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Everything posted by lkngro

  1. I was looking on the Status website and couldn't find anything that looked like yours. Though on the pricelist the basses range from about 1500 pounds to 3000 pounds. [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/"]http://www.status-graphite.com/[/url]
  2. Well I know that I don't want just another P-bass. If I did, then I wouldn't even have posted this thread because I'd still be saving up for an MIA Fender. For a reference point on where I want to be tonally as an end, my dream bass is a Warwick Dolphin. So basically what I'm asking you to do is tell me which bass will sound the most like a true Warwick. But at the same time, that's not what I want you to do because I know that only a Warwick can sound like a Warwick. I want something that will give me that sort of "felt, not heard" sound that Stefan Lessard has.
  3. I've done all my research on this topic, including hours spent on MusiciansFriend, Sam Ash, going to 3 different bass forums, and going to music stores. In other words, I know what basses are out there. Now I just need your opinions on which one I should get. I'd like all of you to pick a bass from the list and say why you would get it over the rest. I love my MIM P-Bass, but I've been craving something a little better for a while now. I want a five string bass that can get a nice thick, meaty tone, like Stefan Lessard (Dave Matthews Band). I don't want it to be too trebley or twangy, but have a sort of low thump and growl that sits in the mix like a fat man after a hike. I also LOVE Two-Tone Tommy's sound from My Morning Jacket. Please keep all this in mind while making your decision. So here is the list: Ibanez SR755 Peavey Cirrus BXP 5 MTD Kingston Artist 5 Aria SB-404/5 Warwick Rockbass Corvette Standard or $$ Thanks in advance for your input, Luke
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