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Everything posted by keeptrying

  1. gone to its new home.
  2. Yes, still looking for a good home or a bad one. If you're still interested send me a pm and ill give you my phone # so we can sort details.
  3. Free leather 2 seater sofa. It's old but in pretty good nick, no tears just a bit scruffy round the edges. so if you want to keep yer bum off the floor it will do the job nicely. if you're not far away Im in west sussex. I may be able to borrow the works van and deliver pm if you're interested otherwise its off to the tip.
  4. I bought a bass from M&MB a while ago, Chris is a great guy to deal with, great communication and a pleasure to buy from.
  5. I had a similar problem with my bass when I moved recently, the tweak on the truss rod worked and its been fine ever since. I've taken to having the radiator on it's lowest setting in that room, just to help control moisture issues, there's been times when I've picked up the bass and had condensation form on it just from body heat. Not a problem since having the rad on when it's cold. also helps having a window open for a bit when weather allows as that will help circulate the air in the room. If that doesn't work it may be worth investing in a de humidifier or a few bags of silica gel. Good luck with the wedding and move.
  6. Hi, don't laugh but I've used some buffing pads that my good lady uses for polishing her nails to make them nice and shiny, I was using them on an unfinished neck and it came up silky smooth and quite a good shine. the buffing pads are much finer than 2000 grit, then on a sealed body try a few coats of a hard polish, the type you wax on and wax off like karate kid either one for coated wood from a timber merchant or good a good old tin of car polish should be fine on an acrylic finish.
  7. Why spend£1100 when you can have a second hand 3eq ray for around £700?
  8. You could always go to Spector's website and ask them a few questions about the bass, the number off the back of the headstock should be enough for them to be able to tell you year and country of origin at least. I did this and found them most helpful after I had bought one made in Korea.
  9. My good lady is a singer, she uses a SM58, and wouldn't use anything else. She tried loads of different mic's when she did a sound techie thing at uni, (a few years ago now) and the SM58 was her fave. If you do decide to get another beware of the Chinese copies on ebay ect.
  10. Agree with Doddy, Eb minor. really like the lazy feel in the bass line.
  11. Can't believe this is still here, if I had a granny to sell I'd buy it just to keep the other one company. bump.
  12. The one I missed out on when it was for sale last time, ended up buying your natural stingray, love it to bits btw Buy with confidence peeps, M&MB is an honest gent, you pays yer money and gets yer bass. Best of luck with the sale mate, tis a good price too.
  13. Thanks, I don't mind playing scales, but this is good fun and makes the likes of me more open to classical pieces. Well done
  14. [quote name='alhbass' post='724460' date='Jan 25 2010, 07:56 PM']Thanks - I wasn't aware of that option. Any advice on what to look for when buying a fretless neck? Don't think I'd know a good one from a bad one, until it was too late maybe! Still interested in hearing from anyone who can give me advice on how to tackle the job on my Washburn tho... PS didn't Jaco take the frets off his own Jazz bass? Guess he knew what he was doing tho![/quote] in Jaco's biography he removed the frets with a pair of pliers, filled the gaps with wood filler and slapped a couple or coats of yacht varnish on the neck.
  15. Had my first lesson with Jake yesterday, well worth the 2 hour round trip. He's not only a great player but also a fantastic teacher, he manages to explain things in such a way even my brain can understand. As a beginner its great to find a teacher who is so inspirational and patient.
  16. hi Jake, thanks for the lesson today, I was expecting to come home with my head exploding from information overload and not wanting to play till the pain went away , happily I was wrong, I got back and was straight out with the bass to practice what id been shown. Its great to find a teacher who makes learning enjoyable, and explains things in a way that makes them seem quite simple. thanks for the inspiration and see you next month. Dave.
  17. hji there, i run a jam night with my other half, for that we use a pair of mackie thumps active speakers on stands. with mics, guitars, sax running through an alesis 16 track mixer, we never need more than half volume on the speakers and master volume on the mixer also nowhere near max, and no probs playing gigs. cost us around £700 new. i suppose it depends on what youre playing and if youre trying to knock the back wall off the venue, lol
  18. [quote name='redstriper' post='1078020' date='Jan 4 2011, 10:32 PM']You should be able to download the drivers from the Alesis website.[/quote] they only have the multimix 2 version for download mine is the earlier model. i tried to download the it but for some reason it gets blocked, not shure if its because its not compatible with my mixer or if its my laptop stopping the download ive also tried to update my usb drivers and that was also stopped before it completed. im thinking i may have some security setting that i dont know about or how to change getting in the way of me having fun. its always possible the computer knows how i play and is trying to protect the world from my musical ineptitude.
  19. hi all thanks for all your much appreciated help, i think ive sussed the lack of sound problem, when i deleted cubase i think it also deleted the alesis drivers for running with vista DOH!! yep im officially a bloody stupid **** so now its off to alesis to grovel and hope they at least let me have the driver downloads. many lessons learned so at least im a bit wiser lol
  20. tried reaper out with just my bass into the mixer,all seems to work fine, the track appears to record, but cant get any sound on playback. ive set both record and speakers in the laptop to usb codec any ideas what im doing wrong?? ive tried to get sound from the alesis and from speakers plugged into the laptop. also if i try to play music already on the laptop with the mixer connected theres no sound even from the laptops built in speakers.
  21. if alesis give me another copy of cubase ill have another go at installing, my dell is also about 4 years old thanks for all the tips and advice, the teccies ive spoken to all blamed my laptop,(probably because they wanted to sell me a new one) i was hoping id get impartial and honest help from people who use this kit in the real world and you havent let me down thank you, and saved me money too
  22. Cheers OldG, have downloaded and will have a play next rehersal jam. If this works mabe i wont need to spend loads on a new laptop.
  23. thanks for the tips, sadly i deleted cubase and then dug out the disk to reinstall only to find its broken haha theres a lesson learned; check the disk before deleting programs. so now im hoping alesis will send me another copy. the mixer has a usb plug.
  24. hello all, im having trouble getting cubase le4 to work on my laptop, a dell inspiron 1525 running windows vista. when i connect the mixer, an alesis multimix 16 to the laptop it knows its there and seems to start up fine but wont register any input or record any sound is this because my laptop is too slow to cope with all the data or am i just too stupid to be allowed near modern technology? if its the laptop, then any ideas as to what i need? i want to use a laptop so we can record rehersals, make demo's and mabe even try to record gigs. any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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