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Everything posted by Wil

  1. Some of these are great! I'm an Elvis Costello fan but this cracked me up: [b]28. David Lee Roth on Elvis Costello[/b] [color=#666666][font=CharisSILRegular, Georgia, serif][size=4]“Music journalists like Elvis Costello because music journalists look like Elvis Costello.”[/size][/font][/color]
  2. Really interesting to read the analysis and great playing yourself
  3. I used to use a Schroeder 410L with a 1000 watt Crown poweramp. That was pretty damn loud. Probably the only amp setup I've had I'd describe that way. My old AC30 for guitaring was loud, but not pretty damn loud. Put more watts into that 21015 and I reckon it'll strip paint.
  4. I was looking for a UK version of Talkbass and found Bassworld, back in the day. Far nicer atmosphere.
  5. I recall walking up to what might be considered a rather intimidating looking punk complete with safety pins in the nose, torn leathers, doc martins and a giant red mohican when I was in the local newsagents with my mum aged around 4 years old. I asked him how he made his hair stand up like that. He said superglue as far as I recall before my mum ushered me away rather quickly. To this day I've thought that was probably a poor choice of styling product but he seemed a very nice chap. There is no point to this story.
  6. Were Television considered "punk"? Because they were awesome. And what about Talking Heads? I always thought of the Clash as punk, Elvis Costello and the Police too, they were a league ahead of the likes of the Pistols in my eyes. I wasnt there though by quite a margin so it's just the impression I get. As someone born in the mid 80s my idea of punk is rooted in the American and American inspired bands of the 90s and beyond, occasionally ska tinged, so NOFX, Streetlight Manifesto, A Wilhelm Scream etc... the word to me means fast, energetic and often upbeat music with a DIY ethic among the bands, occasionally some political overtones to the lyrics and a generally inclusive attitude to the scene. But I dont really listen to it anymore because frankly I'm just a bit bored of the genre.
  7. The best thing about the Beatles is they took time to craft a lot of very fine pop songs. They were just a band, but a band who were very good at what they did. Any modern band that puts the same amount of craft into their work is worthy of respect IMO, whether they float your boat or not or if you consider them to be interesting would be another (fairly subjective) matter. I'd say it's impossible to really measure what kind of influence they have on current music, such is the diversity of it available today.
  8. Yeah, on second thoughts I have definitely sung Zappa tunes in the shower. I also forgot about "Doo-oor-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-een, don't make me wait, till tomorroooooooooow... oh no"
  9. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370435102' post='2100737'] To me the Beatles records are much more sing a long pop toons but i often sing 'Hungry Freaks Daddy' and 'How Could I Be Such A Fool' in the shower. [/quote] Oh, I agree absolutely, but I'm sure for a lot of Zappa fans they aren't quite pushing the musical envelope in the same way at least. I have to admit, I have sung Concentration Moon and What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body quite a lot in the shower, come to think of it.
  10. I hadnt listened to any Beatles or Zappa records until about 3 years ago. I went through the entire Beatles back catalogue and about 20 Zappa records based on reviews... I have to say, IMO the Beatles are more popular for a very good reason. Zappa was great, he pushed boundaries and also created some great music along the way, but you wont find me singing his songs in the shower, and sometimes that's all I really care about.
  11. Something for everybody really in his back catalogue. There's definitely a lot of it that doesn't do it for me and the best bits are often bookended with stuff that's hard to love... Lumpy Gravy part 1 for instance. He records the most beautiful melody and then throws it into some brambles (not literally).
  12. I think if anything he's underrated. Such a body of work, with so many surprising moments of beauty hidden away in between the grandiose, silly, and the frightening bits. I prefer his earlier stuff in general but Apostrophe has it's moments. Good morning, your highness...
  13. Ah yes, restringing can be a little fiddly. One plus though is when you break a string (as I did at a gig on Friday... 3rd in two gigs, must play lighter!) it tends to hold tuning so you can at least get through the song!
  14. Catchy enough tune, heard it all before. Would dance to for sure. Doubt I'll be spinning the album again at home after first listen.
  15. I have one on my Gretsche Corvette and it's great for adding a little shimmer to chords and seems more stable than any floating trems I've used.
  16. If it sounds good, it is good! Everyone harps on about cutting through and emphasising mids, which is fine but you have to consider everyone else in your band too. If you're all emphasising the same frequencies then no one gets heard and it sounds a mess, the trick IMO is listening to your bass in context with everyone else and finding frequencies that are missing in the band mix you can sit in.
