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Everything posted by lollington

  1. Thanks Scott. I've been playing for years and once or twice tried learning from YouTube without any luck. Picked it up fairly quickly with your videos. Would enjoy some different riffs to practice which incorporate all the techniques you've taught so far. As a brand spanking new slapper, it's difficult to know when to apply techniques to get the sound you're after, but I suppose this is something that comes with time. Cheers, I owe you one!
  2. "...the amp has a slightly distorted sound at the moment..." (not my auction) [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-TNT-130-/160650464381?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item2567838c7d#ht_500wt_922"]Click.[/url]
  3. I'm looking for a new scratchplace for a SR5. Its a 2008 model, single pickup. [url="http://http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/STINGRAY_BASS_5_STRING_-_WHITE_PEARL_STGB-5428"]Like this.[/url] This doesn't seem to have the screw tabs cut out for the pickup, so I'm not sure it will fit. I'm not too keen on the price either, seems a little high, or is this the case with scratchplates? A couple of places that I've phoned have said that they can make one if I send them a stencil. Anyone know somewhere I can buy online? Ta
  4. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1362245' date='Sep 4 2011, 09:19 PM']Ouch indeed. No RCDs in the consumer unit then. [/quote] Yes, but only on the kitchen ring, not the other half of the flat. It's an old house/flat conversion, pre regulation. Now I can use my amp again!
  5. Problem solved, an update for those of you with wooden floors to consider... Nail in floorboard near door had been hammered into wire in downstairs lighting ring. Standing on this nail barefoot whilst touching a metallic object with an earth (light switch, guitar, radiator etc) = 240v ouchiness.
  6. I've been playing for over ten years, don't know any scales, can't slap or tap, but I love playing, especially in my band. Don't worry so much about it. If you are a session musician this would be a problem, but if it's a hobby, just have some fun.
  7. Good evenin' chatters I'm sure there must be existing posts about this on the forum, but I've learnt quite a bit on this subject in the last week, so thought I'd share here. We've just finished our EP. You can listen to the whole thing [url="http://futurepilots.co.uk"]here.[/url] The engineer asked if we had anything in place to protect the recording. I was under the impression that all material is copy write to the owner automatically and that 'buying' a copy write was urban legend. I think that's true, but you have to be able to [i]prove[/i] that you made the recording, or own the rights, just incase someone tries ripping it off. This is where [url="http://www.ppluk.com/"]PPL[/url] come in. They're the folks who catalogue music and distribute royalties. Becoming a member is free - I have created a bedroom label for the band in order to obtain ISRC codes. These can be programmed into a master CD before duplication. It's wishful thinking to sign up with the assumption that the royalties your unsigned band will earn will be enough to give up the day job, but as far as protecting your work goes, it's fairly concrete. Their FAQ section is easy enough to understand and should help you on your way. The EP was recorded at the [url="http://www.whstudio.co.uk/"]White House[/url] studio in Kewstoke. The engineer there, Martin, has some lovely equipment. He's been doing the job for years and he knows his stuff. Plus, he only charges £15 per hour. If you live in the southwest I highly recommend it. Hope you enjoy the tracks.
  8. Bought an EBS Valvedrive pedal from Mark. Fab guy to do business with. Cheers!
  9. UPDATE: Just switched the light off in my front room... DARGHHGGHH! Same thing! Guess I can write off the problems with my rig. Another nasty shock just from touching the light switch. Time to get in touch with the landlord... Avatar remains mine for another day
  10. My rig had me screaming like a little girlie girl twice today. Never had any problem with my set up - 4U flight case with Hartke amp, Korg tuner and a Samson power conditioner. Today I added a dbx compressor and shifted the units around so that the power conditioner sat at the back of the flight case behind the small tuner. This way I could continue to use the 4U case. Wires were all tidy but a bit of a squeeze, nothing obstructing airflow to the amp. I'm also expecting delivery of a mains powered effects pedal. I thought that I could power the pedal from the conditioner to protect it from any naughty power mishaps but also to keep sockets and cables to a minimum. Problem is, the pedal has a power adapter so will not fit straight into the conditioner. I cut the end off of a male-female kettle lead and replaced it with a standard 3 pin socket, like so, so that the power adapter will go into this and then the conditioner. This all makes sense to me, but I received two whacking great shocks, once when I touched the flight case, and another time when I was playing my bass. I'm not using the pedal yet but the socket is wired into the power conditioner. Have I done something stupid enough to deserve these shocks? Either the power conditioner doesn't like the homemade cable or things are a bit tight in there and need to be moved into a 6U case? Help please!
  11. [quote name='Wilco' post='1334218' date='Aug 9 2011, 09:21 PM']One gripe I do have is that the DI is pre EQ & effects loop (however, at the suggestion of another bass chatter I will look into getting this modded to 'post' which will be more useful in a live situation with a PA)[/quote] I've just bought a compressor to go with my LH500. The manual says the DI is pre EQ but no mention about the effects send. I'd be interested to know how/who could go about modding the amp to remedy this. Cheers Wilco!
