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Everything posted by jonmohajer1

  1. Bump as I'm now once more looking to sell the head and cab - see original post for photos. Apologies for those I didn't get around to responding to before.
  2. Still looking to sell or trade the head!
  3. Well, I'd be able to deliver for the cost of fuel, but Nottingham seems a bit far. I'm playing in Nottingham on 8th May, so could deliver then for free, but it is a while away. I wouldn't be against using an insured courier, or uninsured if the buyer is happy to assume the risk. I'm actually now thinking I'd like to keep the cab and get a second hand Portaflex 500. If anyone has one they'd consider trading with around £500 for the SVT CL, hit me up.
  4. Thanks for the offer, but after something with a slightly higher power rating than that, and also should have specified that I'd only be interested in another 4x10 if trading the cab.
  5. Edit: Apologies I half-forgot about this thread and don't seem to get email notifications of messages etc, but I will try harder to keep on top of things now, as I'm now interested in selling this amp and cab once more. Finally uploaded photos to show rips to tolex (extensive on one side of the cab) and the changed knobs on front of amp. Original offers of trades for solid state gear still stands. Happy to sell head & cab separately. _________________________________________________ I'm selling my Ampeg SVT-CL head (£720) and 410 HLF cab (£180). The head is in very good condition, serviced around 6 months ago, in top working condition. I don't have the info to hand, but it's around 15 years old and has made in USA written on the back. I changed all the knobs on the front to smaller, rubber ones as a couple of the brittle plastic ones got damaged and came off the spline. I'm sure a handful of Ampeg knobs can be picked up for a few quid if that's your bag. A couple of tears in the tolex, but nothing major. The cab on the other hand is pretty battered looking (lots of big tears in the tolex), but works fine. I'm after a solid state head, something fairly light but not necessarily a Class D. I'm happy to keep the cab, but if someone had a head and cab configuration they'd look to trade for this, I'd consider it. The main reason for sale is that it is simply too loud and heavy for my current needs. I have a SansAmp, so really I'm just looking for a loud, clean amp, maybe even just a power amp, or maybe something like a Markbass, Trace Elliott or Hartke. If you have any trade offers, or are interested in buying the head, cab or both, drop me a PM. Cheers, Jon (Cardiff based)
  6. Anyone gonna bite before this goes on feeBay at the end of this week? I need to pay my school fees...
  7. No interest still? It's lush!!!
  8. OK, looks like I'm heading towards being completely broke so would like to re-advertise this as for sale, after I'd decided to hang onto it for another few months. I'm not planning to drop any lower than the stated figure though, so no use in waiting out on it... Cheers, Jon
  9. so who's buying before this goes on FeeBay?
  10. We could meet in Newcastle perhaps? Thanks for fitting it with casters, you did a great job!
  11. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]From the Trace Elliot V-range. Designed to be paired with the V4, V6 or (if you can get your hands on one) V8 amps. Not the usual black tolex covered affair, but a very glamorous sparkly green carpet and grille cloth.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This particular cab has been very well looked after as for much of its life it was housed in a full flight case. It now has a custom-made Roqsolid padded cover with matching green piping! Smart![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Condition is very good, even allowing for the fact that its about 15 years old. The only visible marks are a small chip in the paint on one of the handles and a small part near the bottom right where there looks like a very small tear in the carpet but you could probably just go over that with a black marker and you'll never notice it.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It weighs 45kg. Heavy, yes - but very easy to move due to the large casters fitted by a previous owner, and the fact that although it is tall and wide, it is not particularly deep.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The dimensions are 74cm wide, 84cm high (including casters) and 36cm deep.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The cab is rated to handle 500w @ 8ohms and has both 1/4" jack and XLR inputs and outputs. The sound it produces is deep and rich, with creamy highs. It is certainly not boomy or wooly in any way!! [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Due to the weight, local pick-up would be the obvious option, although I am happy to drive a reasonable distance from [b]Leeds[/b] to meet up if it helps.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Open to offers, but looking for [/font][/color][i][b]£220[/b][/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] for this wonderful cab.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks for looking. - I've borrowed most of the text and images used by Conan, who I bought the cab from 9 months ago. I hope he doesn't mind, but he seemed to do a fine job at describing it! I'm only selling because I have another, slightly smaller cab, and can't justify keeping two when I barely have enough space to store one![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jon[/font][/color]
