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Everything posted by Wil

  1. These look pretty nifty: [url="http://www.tremol-no.com/"]http://www.tremol-no.com[/url]
  2. Now sold pending the usual.
  3. I had a go on a Baritone Danelectro when my band were recording recently, the studio owner had it kicking about. It was lovely actually, ideal for sparse picking, but sounded a little muddy for chordal stuff. We ended up using it for some ambient swells on a recording (with an ebow and a memory man) - it sounded great.
  4. I'm not able to post I'm afraid.
  5. Why not just have a guitar thread? I'm a guitarist also and it looks like I'm moving back to playing guitar instead of bass in bands this year. Just about to mod my Warmoth with a cheapie Bigsby copy and some new pups, then I'll start perving on amps - very tempted by a Fender Blues Junior at the mo.
  6. Back up for sale - £350 or near offer, collected from North Bristol. I no longer have a car so no postage I'm afraid, it'd be too tricky getting it to work to be picked up. I'm after some good guitar effects (reverb, delay, fuzz, pitch mod) and a low watt valve combo like a Blues junior so would consider trades.
  7. It's the sound of thousands of great records, and although it may have only been used on a lot of those records due to a lack of choice in terms of instruments, it's a damn good sound!
  8. Still available, still after local collection (or can deliver if it's local enough).
  9. My brother got a BA Hons in Music at uni about 10 years ago. He now works in IT projects and doesn't play an instrument for fun, let alone work. His degree allowed him to get on a graduate scheme, whether that'd still be the case today, I don't know, but he seems to have done ok with it.
  10. I've been playing with 3 fingers for over a decade, and for fast stuff, I'm still more consistant with 2. Or a pick...
  11. *Please note at the moment I am not offering postage - collection only from North Bristol (close to M4/M5 junction)* Hello! I bought this lovely bits bass from Happy Jack earlier this year, but it's not been getting much use. I'm not a fretless guy really. Would like to get what I paid for it or a close offer - £150 Original topic with pics - the bass is now set up and strung BEAD. I've been using rounds on it so there is the expected fingerboard wear from a few months of intermittant use. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/145177-bitsa-precision-pj-fretless-sold/page__hl__fretless+mighty+mite__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/145177-bitsa-precision-pj-fretless-sold/page__hl__fretless+mighty+mite__fromsearch__1[/url] Also up for sale again is my Sterling by Musicman SB14. It's in the same condition as it was in it's original sale post here, and I'm still asking for £350 ono: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/145274-sterling-by-musicman-sb14-withdrawn-for-now/page__hl__sb14"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/145274-sterling-by-musicman-sb14-withdrawn-for-now/page__hl__sb14[/url]
  12. Yeah, it's a right dirge. That whole album is a bit of a dirge, come to think of it.
  13. I take it there aren't any videos of it in action?
  14. A clean boost in front of it, to push it a bit?
  15. Bjork - Vespertine. Revisiting this record, the arrangements are really very nice indeed. Love the beats in particular, electronic but so warm and organic sounding.
  16. I can't say any of my family are particularly musical besides myself, but my dad always had a well stocked CD collection so I was exposed to a wide variety of music from a young age. Without that I'd have been at a disadvantage I think.
  17. I also miss the shitstorm threads. There is only so much bass related stuff you can discuss before it starts going in cicles, it's just a board with some strings on.
  18. I was listening to both those albums earlier, oddly enough! I can't get into Rubber Soul as much as Revolver, for some reason. I've been mainly listening to Pet Sounds though lately - it has to be my favourite album of all time, it just gets better with every listen.
  19. Wil

    Tread Carefully

    Thanks for listening - it's the first thing I've done which has been totally electronic, I'm finding it really refreshing to make music without guitars for a change.
  20. Wil

    Tread Carefully

    A new song I boshed together in Ableton last night/this morning. Quite Animal Collective-y. [url="http://wilmiles.bandcamp.com/track/tread-carefully"]http://wilmiles.bandcamp.com/track/tread-carefully[/url]
  21. I used to be 100% fingers and thought I could make that work in any context. Now I'm probably 80% pick, I've come round to the idea that in some situations it just sounds right, and playing some parts with a pick has actually made my life a lot easier, I'd be struggling to keep up with fingers. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would too, pick technique has more depth than people give it credit for.
  22. I really don't think bass is suited as a lead instrument. It's expressive, sure, but as expressive as a voice, guitar, violin, trumpet, piano? I don't think it's quite up there. I love bass because of the way it glues everything else together, and there certainly ways to be innovative and melodic while doing this. In terms of timbre and range though, for me using bass in a lead context is putting a square peg in a round hole.
  23. I couldn't identify the sound of a ricky or a hofner if my life depended on it. What's used on Paperback Writer?
  24. Wil

    Mighty Mite

    I've got a couple of basses with mighty mite necks - theyre excellent all round I think.
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