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Everything posted by Wil

  1. Love it. I've always wanted a Starcaster guitar, I love the tone Johnny Greenwood gets from his, and I think they look the sex.
  2. I tried to use Spotify but my internet isn't fast enough to support it. Hard to believe in this day in age, I know. Seemed an excellent idea though, to me. Forward thinking.
  3. Out of curiosity, are there any people on basschat that actually make (or used to make) a significant chunk of thier income from the sale of recorded music?
  4. Just had a thought. If all music were free, the only people with any reason to make music would be those who had something to say or a deep love of it. So long, Cheryl Cole! You can all thank me later.
  5. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1340192781' post='1700679'] Because it is making out that someone on here making music for fun is not as good as someones who does it "Professionally". That perhaps is part of the problem. Maybe the problem is not the sharing but some people see their music as more valid and better because they get a cheque from it when an album is sold. Without the money they are no longer getting the validation that their music is better than their best mate from high school who works during the day, records at night on Audacity, uploads it to youtube and gets their pleasure simply from people listening and enjoying their music. [b]Music was an entertainment, an art to be enjoyed by EVERYONE. songs got passed about and the writers long forgotten. Now it's no more than a newspaper to be bought used and forgotten about when the next one comes along.[/b] [/quote] Amen to that. I don't think music needs a dollar value attached or the backing of a big label to be great music, or to be valuable music, just not necessarily in terms of money. We all take it for granted that music is something to be bought and sold - why is that? I honestly don't like it and I hope that in time that will change. I can't keep up with this thread...
  6. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340188969' post='1700567'] But to sustain a career in music is not then easily possible is it. To make the best music you can make and really represent yourself at your best, you need to dedicate a lot of time to it, practising, writing, refining, learning, touring, promotion .. giving yourself the best chance at a sustainable career. You can't do all this and have a day job to pay the rent and eat and fund the next musical project. [/quote] That's exactly what I do, I work a day job to pay for my hobby making music. If I could make a living out of selling music, I'd probably be happy about that, but this is the 21st century and I think it's unrealistic to think that people wont share music digitally in the same way people did with cassette tapes, or further back, did around camp fires. To me music is a form of human expression first and foremost, not a commodity, it's ethereal. Once it leaves the speakers it enters your brain and it's yours forever. Honestly, I would rather someone heard my music for free and enjoyed it, instead of not hearing it at all because they're not able to/prepared to pay for it. But that's just me.
  7. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1340188116' post='1700554'] If i was popular enough to have stuff stolen/downloaded/pirated i wouldn't care. [/quote] Me too. I'd just be chuffed people were enjoying my music tbh.
  8. Tl;dr.
  9. Now on ebay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120935235808"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120935235808[/url]
  10. Lovely stuff. Is this from a longer documentary?
  11. Apologies for veering off topic - what guitar does your guitarist use? It's very cool! Edit - just found an earlier thread which mentions it's your Reverend. Might need to check them out myself, very cool looking things.
  12. Wil

    Guitar Porn

    Dont tempt me
  13. Wil

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1337624993' post='1663051'] Currently loving my Danelectro. [/quote] Love that colour!
  14. Stuart Zender. Still impressed by his soulful playing on the first 3 Jamiroquai records, cant say I followed him much after that.
  15. You can take zing out of bright sounding new strings with EQ, but you can't add harmonic richness into dead old strings. I put it to you that you don't know what you're missing.
  16. Yep, definitely not light (although I bought a small suitcase trolly which I always keep bungeed to the amp, so I can flip it on it's side and wheel it about - works great. Until I hit a flight of stairs at least...), but does sound lovely. Cant wait to hear it with a new set of tubes, I've no idea when they were last changed, if ever.
  17. Too late I'm afraid, I bought an AC30 aaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago Currently it's dead, making a horrible howling noise when I turn it on, so I've got some new tubes on order for it. Used my backup amp (Marshall DSL100) at practice tonight, first time I've used it with my Strat. It was a good match, great mid presence (I was having a lot of fun with my lead parts) but definitely far less sparkle and top end detail than the AC. Couldn't really get the valves working either, seriously loud amp.
  18. I'm in a situation at the moment where my band will be going into the studio to record soon. Some of the songs I wrote from the ground up, and every guitar/bass and instrumental part is there to compliment the other. Our bass player hasnt learned my parts as I wrote them, and I'm ok with that live, but for our record, if the parts going down aren't right (they dont necessarily have to be as I wrote them, but they must work with the other parts and invoke the same emotional response) then I will be tracking them myself. I'm hoping that it wont be an issue and wont come to that - the ideal scenario is for each member of the band to just get it, but it doesnt always work out that way. As a songwriter I find it incredibly difficult to compromise on what are essentially my babies. I'm not sure if that makes me an arse or not. Probably.
  19. I bought Chris' EHX Small Stone - paid yesterday and it arrived today. Excellent comms and item was well packed, many thanks
  20. Please remember that in the Bar and Grill, you must review the piece posted before yours when posting I'm not just saying that because it was my piece, honest!
  21. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1336548006' post='1647153'] Floyd meets Ozric Tentacles....how do you know where you are in the track? Sounds fun to jam... OK this is an instrumental I am working on for the next SL&G album...this one is all me: [b] [url="http://www.reverbnation.com/c./poni/108716769"]http://www.reverbnat.../poni/108716769[/url][/b] [/quote] Nice. Lots of nice variation around the theme, kept my interest throughout. Reminds me of Pink Floyd, in terms of style. Will this eventually be tracked with mic'd instruments? It'd be nice to hear real cello/keys/sax on there with some room ambience. Melodically it's a nice track, well done! Here's an old demo I'm currently working on. Need to add some more sections, flesh out the vocal and re-record the guitars amped up (current guitars are guide tracks done with amplitube). [url="http://soundcloud.com/wil-miles/spaceporpoise-20th-may"]http://soundcloud.co...rpoise-20th-may[/url]
  22. I'm not an expert but I do have faith in my own abilities. I know I can hear a song and play something that fits with it and sounds good in short order, and I'm proud of being able to do that. I'm happy with my level of playing and for the music I enjoy listening to and making, I dont really need to develop much further than where I am. So I'm good, I reckon, compared to your average man in the street who knows how to play smoke on the water at least. But not an expert.
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