  12. I've just dropped you a PM about visiting tomorrow - hope you get a chance to read it in time.
  13. I grew up in Porthcawl, was a surprise to see someone eager to go and play there. There hasn't been much consistent over the years, although the Pier used to have jam nights every Thursday night which were great fun and an awesome opportunity for my first band to cut our teeth in front of an audience. They stopped about 7 or 8 years ago for reasons unknown to me, although the same guy is running open mic nights at the Swan more sporadically. Or maybe it's every week, I'm not sure as I'm not back in Wales very often. When I was a teen, me and a friend put on a few DIY punk gigs in various venues around porthcawl, a Scout's Hut in Nottage, The Pier, the "Stage Door" venue at The Pavillion, The Apollo (which has since changed its name/ interior decor about four times, and apparently is now a steak restaurant (!?))... sorry just reminiscing a bit over here. Those were good days, when everything was new and an adventure. Now putting on or playing gigs are mostly going through the motions, standard venues that are nice enough, and it all probably sounds a lot better, but everyone knows what to expect... Have fun in Porthcawl.
  14. Will drop to 750, send me a message if you're interested! Ta
  15. No interest in this then? I can include delivery to anywhere in the UK in the 800 and will throw in a set of flatwounds if you want them. I'm a fairly new member but have some feedback left here http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160023-feedback-for-jonmohajer1/page__p__1485313__hl__jonmohajer1__fromsearch__1#entry1485313
  16. I'm selling a beautiful 2002 USA Standard Precision. The colour is sunburst, but quite an unusual type for a Fender bass, I guess you'd call it tobacco burst, rather than three colour sunburst as it's not as yellow & red as other sunbursts. Anyway, the pictures should show what I mean. It really looks gorgeous though. Tort scratchplate, nice pick up and bridge covers and thumb rest. Plays excellently, lovely neck with minimal wear, no belt rash, no major dings / scratches but overall I'd say the condition is A-. The weight is fine too, nothing compared to how heavy P-basses can get. You can play this one standing up for hours with no issues. I've just tried to weigh it and I'm getting around 4kg but that's more of a ballpark figure. It comes with a hard case that does have a slight crack on one edge which I've tried to show in the last photo, but it still does an excellent job protecting the bass. I'm only selling to help fund a Masters course next year, and I've decided that I can make do with my Aria Pro II for the bands I'm playing in. I live in Leeds and would prefer for interested parties to come to my house to look at it / pick it up. However I could drive within 50 miles to meet you if you're willing to cover my fuel costs. Hi-res photos uploaded here: https://picasaweb.google.com/105691011016056632203/FenderPrecision?authuser=0&feat=directlink £800 ONO - PM me on here if you're interested or have any questions. Thank-you
  17. Greg bought a Mesa Boogie D-180 from me yesterday morning. Really lovely guy who made the deal go very smoothly. Punctual, friendly and fair, what more could you want from a transaction?
  18. This is now sold, sorry to everyone who has PM'd me. Thanks a lot to Greg for coming to Porthcawl and picking it up this morning!
