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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. Micheal Hedges [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLD0pxflAM8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLD0pxflAM8[/url] Met him in Norfolk, Virginia: I tell you, the guy was completely out there
  2. [quote name='bremen' post='400884' date='Feb 5 2009, 12:10 PM']I hesitate to ask who Ruby was...?[/quote] Ruby IS a rather beautiful and playful Rottweiler :wub: . She kept Mrs T occupied for the hours I was at Jons discussing wood etc
  3. Bump to put this up for sale
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='400244' date='Feb 4 2009, 05:59 PM']A related question: Do those of you with really expensive basses actually gig them? I don't think I'd want to take a bass worth £1000+ out to a pub gig. I suppose with vintage gear it's a bit different, because I wouldn't mind if it picked up a few scrapes, but a shiny new quilt-topped thing with matching wood knobs wouldn't look too clever with big dings in it.[/quote] Yes, all the time. What's the point in spending all that money and waiting all that time, if you're just going to look at it. It's a tool of the trade, expensive I grant you but still a tool of the trade.
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='400018' date='Feb 4 2009, 02:44 PM']I have a theory that nuts should be made out of a softer and more self-damped material than frets otherwise open notes will be brighter and have longer sustain than fretted notes (due the the finger behind the fretted note adding a degree of damping). Alex[/quote] That's an interesting point indeed Alex. I can see the reason behind your thinking.
  6. [quote name='BeLow' post='399370' date='Feb 3 2009, 08:17 PM']The search for tone! I rate Jon's corian nut (I think that's what it's called) at first I wanted him to use a one piece brass design but I like the one he supplied, it works. I fiddled with the mid control - a total absence of instructions did not help but I got there in the end and I think it pays dividends to explore it. I seem to rotate through 2 or 3 different basses which seems to stop me wanting to go and buy new ones. I reckon Dr D has given some good advice on this. BTW has Mrs T quizzed you on where this is going yet?[/quote] I'd not heard of corian until now. I'm happy to stick with the brass one really. I'll have a go at the mid control, when I get the chance. It seems a bit remiss of me to have ignored it all this time, when others rave about it. Now - 2 or 3 basses. Hmmm there's an idea Oh and I have no idea where this is going yet, let alone the missus (Well, I do have an idea but funding may be an issue - damn Sri Lankan holidays )
  7. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='398243' date='Feb 2 2009, 07:54 PM']I heard that Elixirs last a player about 3 times as long as his or her normal brand strings last - which in my case means I won't have to change them til I'm 148. Must say they've been bang on to press , no flaky coatings or anything.[/quote] Yeah, it's really odd. They flaked at both the neck end and over the pickups - annoyed the hell out of me.
  8. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='399086' date='Feb 3 2009, 04:03 PM']As a buyer or seller on an internet forum or auction site you should know how to protect yourself. I'd have thought that doing 5 mins background research on pretty much anything you buy or sell online was just common sense? As a buyer, if you need to be protected from spending too much money on overpriced gear then you've either got too much money or not enough common sense. It's the seller's prerogative to advertise what they're selling at whatever price they want. It's the buyer’s prerogative to buy or not to buy, or to negotiate on the price. I don’t think it’s fair on a seller to discuss pricing in their thread. If you’re really bothered by it then send a friendly PM. I can understand what you’re saying, but if people need protecting from high prices then they need protecting from themselves.[/quote] A more eloquent version of what I was saying (thanks Ben )
  9. [quote name='lushuk' post='398570' date='Feb 3 2009, 06:47 AM']mmmm but it does not protect the buyer![/quote] Well, I'd say that it's up to the buyer to do the homework too. I'd never buy from any forum/auction site, without a quick Google.
  10. [quote name='lushuk' post='398566' date='Feb 3 2009, 06:00 AM']Also the other thing that gets me goat is like a recent advert that said "these cost £200 new" erm no they don't £117 from ***** but we cant point it out to potential buyers cause its against the rules, where as wouldn it be better to help fellow board members out and protect them from the dreamprice brigade? Ed[/quote] A polite PM to the seller may work. <edit>Just checked the guidelines, PM'ing the seller about the price is perfectly acceptable (providing you are polite about it)
  11. Early morning bump Anyone interested in a lot of bass for very little?
  12. Ah yes....the onboard preamp. Therein lies black magic and mystery :wacko: I have to admit that I haven't fiddled with the mid control either, I really ought to give it a go. Any idea of the frequency range? I'll have a look at some groundwounds but I think you're right about the boomers, I reckon they're just starting to come into they're own. BTW I had elixirs fitted to both my Ibbys....hated them, the coating flaked off in no time flat.
