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Everything posted by Wil

  1. Cheers man! Really pleased with how it came out really, for a quick mix. I did spend more time than usual getting the mic positioned right and setting up guitar tones in Amplitube before tracking though, which probably helped a fair bit. Just need my mate to write vocals for it now and we can add it to the set
  2. Made a demo tonight for a new track with the band, with a drumbeat knocked together in Hyrdrogen. Sounds alright for an afternoons work I reckon, apart from the shoddy violin playing... I like the end a lot [url="http://wilmiles.bandcamp.com/track/trojan-dog"]http://wilmiles.bandcamp.com/track/trojan-dog[/url]
  3. But which mode would you serve with steak and chips?
  4. Oh my. That's a sexy bass.
  5. I use BEAD exclusively at the moment. My P and Sterling have been absolutely fine with the change, all that was required was some minor filing of the nut slots to fit the low B string, a slight truss rod tweak, and saddle adjustment for intonation/action. I use the bottom four strings from a regular 5 string set and discard the G. So, go for it! I say leave the G string to the guitarists
  6. Danelectros sounds bloody fantastic, IMO. Never played one though.
  7. Tone, for me, is intergral to my musical enjoyment. I relish the aggressive, textured sounds that make my ears prick up and the soft, sonorous ones that slot seamlessly into my lug 'oles like, well, butter. Er... I love the sound of a P bass or a Stingray in the same way I love the production on a good record, the sound wave is a piece of art in itself with myriad textures and colours before pitch even comes into the equation.
  8. I played through an LH500 at a gig with my old Spector and I had more mids than I could shake a stick at. I'd fiddle with it some more if I were you first before spending. As Alex suggested, if you have a two pickup bass, generally when both pickup volumes are up full there will be a mid scoop because of the way the pickups are wired. Just nudging the bridge or neck pickup down a smidge should give you a little midrange bump.
  9. Stingrays are almost like a vintage/modern mishmash. They feel like a more refined Fender, but can sound classic or very modern indeed. Ideal for anything!
  10. I can't stop listening to this band. They remind me of Andrew WK fighting a robot.
  11. Roland Cube. Best sounding small boxes I've ever heard, built in compression/effects and amp models. Lovely bits of kit.
  12. I'm afraid the compressor isn't for sale. The Crown power amp is now £200, or £210 with the rack.
  13. I don't think there are many who are dead set against learning - just set against the idea that classical music theory is essential in order to be a bassist. I personally don't think it is essential, but I'm still enjoying learning the dots and sight reading through the Major's exercises all the same. If I get something out of it that improves my playing, then great! Gives me a right brain ache after a while though.
  14. I've decided now I'm starting to listen and play along to more and more jazz, it might be a good time to learn the fingerboard. I got the iPhone "Bass Clef" app and it's actually really good for getting the fretboard to stick in your brain - a cool thing about it is you can set it up for whatever tuning you want (I use BEAD). I've pretty much got first position in my head now, so I think I'll need to hit the Major's bootcamp to put it into practice.
  15. It was uncomfortable watching Brian Wilson this week. I adore his recorded work but his singing voice seems to be pretty ravaged now.
  16. Bump for price drop.
  17. Wil


    They're quality cabs and IMO worth every penny of the price you're asking, but on the other hand it can be hard for people to justify big purchases in the current climate so you may have to be persistant. I'm sure someone will go for it eventually, these cabs rock!
  18. Different strings, pickups or preamp are the best ways to improve a dull tone. I've got an old Encore P bass that's pretty dull acoustically but came to life after I upgraded the pickups.
  19. I for one wouldn't hesitate to make a harmless quip like that to a stranger in real life, it's just friendly banter.
  20. One for the cool basses thread, that.
  21. His playing seems tight an' all, but I wish he'd stop umming and ahhing while he plays. Singing the notes I guess.
  22. PICS!
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