  19. I only bought this amp from a Basschat member back in January. It's an incredible amp, very loud and such a powerful tone, but I've sadly realised that it doesn't suit me that well. Also I am not playing live regularly enough these days to justify having such a massive amplifier. [left]It runs on 6 6L6 power tubes, kicking out around 200W of valve power and has 3 12AX7s and 1 12AT7 in the preamp section. Reportedly great as both a guitar and bass amp but I've only ever put a bass through it. It has two channels, Channel 1 has much more scope for high gain (I consider this the guitar channel) with two gain controls that cascade, so you can get an infinite number of variations in distortion by experimenting with these two gains. Channel two bypasses the first gain knob and is a bit cleaner sounding, and the one I use for bass. Still, it get's pretty dirty past half way on the volume control. An interesting aspect of this amp is the Master volume control, which doesn't seem to work like any other I've tried. Mesa recommends keeping it on 10 for best performance, and then reducing master drastically lowers the volume but seems to increase the distortion saturation. I'm not 100% that this control is working exactly as it should as the whole range between loud and quiet seems to happen between about 8 and 10, but I can definitely say that at 10 it sounds beautiful, and I tend to keep it at 10 and vary the volume control.[/left] [left]All this might make more sense if you read the manual from Mesa: [url="http://www.mesaboogie.com/manuals/D-180%20Power%20Amp.pdf"]http://www.mesaboogie.com/manuals/D-180%20Power%20Amp.pdf[/url][/left] [left]And some useful reviews on Harmony Central: [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/82167"]http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/82167[/url][/left] [left]Also I should point out that one of the EQ controls (middle, I think) crackles a little bit, but probably just requires a clean. It also has a switchable graphic EQ to sort out your bass / low mid frequencies with a lot of precision. And an XLR output that captures the sound of the power amp too. Runs at 8 or 4 ohms.[/left] [left]Since I bought it I've put it in a shallow Gator case which makes it a lot easier to carry around (it's a pretty heavy amp, but I'm sure more bearable than an SVT etc). It also keeps the power cable nice and neat by putting the back lid on the case in transport.[/left] [left]I paid £550 for it in January and will sell for exactly the same, plus £50 (what I paid for a second hand, excellent condition Gator case). So £600 all in, or if you don't want the case I'll sell for £550 and will try and sell the case separately.[/left] [left]This amp is 30 years old this year![/left] [left]I live in Leeds but am in South Wales with the amp (at my parents') until Sunday. I'll be driving from South Wales (near Swansea) up to Leeds on Sunday, so could make a detour (within reason) and deliver it to anyone on that day for free. Otherwise feel free to come around to my flat in Leeds after Sunday to have a look at it. I am still fairly new to the forum but have feedback from a couple of transactions here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160023-feedback-for-jonmohajer1/page__p__1485313__hl__jonmohajer1__fromsearch__1#entry1485313"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160023-feedback-for-jonmohajer1/page__p__1485313__hl__jonmohajer1__fromsearch__1#entry1485313[/url][/left]
  20. Just wanted to see good luck with this, I love Discharge! Probably the best British hardcore band... Unfortunately I'm from South Wales (but living in Leeds at the moment) and not exactly an old punk at 22....
  21. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wasburn-80s-Wing-Series-Raven-Bass-/190631977536?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c628d2240#ht_500wt_1413 <-- I've always fancied one of these and pretty sure it'd fit your criteria. You'd probably get it with at least £50 to spare too. I have an Aria Pro II CSB 300 that I've played to death which is similar and is just a wonderful, straight up, great bass to play.
  22. Would you trade for a Tracel Elliott Bonneville 100W tube head? [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/87210"]http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/87210[/url]
  23. This is great value for the amp. I recently took mine on tour for nine days as we didn't have room in our car for my 2x15" cab and head and I was really happy with it. Really loud and dependable. Sounds amazing with a Sansamp in front of it too. Sounds good without one too, but I needed a bit of overdrive which only the SansAmp could provide. It has a Balanced XLR out, built in limiter, compressor, active/passive switch...
  24. Just bought a lovely 2002 USA Fender Precision Bass from Dan today and he was a pleasure to deal with. Very honest, helpful and easy to contact. Allowed me to come and view the bass at short notice and was kind and friendly. Deal with confidence! Cheers
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB31_P63-ng Andy Rourke is probably my favourite bassist. But to be honest I can't think of many records I really love that [i]weren't[/i] played on a precision bass...
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