  13. [quote name='steve' post='398035' date='Feb 2 2009, 04:24 PM']how can you still have gas when you've got that shuker? [/quote] Ha. That's a very good question However, you can never happen too many weapons in your arsenal (at least, that's what I tell the wife and it's worked so far)
  14. WITHDRAWN. Decided to keep it. Cheers Pete
  15. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='396994' date='Feb 1 2009, 04:45 PM']Pete , I take your point about alu coned drivers but I think a bit of eq experimentation costs nothing and will probably chill your tone out to near where you want it. I go through periods of finding my Shuker too bright , too middly , whatever. I just pick up another bass for a bit and appreciate the different sounds rather than seeing some of them as unsuitable if you catch my drift. Someone suggested string changing - there's another good call , easy and cheap - massive difference[/quote] Thanks again Dave. You're absolutely right mate. I'm just being fidgity and I know it. It strikes us all at one time or another <edit> Some string suggestions would be appreciated. I'm using Bass Boomers at the minute, they're about 15 months old.
  16. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='396974' date='Feb 1 2009, 04:25 PM']..... Unless of course you come to the conclusion that you should have a Ja.....oh dear I really shouldn't go there when you've got such a beautiful instrument Good luck in the never-ending search which is the curse of most of us![/quote] Haha, don't even get me started on that subject. Can you believe I actually went and sold one? I've regretted it ever since. Thank you for the compliment on my bass, it is a beauty and I love it but, as you succinctly put, we are cursed.
  17. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='396952' date='Feb 1 2009, 04:01 PM']Pete - if your Shuker's anything like mine bare this in mind. Because the bridge is made up of individual saddle pieces screwed to the wood rather than the conventional bridge type where the saddles rest on a plate , Jon has to find a different way to 'earth' all 4 strings. A wire taken to the g saddle only earths the g string. To get round this he puts a brass shim in with a bone nut , then the earth path runs up the g string to the nut and back down the other 3 strings. In your case , if you have a brass nut fitted , it's doing the same job. So - if you replace it with a bone nut alone you've broken that earth path. Just something worth your consideration.[/quote] Thanks Dave. I'm convinced that it wouldn't make any tonal differences, from what the other guys have said and certainly, what you have just said there has convinced me not to change it. I'm actually starting to think that I need to change my cabs. Aluminium cones aren't exactly the the most forgiving or mellow.
  18. This is the instrument in question. I'm starting to think that the pickup routs are in the wrong positions for jazz type pickups anyway (I could be wrong though ). I've put the DC in the neck position now so I'll see how that sounds before I make anymore decisions. Cheers Pete
  19. Fair play on the point about the nut. It never occured to me that it's out of the equation when you fret a string, DOH! I guess I'm just getting itchy about my overall sound. (This site doesn't help one bit ) I think a bit more experimentation with the onboard preamp, amp settings etc, is what is needed. Maybe the cabs I'm using are not right for me (dear God!! where will it end?) Cheers Pete
  20. Thanks for that Doc, I appreciate the advice. The main reason for asking is because I'm experimenting with my sound. I'm wondering whether to swap my pickups out (emg P and DC) for a pair of EMG 35J's as I'm not enormously happy with the tone at the mo. I swapped the DC into the neck position yesterday but haven't had the chance to try it out properly yet. BTW has anyone any idea why Jon would have fitted 5 and 6 string pickups into a 4 string bass? What are fitted are a 40P and 40 DC. Cheers Pete
  21. Another exquisite example of Jons work. You must be chuffed to bits
  22. Ok, so I have a brass nut fitted to my Shuker and I'm interested to find out your opinions on what the tonal differences would be if I fitted a standard bone one. Ta Pete
  23. Sri Lanka was superb mate. We had a great time. Good news on the bass mate, you waited long enough I reckon
  24. Hey BM. Any news on your addition or have I missed something important?
  25. [quote name='Merton' post='391088' date='Jan 25 2009, 05:49 PM']Here's my updated rig: [attachment=19200:DSC00241.JPG] Hartke LH500 Trace 4808 V-Type cab Trace 1518 Only tried it at bedroom levels but it sounds awesome. The 1518 goes so much deeper than the older Trace 15s. Nice![/quote] Oh my....niceeeeeeeeeeeee
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