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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. Could be the Barts (if that's what was fitted) My BTB 550 has Barts in it and they're awful. I think the problem there is that they're not even the proper US Bartollinis but ones made in Korea I think. If it was at the lower end of the price scale there's a good chance that it had those in it.
  2. You can but I wouldn't. I did a similar thing once when all I had to gig through was a single 12" GK 100W combo; it sounded awful. All I got from the sub was mush. A more powerful/flexible combo is the way forward.
  3. I got this a while back from Merton and sadly it's just not getting used. It's quite an amazing beast, loud like you wouldn't believe.....I even drove my 2 4x10 cabs with it and it took the top of my head off. I've only used it to muck about on a few times. I'm after £250 for it as a straight sale but if you want to trade something let me know what you've got and I'll see if I'm interested. I'd prefer not to have to post/courier it but I'm sure we can come to some arrangement if that's the only option. Quite happy to do a halfway meet (within reason) With his kind permission I'm going to link you to Mertons original for sale thread for all the usual info. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34809&hl"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34809&hl[/url] If any more pics are required I'll try and get some taken. Cheers Pete [attachment=31441:P1000564.JPG] [attachment=31442:P1000565.JPG] [attachment=31443:P1000568.JPG]
  4. Back when I was a guitard and out in Germany with the RAF, I managed to knock my beautiful Patrick Eggle Vienna off it's stand snapping the headstock. The total cost including shipping to and from Birmingham, new neck and refin was a wopping £966. I was lucky, the house insurance paid the lot.
  5. [quote name='Bay Splayer' post='571711' date='Aug 17 2009, 03:45 PM']real bass players dont use picks [/quote] Silly man
  6. [quote name='dood' post='567090' date='Aug 12 2009, 06:25 PM'][attachment=30745:DoodleAndBaby.JPG] Forgot this pic.. Dood[/quote] Oh yessssss Dan, totally loving your new addition.
  7. I can only echo most of what has been said already. My bass is incredible. Jon did everything I asked for and then some and I can only add a big fat +1 to what OldGit said about side LEDs, to me they are priceless. If you want to see mine in the flesh just drop me a PM. Cheers Pete P.S I can hear the trample of Dood shaped feet Edit: Check out this thread for some visuals etc [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25096&hl=shuker"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...6&hl=shuker[/url]
  8. Now that looks like a possibility. Still, it's a lot of cash to spend if it doesn't work out. I think I'll sit and wait for the reviews, I've been disappointed too many times.
  9. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='565939' date='Aug 11 2009, 02:37 PM']I smell fish ( and I dont mean the contents of Baldricks apple crumble) BB[/quote] Yesssssss, it is an odd post isn't it
  10. [quote name='Bassmurf' post='561900' date='Aug 6 2009, 12:21 PM']How about this..... [url="http://www.tonebone.com/re-bigshot-io.htm"]http://www.tonebone.com/re-bigshot-io.htm[/url] [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/27947-radial-engineering-tonebone-bigshot-i-o-input-switcher.html"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/2794...t-switcher.html[/url] Regards Dan[/quote] Thanks Dan. That may actually be the answer......hrmmmm
  11. [quote name='cheddatom' post='561726' date='Aug 6 2009, 09:30 AM']Boss LS-2 is a good suggestion[/quote] Having just read the reviews, I would say you're right. Good info, thanks
  12. Aphex Exciter? I'll take a look at that. Cheers Guys
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='559878' date='Aug 4 2009, 06:56 AM']Just some thoughts Pete: Do you need to use two basses or will one do? Do you need to use two basses that sound so different?[/quote] It's more of a desire than a necessity Steve. The Jazz suits some stuff - the Shuker others. I'd like to have the opportunity to use them both [quote name='cytania' post='559944' date='Aug 4 2009, 09:41 AM']Way I figure it is your backup bass is there for dire emergency. If your main bass goes horrible in the middle of a set the band won't be too picky about how you sound, so long as there is bass. I have little stickers on my amp so I never lose the sweet settings, perhaps a second set of stickers for bass two? Of course the real ultimate backup is the exact same model as your main bass.[/quote] I'd say I'd consider them joint 1st choice basses rather than one being a backup and stickers......now there's an idea [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='560008' date='Aug 4 2009, 10:45 AM']I think he'd just like to be able to as required [/quote] Yup [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='560023' date='Aug 4 2009, 10:59 AM']I keep life simple.[/quote] Have you met the Wife
