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About Wil

  • Birthday 11/05/1985

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Total Watts

  1. Fitting on International Women's Day. Jean Grae (formerly known as What What, when she did "The Blend" with Herbaliser). [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzK-fn9NaCE"]https://www.youtube....h?v=QzK-fn9NaCE[/url]
  2. Wil

    G&L tribute SB-2

    I've got one and it's brilliant. Very comfy to play - slim neck which I actually very much like despite being a P bass man, and my previous Jazz giving me hand cramps. Sounds powerful, deep, punchy, plenty of growl and bite. Those pickups are HOT - I tend to run it flat out but backing off the volume does mellow the sound a lot. As a rock bass I can't fault it really.
  3. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1430307208' post='2760038'] Yellow with a squishy centre? [/quote] Yellowing with a gluey, plywoody centre to be precise - this is what it looked like: http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u205/evilgreco/Evilguitars/NJ2MockBassW-11.jpg As I understand it they were only in production for a year or so - I wonder why...
  4. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1430298622' post='2759900'] Sadly my tech has told me the neck is twisted beyond what's worth spending on it so will be returning it for a refund [/quote] Was it one of BC Rich's famed "100 piece" necks by any chance? I had an NJ Mockingbird with one of these that had a neck like a banana.
  5. I'm looking to join an originals band in Bristol on bass, after a long break from bassing in bands. I have about 20 years of playing under my belt, am an ear player primarily but have a little theory too, and I also play guitar and keys. Decent gear and transport. I'm looking to join something in the vein of art punk, or desert rock... something loud and dynamic at any rate. Not looking for fame or fortune, just want a weekly jam/rehearsal and the odd gig, and to have some fun making music.
  6. I got mine for much the same reason. It sounds really good. The tone stack is weird and takes some getting used to. It's not light. Overall it seems to be a great workhorse amp. I run a VT bass in front if mine - I prefer the sound to the Markbass F1 I used previously.
  7. Unrelated to the OP but I've got an LH and it's got a really weird tonestack I must say. Decent sounding amp though, if limited in toneshaping. I just whack a VT bass in front which covers all the tone shaping bases.
  8. Saw him twice at Arctangent last year, very impressive chap.
  9. I've got a minibrute and its very well built, no quality complaints. Sounds the nuts too. I'd imagine the microbrute would be a great choice for a bass synth. Heard very good things about the novation bass station also. Three Trapped Tigers use them and they get some great bass sounds.
  10. Worth noting the ATK has a rather thick neck rather unlike the SR series. Well, mine did anyway. It was almost too thick for me and I normally prefer a P neck.
  11. Bjork - Homogenic. Always pops into the forefront of my mind when faced with the classic album question. Stunning piece of work. Ref an earlier post, I listened Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient works for the first time last week too. I really like it.
  12. It's an awesome looking (and sounding) synth. I want one!
  13. Another minibrute recording - I finally worked out how to slice up samples in Ableton and assign them to the drum rack. All of the drum sounds in this are synthesised with the minibrute then assigned to the rack in Ableton where I sequenced them. In fact all sounds in this are the minibrute besides the piano. Now I know how to do this I'm probably going to go a bit sampling mad and pretend I'm in Animal Collective or something. https://soundcloud.com/wil-miles/bear-aware
  14. Thanks! Yeah I like it a lot. Just wish it was polyphonic but you can't have everything... I must say I really like the filter. When I first used it I thought it sounded a bit dull, but I had previously owned a Nord Lead where I was hesitant to really crank the resonance because it sounded so harsh - not so the minibrute. Going hell for leather with the resonance is positively encouraged and really makes the filter come alive.
  15. I got myself an Arturia Minibrute the other day and after unboxing the thing set straight to recording - boshed this out in a few hours. It's a wonderful bit of kit for the money, very intuitive and fun to use. Dialling in/modulating sounds is a real pleasure, now I'm thinking of making more and more electronic music and perhaps investing in some hardware to make creating beats more intuitive than sequencing in the DAW. I hooked up a midi cable to sync the brute with ableton for the purposes of synching the LFO and arpeggiator with the arrangement tempo, which worked a treat with no faffing about. This track is all minibrute besides a software 707 beat, some delay added in the DAW and a track of acoustic guitar to add a bit of space. [url="https://soundcloud.com/wil-miles/warfrogs"]https://soundcloud.c...-miles/warfrogs[/url]
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