  12. [quote name='drthirkenstein' post='1328057' date='Aug 5 2011, 12:01 AM']I have one of these and it is awesome.[/quote] They're pretty pricey new, and a rarity second hand. Uber GAS for one of these and a (half decent) rack mounted compressor means I'm reluctant to splash out cash for new stock. I have 3 or 4 songs in my set that need a little drive and this would be perf over buying a new amp. Let me know if you want rid of yours
  13. Want please! Is this still available?
  14. I've used my LH500 for around six months now. Sounds brilliant with plenty of power. The volume knob is a little unusual; output is pretty relaxed till 1 o'clock when the power jumps up. Seems like this is characteristic of the amp from what I've heard. Don't expect any grit from the valve preamp. I'm looking for an amp that can provide a little of this, so my LH500 [i]might[/i] be up for grabs pretty soon!
  15. This works on my LH500
  16. Thank you for all the replies. It's been interesting reading all of your posts, and it's certainly shed some light into how things work. It seems pretty variable, and like all jobs, I suppose you've got to be determined and willing to make the whole thing work out to be worthwhile. Although I don't doubt I can muster the effort involved in make a living as a musician, I'm not sure it's the right direction to take at the moment. [quote name='Doddy' post='1128186' date='Feb 15 2011, 11:58 AM']When I see one of my old mates who has a nice job at a building society,nice-ish house,car family etc. he never seems particularly happy and is just plodding along.[/quote] I found this particularly amusing, seeing how I've worked in a building society for the last five years! Having had a pretty rotten few days in the office, band practice tonight has really bucked me up. It seems fair to tell you, after you've all been so honest and helpful to me, I've decided to stick with the 9-5. I'm lucky enough to have a hobby in music. So long as I have a day job that can sustain this, I'll be happy. Would playing music full time spoil this fun? Perhaps so. Being fortunate enough to have a full time job with guaranteed income, decent pension and sick pay benefits seems a little daft to throw away, no matter how boring it is. But then I guess this is the mentality I inherited from working in the financial services. In thirty years from now will I regret [i]not[/i] doing something more enjoyable for a living? Definitely. But so long as I can have fun when the tie comes off, for now I'm satisfied.
  17. A small tear fell onto my desk earlier this afternoon whilst at work, and I wondered how great it would be to get paid (enough) to play music for a living. I'm not a brilliant bassist, couldn't cut it as a session musician, but play alright in a group, and good enough to play your general pop or rock songs. The older I get, the more events I attend, wedding, birthday parties etc, and the cover bands there get paid quite a bit to rip off other band's music whilst everyone dances about. Am I missing a trick here? Given enough time, could one build up enough of a reputation to get paid a few hundred quid per show and do a few of these a week? Surely everyone has had this thought before - have I finally reached the point in my [s]career[/s] job where I've had enough and want to do something fun for a living? Obviously there's much to consider. I wonder if anyone here plays for a living? How tough is it to get going? Is it more fun than your old desk job? Are you left with enough cash in your pocket to make it financially worthwhile? (Not in a profiteering way, just enough to be comfortable) I play in an original indie/pop/rock group at the moment. Most of my spare time is taken up with this. Ideally I'd love to get signed and leave the day job to play our original material, but I'm not [i]that[/i] much of a day dreamer. I'm guessing that to begin with, it would be weekend work, pub stuff, friends parties etc till we could start charging for events. If things go well then build up enough booked events to pack in the day job. What are the implications? If you're earning enough cash in a group for each member to be a basic rate tax payer, do you need to pay back any royalties? Are there any other charges involved? Perhaps I'll get out of bed on the right side tomorrow and forget all about it, but till then, it would be interesting to learn a little more...
  18. Hijacking the thread somewhat, but recently picked up a LH500 myself. Does anyone else notice a notice jump in volume around the 6 mark? Seems to be pretty quiet up till then....
  19. A few months ago I saw a strap that attached itself to the handle of an amp or cab. It had another velcro strap attached to it to fasten to the neck. Held a guitar in place tight to your rig, so less in the way on a crowded stage. Anyone know what this is called or where to find one?
  20. This is been thrown onto the 'bay You'll also note that an (unbadged ) Behringer cab has been added to the auction. Should make a good first rig for someone out there...
  21. Thanks for all the info chaps
  22. [quote name='kurcatovium' post='1096399' date='Jan 20 2011, 02:38 PM']Any idea how heavy the cab is?[/quote] I'm not entirely sure how heavy this cab is. The new Peavey 410 is around 46kg so I'm guessing it will be close to that? PS: Price drop for collection!
  23. [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-guitar-amps/pid19561/cid561/tc-electronic-bc212-2x12-bass-cabinet.asp"]How about two of these?[/url] I'm guessing they're 8ohm?
  24. Hello folks I'm thinking about getting hold of some lighter cabs. Been toying about with some set up ideas. Play indie rock music, nothing too demanding really, but do use a five string. Eying up Markbass and TC Electronic gear. Would be interested in your opinions about the two. Markbass seems more expensive, but they do a 15" cab. Quite like the look of their traveller range, 15" plus 2x10. TC gear is cheaper, seems to have a good reputation, but more limited in terms of set up. Would a 410 give enough low end? I know the best way to compare is to use your ears (or wallet in my case) but its probably going to be tough hunting down this gear in a shop nearby, so any suggestions are appreciated! Ta
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