  14. Thanks for all your help guys, you've given me lots to think about. Please keep the advice coming and maybe I'll get it sorted
  15. [quote name='JTUK' post='558944' date='Aug 3 2009, 07:38 AM']I take it one is passive and the other active...??? Set the amp up for the passive bass and then see how far you can get the on-board pre on the active to make up the ground ..altho this might mean you need to adjust the pre-sets of the pre-amp..if indeed you have the capability on the pre to do that..[/quote] Yes....one of each. Trouble is, the Pre-amp gain in the Shuker is turned right down already - so no movement there. I'll have to have a fiddle and see what I come up with. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='558966' date='Aug 3 2009, 08:36 AM']Zoom B2 multiFX with different patches having different output levels. Perfectly balanced outputs at the click of a footswitch. £35 from ebay including fantastic muted tuner.[/quote] Now there's an idea. I'll take a look at that [quote name='RussFM' post='558980' date='Aug 3 2009, 09:03 AM']I've got a two channel amp, so it's one channel for my main bass and another for the backup. Nice and easy![/quote] Hang on....I'll just nip out and get myself another amp then
  16. So, last night I went to rehearsal and used both my basses (Shuker and my new US Jazz) together for the first time. My rig had been set up (EQ etc) exclusively for my Shuker because that's all I used to use. What I found was that the Jazz just would not cut through at all, it was totally lost - and yet, as expected, my Shuker came through a treat. Now I realise that my Shuker was bound to work as my stuff is set for it. What I'd like advice on is how you guys deal with the differences and what, if anything, you recommend I do to the Jazz in order to be able to just swap between the two
  17. Mine did it last weekend, no problem. I rang each of them (including the dep) and wished them well. That's how I voted. I'm all for 'whatever's good for the band' and ultimately, gigging is good for the band, so no worries. Pete
  18. [quote name='OldGit' post='512899' date='Jun 13 2009, 06:03 PM']Get a list of the tunes all the others can play (and sing) then choose some you can play or learn.[/quote] Yes......definately.
  19. Separatists!!!!!!!! You'll be wanting an independant left handed Basschat next Where will it end.....an island where only lefties can live? My God! You'll confuse the Celts with this you know.....they won't know who to support.
  20. Oh Lord.....anything where Mike Rutherford plays bass
  21. Now that is lovely.....very classy.
  22. [quote name='Zach' post='507181' date='Jun 6 2009, 07:29 PM']Tinman, my apologies, but all of my experience with people who play purely with a pick comes school. Every year we have a battle of the bands, and every year a bunch of guitarists decide they're going to become bassists, so they stand there badly hammering out root note crotchets with a pick, which doesn't add to the music at all and just completely disappears under the guitars, yet they still think they're super awesome. I guess that's what I dislike, not the fact itself that they're using a pick. At first I offered to help, but none ever accepted it.[/quote] Apology accepted friend. I see your point, I know it's difficult getting through to people who think they know it all. All I ask is that you think before making such a generalisation and be careful when launching such a criticism. Thanks again Pete
  23. [quote name='Zach' post='507121' date='Jun 6 2009, 06:02 PM']Ok, reckon i'll say something constructive this time. I have nothing against bassists who feel picks give a better/good sound, as I agree that it can sound good. What I object to is bassists who use a pick because they're an ex-guitarist who can't be arsed to at least try out the most widely used bass technique (or I assume it's more widely used these days).[/quote] Why object? Who really cares? If you don't like it don't listen to it. As for being constructive, you're hardly being that. I'm an ex-guitarist who feels that moving to the bass is a step up. Rather than slating us, why not help us out? Constructive? Pah!
  24. [quote name='silddx' post='507118' date='Jun 6 2009, 05:56 PM']You can add one of the greatest living musicians/bassists to that, Scott Thunes. He liked to play jazz on a '63 Precision with a pick and a chorus pedal.[/quote] Vindication indeed, thanks
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