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Everything posted by Wil

  1. I wear whatever I'd normally wear at home. Jeans, trainers, usually a band T shirt of some kind. I prefer to let the music do the talking, to be honest.
  2. [center]What about a volume pedal between the guitar and amp?[/center]
  3. It depends on the band and the song, really, but I always prefer a well rounded bass sound that will sit in the mix and compliment the kick drum. Some high end definition is nice but I don't like aggressive use of mids in order to make the bass prominent if it isn't naturally so - if you're having to do that and want to be heard better then then maybe the guitars/other instruments are taking up too much space in the first place.
  4. Martin bought my bigsby B5 copy - smooth and pleasant transaction all round
  5. It's all about emotion. Music done right moves people, and technical correctness doesnt necessarily equal a moving performance, it's all down to the note choice and feel of the musician playing the part and how they react to what they hear. You can approach music from a purely technical aspect, sure, but if you don't feel emotionally affected by what you play first and foremost then I doubt your audience will either.
  6. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1330007455' post='1551315'] what if they want some funk thing in A minor? If you don't have any stylistic awareness then how are going to know that they want something most likely 8th or 16th note based and probably using A dorian and chromatics? Your making it sound like you think you don't need to know because you've got something in your soul that makes you a good player. [/quote] Who says playing with soul negates any theoretical or technical knowledge? I don't believe in any etherial soul, btw, but by the term I refer to the creative spark that leads to good music which some people have, and some people don't. I don't think it's something you can teach, either.
  7. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1329916332' post='1549596'] I think Mick Quinn is a really amazing bass player. Different strokes I guess, but Supergrass and Blur always had great basslines imo. It wasn't the best performance to be fair, but I think it improved as it went on. I was saying to my ladyfriend when 'Song 2' was on, that I only really like the album version....I've never heard a live performance of it that I thought was any good. [/quote] +1. Supergrass had some cracking basslines.
  8. Ignoring whether the brits performance was up to scratch or not, I've been having a Blur nostalgia fest at work. Tuneage: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ7nAux8LIM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ7nAux8LIM[/url]
  9. Enjoyed Blur actually. Albarn's vocals weren't great, but I don't think they ever were live. I love Coxon's playing.
  10. On the subject of classical music, Elgar's Cello Concertio in E minor, when it hits it's peak, has a staggering emotional impact. Rachmaninov's piano concertio number 2 in C minor does it for me too.
  11. John Peel approved Welsh folky strangeness. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5fkJ5Ppn-k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5fkJ5Ppn-k[/url]
  12. For me, Johnny Greenwood.
  13. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1329396084' post='1541751'] For me there's a moment in Firth of Fifth (by Genesis for the uninitiated ) where the song moves into a sweeping keyboard (I know, I know) passage that for me really creates the whole atmosphere of the song. [/quote] Only recently discovered this album, but I think I know the bit you mean. After the big piano intro when the organ comes in? Fantastic.
  14. "I just Wasn't Made for These Times", from the Beach Boys album Pet Sounds. When the backing vocals come in, in the outtro, stepping up in volume each time, sends the hairs on the back of my neck standing up without fail.
  15. I'd never really given that chord much thought before now, but it really is something. What a way to start a record.
  16. I still have it as my only bass, bought for me as a gift in 1995. Very much modified, though, it's like trigger's broom.
  17. Gershwin - Piano Prelude no 2 Tom Waits - Alice/Rainbirds Joni Mitchell - Blue Radiohead - A Reminder Bjork - Anchor Song
  18. Awesome - I had a look on youtube for some demos but couldn't seem to find anything that had the sort of sound I'm after (think Subterranian Homesick Alien by Radiohead).
  19. Any suggestions for a small (IE microkorg size) synth that also produces a decent electric piano (rhodes) sound? I have a Sono 61 Stage piano which does a convincing rhodes impression but would like something smaller for stage use that could also produce some nice analogue style synth sounds.
  20. Wil

    Guitar Porn

    I was going to go for my usual combo, black/maple, but my friend persuaded me to try the surf green one. I'm glad he did
  21. Wil

    Guitar Porn

    New purchase today - it's an MIM. Plays very well, nut could use a bit of graphite but besides that very pleased. Sounds fantastic through the Vox.
  22. Looks fantastic, this will be an interesting thread!
  23. I had reasonable results with a Roland Basscube with an EHX Hot Tubes in front of it.
  24. Here's my setup - my newly arrived AC30 CC2, and my Warmoth build (which will now NOT be getting a Bigsby, far too much faff)
  25. Well, the AC30 arrived, and man, it's heavy! But, it has a master volume, and it sounds damn fine at low volumes to me. Better than any amp I've ever played though, that's for sure! Very responsive. It's looking more and more likely that I'll be playing guitar in a band situation soon, so I'm looking forward to cranking this thing up!
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