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Everything posted by Wil

  1. I can work it out, but I'll need about 30 seconds to do so... I even forget the open strings on occasion, you'd think I'd have that down after 17 odd years, but apparently not.
  2. My one and only bass is made of plywood. It sounded terrible until I put good pickups in it, now it sounds great, so personally I'm fairly convinced that pickups (position and type) have a greater impact on your sound than wood type.
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1363684845' post='2015623'] I'm writing an album at the moment, and when it's done, hopefully by the end of the year or early 2014, I intend to put a band together to play it and get some gigs. However, I am not going to be in it, I just want to watch the band playing my music, so in that sense I am both gigging and not gigging at the same time I think [/quote] That's a genius idea. All the satisfaction of hearing your music played live, while being able to sit down with a drink and enjoy it
  4. PM Mr Foxen: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/1121-mr-foxen/"]http://basschat.co.uk/user/1121-mr-foxen/[/url] He knows his onions when it comes to amps, and he sorted my AC30 out when it started playing silly buggers.
  5. Unfortunately my entire band are clued up about mids, so everyone boosts them and we end up with a big mess. I'm going to start cutting mine back (I play guitar) to give the other guitar and the bass more room I think... oh for a parametric EQ.
  6. I mainly record direct into Ableton instead of playing live bass these days... [attachment=129826:Capture.PNG]
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363099512' post='2008452'] Where you will routinely see a lump of foam stuffed under the strings at the bridge! [/quote] Indeed! Although, I prefer a bit of palm muting when the mood strikes me instead. Endless sustain is for organs...
  8. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1363097506' post='2008391'] Hmmmm, maybe there are better ways of building them, but that doesn't mean that the end result is necessarily better. For example, my two main basses are a reasonable new (2009 I think) Fender J bass and a 1986 Status series II. Both are very well put together (despite being made from very different materials and using very different methods). Is one better than the other? Yes and no (IMO). The Status is undeniably a "better quality" instrument, and certainly took a lot more man-hours to design and assemble. It is a neck-thru rather than the BO Fender. It balances beautifully. It sustains for ever. It has no dead spots or inconsistencies on the neck. The pickups are silent. The preamp is powerful but usable (although 3 band would be better!). All in all, it is just a "better" bass than the Geddy Lee jazz. So why do I end up playing the J more, or even at all? Because, despite the dated design and production methods, Fender quite simply "got it right" with this bass (IMO). There may be different ways to get there, but the ultimate destination is the same - a bass that feels good, looks good and sounds good. New is not always better... Just look at architecture! [/quote] I also once owned a Status S2 and compared to the Fenders I've owned, it was certainly leagues ahead in design/build and as you say, sustained for ever. As it happens though I don't think that makes for the tones I enjoy (I mean, sustain is all well and good, but IMO the decay of a note can have as much of an impact on the tone as it's attack) , and as such I'm squarely back in the Fender (or Fender style) camp.
  9. Old: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7mEB2wnDLQ"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7mEB2wnDLQ[/url] New: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxWBd840E9g
  10. I'm filing this one along with Pedulla, Ritter etc in my mental bank marked "melted sweets".
  11. Wonderful quote from a remarkable man.
  12. These are still going, so bump etc - also, pricedrop to £300 each.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1362824176' post='2005188'] Practice in the dark. [/quote] Oh come now, headless basses aren't [i]that[/i] ugly
  14. There are plenty of excellent players on here and plenty of insightful individuals who can get their points across in a friendly and respectful way, so as entertaining as the occasional meltdown thread might be I'm quite glad he's not posting anymore. Reminded me of Rslaing. Maybe they were twins.
  15. I have no idea if this link will work but couldn't find it on youtube. Down I Go - Billion Dollar Burning Coffin [url="http://open.spotify.com/track/4LHEddnMS1oqpPird77J6w"]http://open.spotify.com/track/4LHEddnMS1oqpPird77J6w[/url]
  16. Wil

    Decal or No

    [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1362741319' post='2004023'] I have a similar problem with the [i]Vintage[/i] brand name. [/quote] Ah, me too. Seems utterly naff. Shame as by all accounts they're meant to be nice instruments. I have two parts built instruments and they both sport blank headstocks. I put a P bass decal on one for a bit, but it felt somewhat disingenuous so I removed it.
  17. Evantide Pitchfactor might be worth a look, does tons of stuff and sounds ace, but pricey...
  18. I might give it a spin soon. I liked Adrenaline and Around the Fur, White Pony really didnt grab me though....
  19. Never even considered it to be a viable option for paying rent, to be honest.
  20. Wil

    Fave guitar solo?

    This lately. Anything by Television would be a contender, though! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4s5bj5fZO8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4s5bj5fZO8[/url]
  21. Somewhat related factoid - the famous guitar "kachunk" in Creep by Radiohead was Johnny Greenwood's attempt to spoil the song because he thought it was sh*t.
  22. Watched and enjoyed. Rock and roll, dancing girls, sinister overtones, what's not to like? Well done that man.
  23. All I care about is if it's a) good and b ) new to me, it could have been produced anytime. Can't say I've heard much "new" music that's really excited me in years.
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