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Everything posted by willyf87

  1. Thanks for the information guys, I'm glad someone got back to me about the rumbles, I had a feeling they were a bit too good to be true. I'm looking at getting a 4ohm 1212l schroeder cab, they sound great for gigs and would easily handle one channel of the lg1000. There's loads of info about them and lots of happy customers so maybe worth a try. I'm still having a think about the barefaced cabs though.
  2. hmmm im tempted with the compact now, the one on here has sold now though:( was a bit too far anyways. Would you reckon that the compact through one channel of my lg1000 would be just as loud as me putting two sepertae 112's into each, I know there would be less watts but with the extra sensitivity etc..
  3. Alex advised me that the midget would be the best way to go but was worried that the mag300 wouldn't be able to produce enough oomph now I have the lg1000 may be a better choice, I'm just worried a single 12 won't be enough and I can't afford two midgets lol. I'm not a huge single 1x15 fan, always seems a bit boomy to me, I've always preferred using them in conjuction with a 2x10, which is what I do now.
  4. [quote name='JTUK' post='1083062' date='Jan 9 2011, 12:27 PM']You do need two, IMO. I wouldn't put a single 12 anywhere near my band, tbh. Maybe a quite jazz gig or rehearsal but not a full powerful band. I don't regard us as loud but I guess we can overpower most pub type venues so maybe we are.[/quote] Thats what I'm afraid of, its not too bad if you have good FOH i'd just use it as a monitor but some places are rubbish like that. I really want to know how the rumbles sound, they sound like they could be too good to be true.
  5. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1083061' date='Jan 9 2011, 12:26 PM']£500 do you mind second hand? There is a barefaced COMPACT (1x15) in the forsale section at £330 In reality its going to be a lot louder and in some cases lighter than alot of what has been suggested. Or then again you could get a brand new one from Alex, or a brand new Midget for £425 I gig with a single midget and in some rooms its impeccably loud, even next to our loud drummer.[/quote] Yeah I was in contact with alex a month or so ago, but that was when I only had my mag 300 amp, now I have well basically a 300w into one channel it may be a worthwhile investment. I play with two guitars and a drummer so I really do have to compete with them lol. What sort of head are you using?
  6. [quote name='JTUK' post='1082827' date='Jan 9 2011, 12:29 AM']???? anyway, this ad is an example of the price a pr of these cabs can fetch ..and IMV..they are a steal. Assuming you like the sound of them, of course. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=114809"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=114809[/url][/quote] Yeah sorry my last post made little sense. If I could get some second hand for that price would be great but could be waiting forever and theres no guarantee there gonna turn up anywhere near where I live. Brand new they are £400 ish and I'm really thinking I should get two just in case I need more power, which would take me well over my budget.
  7. yeah looks good but I'm still thinking I should get two cabs just in case the aguilars go for 400 on there own
  8. Well the prometheans and the rumbles are roughly 250 each. Looking to spend 500 max really.
  9. [quote name='PVTele' post='1082638' date='Jan 8 2011, 10:04 PM']Being on this lightweight quest myself, I've been looking into some cabs, as well as high-power combos, and the [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=midget"]Barefaced Midget[/url] seems to get very good mentions among light 112s. Not cheap, but it handles 600W, is said to be as loud as many 212s, and weighs only 20lbs [/quote] Yeah they look great but the pricepoint is a problem really.
  10. So i have now managed to get an ashdown lg1000 amp, now all i need is one or two cabs that are light and to get me making noise!! has anyone got an opinion of 1. The fender rumble 112 cabs 2. the promethean 110 cabs i cant find anything on the rumbles, but both cabs come in at about the same weight so would be ideal for me. I have heard good things about the prometheans in general, but 2 1x12 cabs seems like a good idea to me.
  11. [quote name='Stinkfoot' post='1080546' date='Jan 6 2011, 10:48 PM']yep thats what i figured..& the corvette has no changeable nut,its an integral part of the headstock (just one downside of this model)[/quote] Ermm if I were you id let a luthier sort it for you, just need the right files to widen the slots, then a general set up to finish it off. I can't see it costing too much.
  12. i'd be tempted to have a look at gallien krueger, heard good things about there stuff. EDIT my bad you already stock it, really should have started at the beginning haha!!
  13. You may have to do some adjustments, the only major one I can think of is widening the nut grooves for the new strings and your more than likely will have to adjust the truss rod and bridge saddles.
  14. really nice bass have a free bump lol
  15. If it helps bass direct are selling them for £579 brand new.
  16. Yes it is the mexican version
  17. This is the navy blue one 2008 version, rosewood fingerboard, gold scratch plate and active circuitry and with both precision and jazz pick ups, the jazz being noiseless. The set up is really good, but it may not suit you. The bass sounds really good has a nice tight sounding E due to the preamp. Can find an array of tones via the inboard 3 band eq system. Also the neck on this bass is a jazz profile, please note that fender put these on the bass as standard, this bass is ALL original. So all you bassists that have small hands but like a precision, this bass could be for you!! if you look at the fender site they will have better pictures so you can see the colour better. I need to sell this £360 inc postage, will come with a gig bag and boxed. Payment by BACS preferred but will accept paypal as long as you pick up fees. No bass trades, wouldn't mind another sansamp vt pedal though
  18. 'Tis what i thought. Does anyone know anything of the gallien krueger mb210 looks like it could be quite a powerful little combo for the cash.
  19. Yeah that looks like a good combo, I've been thinking about looking into it, thanks for all the information about the other cabs, I know it would be better to try stuff and if I can I'm going to try and get second hand gear just so i don't loose so much in the long run.
  20. I think my brains literally had enough lol, I should probably just get a nice powerful head and a good sensitive speaker except I know that's gonna cost nearly a grand and i really cannot afford that!!
  21. I feel your pain, I literally leave it at our rehersal studio, and moving it out of the corner to the middle of the room is a nightmare and it's only 10 feet, I just drag the whole stack haha, getting the thing into my mates car with a big boot with all the back down it just about all fit in and all he had in there was a couple of cymbal stands and his cymbal bag. i'm now looking at the promethean p5210 combo wit the 2 ten inch speakers, only thing I can't work out is whether the stack is 4 ohm or 8 ohm!! Ibanez site isn't too clear but indicates to me that that particular model is 4ohm so I should get full power from the head, anyone know??
  22. hmm I may have to get even more interested in one then, removable head is a huge bonus as well!! Anyone wanna buy a fender standard precision special!!!
  23. I'm in the market for a small cab/ combo. Been looking at the promethean as well, is it reliable, I use quite a lot of distortion etc, I assume by the amount of strings you use it can definitely handle the lows at a high volume!! In response to the OP's question I've been looking at the hartke hydrive, it's not too expensive, small, light and 250w should be good for smaller gigs but I haven't tried one, maybe worth a look? Down side to it is that you can't add an extension so you are stuck with 250watts.
  24. There's a guy near me selling his tec amp 210 cab 300 quid and he's pretty close to me, yeah in a perfect world I would like to rely purely on the sound made from the cabs I'm using without FOH support, except it's not a perfect world and I have a lack of funds lol, but as long as I sound good through both mediums I'd be happy!! I'm definitely not looking for a huge cab, just something that can hold it's own be lobbed in the boot of a band mates car with my board and bass and still have enough room to get other members gear in as well!!
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