We are Sundog, Based near Exeter in Devon
We have been writing and performing electronic pop music for 6 months now and already have 10 orignal songs and a few covers totalling over an hours set.
Our debut gig went down a storm with many people positively commenting on our HUGE live sound and the originality of our own music, and we now have interest and bookings from several well known music clubs and festivals all over the country. We're using an awesome drum kit, sweet guitar effects, roland synthesizers and a high performance vocal effects unit, therefore it is paramount that we find a bassist who can match the level of quality with his own performance and gear (bass effects such as distortion and compression are essential for a number of our songs).
Our influences include; Massive Attack, Prodigy, Gorillaz, Pendulum, Nine Inch Nails, Portishead, and many more but that should give you an idea, but, as mentioned, our emphasis is on our ORIGINAL music so a Bassist who can bring his own creative style to the band is more than welcome.
After six months together as a four piece, we found ourselves without a bass player at a pretty crucial time.
We are currently writing, rehearsing and gigging with a short-term bassist who is kindly helping us out while we search for permanent member of the band.
If your interested then please contact us.
You must be committed and aged between 18 - 24.
Please contact Richie (lead vocals / synths)
[email protected] 07875521171
[email protected] www.myspace.com/sundogmusiclive