. so far its looking bubble free, but i may have piled it on a bit thick! (the nut slot is currently submerged) chemicals like this just arent safe with people like me...
  4. here's a helpful quote from manchester guitartech - "Chemicals. I have had success with Nitromors. Although it won’t touch the top finish on most modern guitars, it will go for the sealer coat. I get best results by smothering bodies in Nitromors, wrapping them in plastic (so that the solvent doesn’t evaporate too quickly) and leaving them overnight. It might take a couple of goes but does work in my experience. Be aware that Nitromorse will also dissolve plastic binding so don’t use on bound bodies. The alternatives (sanding and a heat gun) risk damaging the body and are a last resort, in my opinion."
  5. hi steve, thanks for your input. so far its been a great learning process, i'v been using foam brushes to keep bubbles to a minimum but i may well try dribbling it on like honey like you advise. im finding that it self levels pretty well, but i guess i'll need to invest in a radius block and guage to do the job properly. ill post some pics when im happy with it cheers
  6. Hi guys, im in the process of doing an epoxy finish on a neck I defretted. Its all gone fairly well so far, Iv applied 2 coats and its settled nice and level. The only real issue i have is that there are tiny bubbles in the surface of the finish. So far I have just been applying the epoxy with a foam brush and letting it self level, but I have read that its a good idea to go back after 30 mins and remove the excess with a squegee/credit card. would this help remove the bubbles, or is it something atmouspheric thats causing them? Thanks in advance for any input on this, im also interested to hear what people do once they have achieved a final coat they are satisfied with. sand with very fine paper or just leave it as is? cheers cycro
  7. its a funny one. when i first picked up a bass, i automatically flipped it over so went wit a lefty. impossible to say what difference it makes i guess. i do however get very annoyed by the limited availability of certain instruments, oh well makes it all the sweeter when you do find one i guess
  8. Im just learning some finishing techniques myself. i would strongly advise buying one of these - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SPRAY-GUN-TRIGGER-AEROSOL-CANS-/300570589322?pt=UK_Body_Shop_Supplies_Paint&hash=item45fb67388a"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SPRAY-GUN-TRIGGER-AE...=item45fb67388a[/url]
  9. my friend will be carving a bone one for me. he uses dog bones from the pet shop to great effect!
  10. body primed and first epoxy coat applied to neck. using the epoxy was errrr, interesting. I stupidly mixed it in a plastic container and after 20 mins or so it started smoking and got really hot! Lesson learnt... Im waiting for another tin of primer to turn up, as all the imperfections showed up after the white went on and i'v since done some spot repairs. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5930104639/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5930104639/"]IMAG0327[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5930661442/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5930661442/"]IMAG0331[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr
  11. tried changing the battery? EDIT - shouldnt affect passive mode mybad, sounds like something is up
  12. Last tour we were on, we were parked in winchester town centre on a busy saturday afternoon. sitting in the back of the van with the drummer and guitarist, the guitarist suddenly decided to change his pants. for some reason he got completly naked, the drummer and I were sat there with our eyes shut waiting for it all to be over. All of a sudden, the van doors opened and sunlight poored in. Ensue horrified shoppers and screaming children, and a speechless driver who dropped all our sandwiches. The funniest thing was the guitarist swiftly grabbing an empty jaffa cake box to restore some modesty
  13. that is very f***ing nice, fingerboard looks amazing
  14. [quote name='Chris Horton' post='1300331' date='Jul 11 2011, 09:36 PM']I love the way these bass guitars look Have a bump for a great bass[/quote] +1 what a bobby dazzler
  15. good on you, i need a new band. I WANT DEM BLISATAHZ
  16. I stand corrected! None
  17. I'm pretty sure there are gotoh 201s in cosmo black on eBay mate
  18. interesting pedal! you must however state a price
  19. about time someone ripped off an asat. im still hoping gl release a tribute model
  20. open the back and see if you can wedge a battery in. also bare in mind that the pots have chipboards attatched and wont retrofit some models due to the depth of the cavity. I recently installed a john east j-retro to my jazz and its breathed new life into it, they also makes models without the control plate which would be suitable for you bass. Im sure if you asked they could send precise measurements so you could be sure. There are however plenty of options out there!
  21. you contacted the seller? doesent really sound like excessive use, id also for a replacement personally
  22. damn, if only there was a lefty
  23. Bit of an update. Iv decided to use the original neck with this project, and use it as a general learning experience. I took delivery of a very nice p-bass body from brandoni which will be paired with the mighty mite neck. For this project i'v decided to go fretless, and hopefully get my spray can paint technique up to scratch before using the very expensive nitro cans. After the top coats came off, removing the sealant underneath proved quite tricky... [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909577568/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909577568/"]IMAG0320[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr Lots of stripper and lots of patience... [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909577930/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909577930/"]IMAG0321[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr Taking out the frets. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909020561/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909020561/"]IMAG0322[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr I used a very fine flathead screwdriver, and very gently tapped under then pulled out with plyers. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909021035/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909021035/"]IMAG0323[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr Filling in the gaps. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909579418/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909579418/"]IMAG0324[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909579868/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61548359@N05/5909579868/"]IMAG0325[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/61548359@N05/"]Cycro[/url], on Flickr For the next step I'm going to need a radius sanding block, and some epoxy to give the fretboard a nice finish. Should be painting the body next week, wish me luck!
  24. thanks for the responses, in the end i went for some lefty wilkinsons. gotta say, the quality is superb (especially considering the price).
  25. will pots/knobs and wiring be included with the pups?
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