  17. RE the smiley/frowny EQ curves thing - EQ with your ears and not with your eyes.
  18. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1369173577' post='2085959'] She does compose on bass sometimes i know that much. She is a very talented pianist which is often overlooked. [/quote] Yeah, considering her piano skills and general musical talent I'd be surprised if she didn't play a bit of bass now and then.
  19. Almost always in the car from my phone into the aux in. If I can ever be bothered to get headphones out I have a set of half decent earbuds. I've never owned a decent stereo.
  20. The only time I ever really bought bass mags was in the 90s. Seem to be filled with nothing but ads and biased reviews these days, but forums are where it's at anyway. I fondly remember reading an interview with the bassist from the Super Furry Animals in Bass Player, lamenting that he could never go into a music shop and order a set of ground-down roundwounds without the fear of subsequently being chased by a dog catcher.
  21. Thank you, very kind For one of our proper album tracks with some real drumming on (I dont think the live vid really does our wonderful drummer much justice!), check this out: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207523-shogun-kame-no-kaze/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207523-shogun-kame-no-kaze/[/url]
  22. [quote name='Oggy' timestamp='1368559031' post='2078602'] Hi Wil I really liked it. For some reason, probably the synth sounding whatever in the background, it reminded me of the Cars - In my book that's a compliment, I hope you feel the same. Can you tell me / us a bit more about your band lineup, the recording process and songs - who, what, where, when? Do you guys have a web site? Nice one. Oggy [/quote] Thanks mate. We self financed it and recorded at a local studio in Bristol called Bink Bonk, tracked the drums for the album first with the intention of recording the rest at home but then decided to go back and track the rest there. In advance of even going near the studio we made proper demos of all the tracks at home so we knew what we wanted to record, although things turned out different on a few tracks and a few were abandoned. As for the lineup, we're a typical four piece with 2 guitars, bass and drums. I play "lead" guitar, I suppose, more like auxillery though IMO Yes, I know, this is a bass forum, but I still play bass at home and might do in bands in future As far as the actual recording went, here goes... The synth sound is actually me playing with an e-bow (I play guitar these days, my brother plays bass) with a bit of delay from my Deluxe Memory Boy. I couldn't really tell you what the engineer used in terms of mics but he close mic'd every part of the drum kit and also used a couple of overheads, and ran into Logic via an old 70s desk of some description and a whole ton of outboard kit. For guitar sounds for most of the record I ran my Strat through a pair of AC30s (a modern CC2 and a 60s model) at the same time and our singer's guitar was run through a JCM800 and JCM900 again at the same time - we double tracked them also. Bass was originally recorded with my old parts P bass but we werent happy with the sound so my brother went back and retracked the whole record with his lovely G&L Asat, recorded with a mix of Sansamp VT bass and re-amped through a big old SWR solid state rig and also a Fender Bassman. The lovely cello was recorded by our drummer's girlfriend who is exceptionally good - she plays on a few tracks on the record, I wish she'd played on more in hindsight as it really sounds great I think! Plenty of pics of our studio time here: [url="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.242422249212213.54301.166836263437479&type=3"]http://www.facebook....63437479&type=3[/url] And our band page is here: [url="http://www.facebook.com/ShogunMusicUK"]http://www.facebook.com/ShogunMusicUK[/url] - we've got about 11 tracks finished and a few videos planned so more stuff will be posted up soon, thanks for listening
  23. My band and I have been recording our debut album over the last year and it's finally done, bar choosing running order and packaging it etc - here's the title track: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrhYKuocjMg[/media]
  24. Cheers dude! We did a few takes and they spliced together the footage to the best audio take, but yes I've noticed a few points where the sync is out now I've watched it. Honestly I wish we'd shot this to the album track with full drums and backing vox, it sounds a lot fuller (I also wish I'd worn a hat and smiled a bit!), but it is what it is
  25. Heya Here's my band, Shogun, performing a very stripped down version of a track from our soon to be finished album (mixing this week). I'm the miserable looking bugger with the Strat, bass duties are being handled by my younger brother and his nice G&L. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=henKMAZe2u8"]https://www.youtube....d&v=henKMAZe2u8[/url] We recorded this a few months ago live in a bit of a rush, and just got it back from some friends of ours who shot the footage/synched it with the audio - I havent actually watched it with audio yet! *Our drummer normally plays a bigger kit and hits like Bonham, so he looks a bit uncomfortable here playing "nicely"
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