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Everything posted by keeptrying

  1. Just had my last lesson with Jake before I move up North. Thanks so much for all your patience, advice and inspiration. every lesson was packed with fresh ideas and well worth the 100 mile round trip. If you're looking for a teacher in the South East, Jake is the man for the job. Thanks again Jake and hope to see you on scype when we're sorted out up there. Dave.
  2. I've got a 4string 3band eq, and can't imagine wanting to change for anything else. I'd say pop round and have a play but you're a fair run from me. +1 to the try before you buy,
  3. Personally I think it all depends on what feels right and the emotion you want the song to convey. You wouldn't use the same feel/ dynamic for a song that says I hate you, as you would for one that says I love you. +1 with the keep jamming.
  4. has anyone on bc bought one of his erm creations then compared it to the cheaper off the peg version, there's a review worth reading most of his feedback score is for buying ladies clothing and parts for his delightful instruments. if he wasn't entertaining us here I might actually be playing my bass.
  5. Sorry Mr Binky, Royal snail want 15 quid to post and if you saw the case you'd feel ripped off paying that much.
  6. I have a spare bass case, it's tatty quite a few cracks and dings that I've filled, its not pretty but its better than a paper bag for getting a bass from a to b. The cutaway inside is stingray shaped, I don't know the make and there's no keys for the lock. but it is free (although for good karma you could make a donation to BC) to anyone who wants to come and get it, I'm now in East Yorkshire. between Hull and Bridlington.
  7. .Give her a call explain your point of view, keep it nice and happy, don't burn any bridges. listen to her side and take it from there. best of luck whatever happens
  8. Basschat and Drumchat, when will I have time to practice either instrument? great idea though.
  9. There's a few to choose from. in the 80's fender japan made the p bass special as mentioned above. witch is what Duff Mckagan played with Guns n Roses he's also used the aerodyne jazz bass, same p'up configuration. Fender now make the Duff signature p bass in Mexico. also theres the aerodyne p bass. All have jazz necks hope this helps and good luck finding your bass.
  10. Excellent news, happy playing.
  11. totally agree with dad3353, on your choice of kit. Gretsch make nice kits. as for cymbals borrowing and playing other peoples is a good thing as you get to try different types till you find the ones that sound right for you. Zildjian avedis quick beat hi hats have a lovely sound, I picked up a pair on ebay for £120. also Istanbul make a nice jazz ride. good luck with the band, I always reckon the rhythm section should be grizzled and cynical, it adds atmosphere.
  12. Hi Alec, have you played the Lakland? If you think it is as good or better to play and sounds as good or better than your current bass then it could be the right bass for you, good luck, hope what ever you decide works for you.
  13. top work well done all. and a big BOO to the hackers.
  14. There's some good deals on ebay, especially if you're just buying a shell pack and add your own cymbals and stands etc.
  15. That's a beautiful neck, 3 over 1 tuners are fab. wish I could afford this bump.
  16. that's awful, hope you're ok and good luck with getting you're gear back. welcome to bc.
  17. sounds reasonable enough to me. Always tricky getting others to tweak or change a sound they like without causing offence are you in a position where you could record a couple of songs with the sound you like and the same songs with the other sound to give a comparison? all the best with keeping a happy band.
  18. as previously said tweaking pup height and action sorts out weak d and g strings according to my scales my stingray is 4.3kg
  19. Before I bought my ray, I had the same concerns as you. I went to a music shop and asked if I could try one. I did tell them I couldn't afford to buy new and had already seen the one I wanted to buy but it was in Scotland. They were fine and even offered to let me play one with an amp so I could hear it. If there's a shop near you with that level of customer service it's one way to see what you're buying With a decent strap the weight isn't too bad. Maybe there's a fellow bc member near you who wont mind you having a play on their ray, just a thought.
  20. +1 with the off the net tabs warning. don't know if any one else has tried this, a bit of software my bass teacher put me onto called the amazing slow downer, really useful for working stuff out. as the name suggests you can slowdown music without changing the pitch, you can try it for free too.
  21. Good luck bump
  22. A perfectly lovely tree was killed to make that.
  23. Have a good one, Jake's a great teacher.
  24. he does say its a "pre" amp
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