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Everything posted by DrDrill

  1. '89 Ltd. No.35 Bought it new in Sound Control in Glasgow.
  2. This. John East BTB-01 and a 2nd hand basslines pup from fleabay after the original preamp died and I decided the original Bartolini was a bit too polite for my liking. 😁
  3. Aargh not again......I have one already, I don't need another. I have one already, I don't need another. I have one already, I don't need another. I have one already, I don't need another. I have one already, I don't need another.
  4. OOooh very nice. Enjoy.
  5. DrDrill


    Ladies and Germs I give you The Flealight Jazz.
  6. Just for reference, here's the insides of my '91
  7. Thought I was going to be able to help, but my '91 has totally different innards, sorry.
  8. I have one already, I don't need another. I have one already, I don't need another. I have one already, I don't need another.
  9. No sweat....the bill's in the post
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZQxgGcrGbI
  11. Buy it! Buy it NOW! You'll need to hurry. I saw someone else looking at it
  12. I had a similar issue many moons ago, sent it away several times, came back the same, then I found a post somewhere about the jack sockets on the effects loop tarnishing/corrosion. Fix was to poke a lead in and out the ALL of the jack sockets on the amp (when it's switched off) several times, solved the problem for me. It might be that something more technical is causing your issue but this doesn't cost anything to try.
  13. Two bands regularly on the same bill, two 1990 Warwick Thumb basses, two bass players, I thought his sounded better than mine, he thought mine sounded better than his, everyone else in the two bands raised eyebrows and shrugged, we swapped, much happiness.
  14. Just bought a Flea Jazz bass from Martin, excellent 👍 .........and he can do you a good price on a robot
  15. Problem with visiting ACG is i'll take a guitar for a refret and spend a fortune on a new bass and the wife will have my grunions for ear rings
  16. Cheers Gerry, Was it Strungout that got tanned before Christmas and had £30k worth of guitars blagged....just googled it, yup it was.
  17. Yeah, nearest to me is ACG in Moffat, which is a good 45 miles down the M74. I was hoping for someone a wee bit closer to home.
  18. Ahoy ladies and germs! Any recommendations for a refret (for a guitar ) in the Glasgow/Lanarkshire area. I know Jimmy Moons and Jimmy Egypt in Glasgow, just checking to see if there are any others.
  19. I've only tried it outside, with a Spector Euro LX as it happens and it sounded great, the EQ is a bit odd initially but if you set it up as per the manual it's brill. Another band used our backline as well, the bass player was using a Precision and a Ric and with a wee tweak or two it sounded biblical. Like I said if I didn't own hundreds of watts of Trace Elliot goodness already i'd definitely keep this amp. Come to think of it, maybe I should just keep it as a backup for the backup etc Eddie Jackson.......I remember seeing Dio & Queensryche in Glasgow
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