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Everything posted by Bass_Junkie

  1. Hi guys, I have a GK 400RB-IV/210 combo amp that I bought a couple of years ago, it's in absolutely perfect condition, it plays the same as it did the first time I used it, it's only been gigged once at quite a low volume but I don't need it any more so I was wondering what sort of a price I should be selling it for? I'm sorry if these sorts of posts aren't allowed. Bass_Junkie
  2. The one thing (or the worst thing) i am having trouble with and have always had trouble with is making up my own basslines. I hear other people just making stuff up on the spot who have been playing for the same time as me and i ask them how they did it and they just say 'i just played what i heard in my head' If i pick up my bass and try to just play something i without thinking just play something i already know just somewhere else on the fretboard, or something that i have heard before. How can i start writing proper basslines if i dont hear it in my head? When i try to hear a bassline in my head i just hear something i've heard before or already know. Please help me, i love playing bass but at the moment i can only play along to things and if i get into another band i'll need to be able to come up with good and i dont want to have to give up. I practise loads in a day (in fact i have my bass on my lap now) but when i play i can only seem to play things i know.
  3. Tony levin plays one..... cant name any others... thats a LOT of bassists...
  4. What are these basses like to play? and what are the tonal differences like between the single pickup and double pickup options? i'm thinking either a squier p/j special or mabey one of these. i like quite a rocky growl/pbass kinda tones so i thought mabey the single pickup version. What are peoples impressions of these basses? Thanks. Bass_Junkie.
  5. I just think its funny that his sig bass is a Squier not a Fender. i'm not saying squiers are bad basses (in fact i am saving up for one right now) but when most ardists go the fender-style route they get sigs made by fender not squier which some people think is just fenders low-end market.
  6. Should be ordering it soon.
  7. [quote name='elom' post='76593' date='Oct 19 2007, 04:20 PM']It has to be that high for those new-fangled nipple straplocks...[/quote] you have a nipple-ring peircing then attatch a button on the back of your bass and it just rests in the ring...
  8. [quote name='Beedster' post='76434' date='Oct 19 2007, 11:55 AM']JAP JAP JAP JAP JAP[/quote] +1
  9. yep, it will help, and i've already been in debt for paying off my GK amp for the past 6 months and i would like to be debt-free for a while before i go for anything else.
  10. [quote name='Buzz' post='75379' date='Oct 17 2007, 12:39 AM']Yeah, but you bought your current red one for half price, if you sell it, you're gonna have to spend a bit of cash anyway to get the black and chrome one. Might as well not bother and start saving for a better instrument further down the line.[/quote] actually that red one i still owe my dad for, it was a try it our buy, but then i discovered the all black one. so i wont be getting any money from selling the squier. as he bought it and if i really liked it i'd pay him back, but almost as soon as i bought it i found out about the black model.
  11. 'fraid not, funds are pretty tight at the moment.
  12. are these exactly the same basses? as i have a p/j in red but would really like the black model wich the chrome pickguard. loving my squier p/j but its red mettalic, and i did it more because i got it about half the price. so i'm thinking of selling this one and buying the chrome and black version. any downsides? upsides? Thanks. Bass_Junkie.
  13. [quote name='7string' post='74877' date='Oct 15 2007, 11:43 PM']The action is something which the shop should adjust for you before you take the bass away, so dont worry about that too much.. Funny that you can't change the pickups in the Yamaha ?? I would question that.... Both Peavey and Yamaha have a good name at that pricepoint in the market. It's really which neck feels most comfortable and which sounds the best to you. Be sure to try an amp similar to yours when you try out the bass or bring your own amp in to try it out. That way you can be sure how each sounds when you take it home... Good luck !![/quote] well, i prefer thinner necks. you cant change the pickups in the yamaha because they have metal bindings and certain screw placements, the only way i'd be able to put pickups in is if i take th einsides and somehow cobble them into the yamaha pickups. i have tried a yamaha but not the peavey, i've never even seen a peavey in a shop. from pics i've seen and from reviews it does seem like the peavey would be a better choise. also i was going to buy online for money reasons, i want to spend as little as possible.
  14. they look pretty good for £177 (GBP) the pics i've seen looks like they have a pretty low action, and look like good basses. i was thinking of getting a yamahaBB414 but then found out you cant change the pickups and the action wasnt what i expected. what do people think of this bass, and compaired to the yamaha? Thanks. Bass_Junkie.
  15. [quote name='bassmandan' post='66606' date='Sep 27 2007, 08:36 PM']yeman im wit u blud rockin innit oh yeah yadda yadda yadd! all da best wid de bass playin an all dat, theirs loadsa stuff on dis website thatl real help so stick around an check it..... oh yeh, check dis to if your confused at all www.oed.com - REEESPECK[/quote]
  16. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='63940' date='Sep 22 2007, 10:01 AM']That is correct, the bridge and sound post are held solely by the pressure of the strings, so don't slacken all the strings off together.[/quote] so just one at a time? got it!
  17. the Aurora Project are very good people to deal with, i got a mirror scratchplate from them and to make sure you get the right size/shape i sent in my scratchplate and they traced around it to make a perfect copy! i'm not sure if you can do this with the glow guards, but if you can you'd have to do it via thier website.
  18. aparantly the tokai rockinbetters are really really good basses.
  19. No pics, no bass.
  20. yep, i'm getting my old teacher back to advise me on this one, as soon as i get the thing! as soon as i get it i'll post up some pictures and any details i get about it. i'm definatly going to get a humidifier for it (right term?) but i'll check with my teacher as to when i'll need to have it in there.
  21. Heres, the story, my grandad is quite ill so my parents went down to see him, and they went to see my great uncle and his wife on the way down. he plays bass and asked if i had a bass, my mum just said 'yeah he has two bass guitars' and my uncle replied, 'no, i mean a BASS bass, an upright bass because i dont really play mine anymore but id like to keep it in the family' i of course accepted as i'm happy to keep a double bass in the family, i do not know what age the bass is or what make it is but it is my great uncles so i'm assuming its quite old, i really cant wait to get it and try it out. i'll post a reply when i know more details about it. just wondering if theres any tips you could give me for looking after this bass and when i should change things like the strings and bow, i know about rosin on the bow (used to play violin) but thats all i know really. Thought i'd share it with you. And thanks for any info. Bass_Junkie.
  22. i've heard they're the fattest basses ever. i could've heard wrong.
  23. As some of you may know i am in the process of buying a new bass, i will be going to try one out at a shop in the next week or so. is there anything i can play sort of like a, 'test your bass' kinda riff or line that helps give me an idea of what all the parts of the bass are like? And what should i look/hear/feel for to tell weather its a good bass or not? any info would be nice. Thanks. Bass_Junkie.
  24. [quote name='Jack' post='49206' date='Aug 22 2007, 10:04 PM']Hey, 18 years old here, been playing for 5 years. And no mooching off the parents either! Ive worked at Beamish Museum for 3 years and before that I delivered the Advertisers. Basses are a Fender USA P, EBMM Ray5 and Squier P. [url="http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2998047800056487155QdilnU"][/url] Amps are GK 1001/Neo The 112 small rig. [url="http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2298551410056487155xfUBzn"][/url] 212 big rig. [url="http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2134724620056487155iRZczF"][/url] And the inevitable 312 HUGE rig. [url="http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2296586450056487155sxPImA"][/url][/quote] i need to steal your rig.
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