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Everything posted by keeptrying

  1. Is there anybody out there? Also looking for a singer.
  2. Hi blackhippo and cyrene, thanks for the interest. We rehearse at shed4 on Tuesday evening between 6:30 and 9:30 ,as for the music, we don't have songs as such things generally start with a riff or rhythm and we jam around and see where it takes us,I've got a few recordings if you're interested or just turn up and see what you think.
  3. Hi Mickyk cheers for the reply,hope Derbyshire is looking after you. all the best.
  4. Guitarist and drummer in Bridlington looking for someone to bring the bottom end to our noodlings, you don't have to be experienced, just keen to turn up join in and see if we can get something that sounds like a band going.
  5. Hello, where abouts on our fine planet are you?
  6. le grand fromage
  7. If you like Guns 'n' Roses, Slash and Duff Mckagan's autobiography's are both a good read. I wasn't overly keen on with Steve Adler's book, found it a little depressing.
  8. A bass as old as me but in much better condition than I am, good luck, wish I was a rich man.
  9. ok, good luck for monday, hope it all goes smoothly.
  10. is this still for sale?
  11. Hi Burg, The evolving bassist by Rufus Reid has quite a bit about DB playing techniques and exercises to get both hands working. I'm not a double bass player but it keeps me busy.
  12. now re listed for a mere £99:99p + £28 postage, if it plays like poo it might make a reasonable paddle for a canoe.
  13. Hello,and welcome, its pretty good round here, so long as you keep off the GAS
  14. Dyslexic Kid is looking for a guitarist to join the band to share lead and rhythm parts. we're mostly playing our own rock based music but also do a few covers. send me a pm if you're interested.
  15. I wonder if it was his shouting or the massive 6mm of movement in his loud speakers that kept me awake the other night.
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum, The best bass is the one that you can't walk past without giving it a smile and wanting to pick it up and play, and if the sound it makes when it's plugged into whatever amp/cab/combo you have gives you a warm happy feeling then you've got the best gear, good luck with your quest and happy playing.
  17. Hi there, as Scott mentions being able to recognise intervals and what notes sound good together is an excellent place to start. Try playing happy birthday, the intro to your favourite TV programme or even commercials, you'll soon start to notice how often certain intervals crop up time after time, when you can play little tunes in one position move them around to different strings and different positions on the neck. Find how many ways you can play a CMajor scale, hum or sing a tune then find the notes on the bass, with your ears and fingers working together you'll soon be able to noodle around like your mate. Hope this helps and best of luck
  18. Hi Bob, EBS classic session 60 or 120 might be worth a look, not super light, the 120 is just over 21kg, both have a headphone socket and balanced xlr out.
  19. Hi all, A couple of friends of mine are reviving their band with me on bass, so we need a drummer, It's mostly original rock based stuff. You don't have to be awesome, just willing to put in some time effort and creativity. drop me a pm if you're interested.
  20. Good luck with the band, with regard to under the bridge, all saints did a cover of that, may be worth a listen just to get an idea of how it can work with female vocals. all the best , sounds like you all get on well, which is as important as talent imo if the band is to work long term, all the best mate.
  21. Hi, Shuker Guitars will make you a wooden neck, cost at least £200 tho. The other items for sale section here has had fretless MM necks up for grabs. Good luck
  22. much food for thought, part of the reason for wanting to use pa and a small monitor was to get a good balanced sound at sensible volumes and not have band and audience deaf. I've walked out of pubs before when the band has been so loud it hurts. For me it's more about clarity than volume. Thank you to everyone for your input. hopefully people will appreciate our efforts to get a good sound even if they don't like what we're playing
  23. Once again many thanks for all the help, I'm getting quite an education here. Cheers for the link Thinman I enjoy building stuff, I'll have a proper read when my cold has cleared and my head is less full of snot It's time to have a good think and see how full piggy bank is, Happy new year all
  24. The band is rock based, with singer, drums and guitar, possibly adding a second guitar. I'm just trying to get an idea of what we can do with the gear we have, and what I need to get to be heard FOH and on stage, I just want to make sure that I buy the right kit and not an expensive mistake.
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