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Everything posted by willyf87

  1. Not really, thanks for the offer though!
  2. Seeing as I'm not playing so much anymore, I may as well get rid of a couple of great effects, which to be fair I love but don't have so much need for. [s]Sansamp VT Bass Deluxe, boxed will have velcro on the bottom, great condition works fine - £180[/s] (SOLD) [s]Fishman Fission Bass Octaver - does 8th, 4th low, 5th high and low (not at the same time, although 8th, 4th and 5th high you can switch on all at once) has a built in noise gate and overdrive. Boxed also in great condition- £130[/s] (SOLD) Home made fuzz pedal made by badgerific from here - Putting this back on, I'm more of an over drive and grit man than a full on break your face man! In great condition works fine, battery and psu - £20 (A fair bit cheaper than he sells them!) (ON HOLD) The link to the pictures of the fuzz are below [color=#0f72da][url="http://basschat.co.u...40/#entry1678562"]http://basschat.co.u...40#entry1678562[/url][/color] Prices inclusive of postage.
  3. possibly the last bump i do on this style bump!
  4. i use a stereo electric mistress by EHX pretty simple operations, does the job. Definitely better than the ceb3 which I had before.
  5. It in between. I believe it's 40mm slightly thicker that a jazz thinner than a precision.
  6. If I sell my stu Hamm I may have this off you!!
  7. I have a one spot, I don't have any problems with that.
  8. whereabouts? are you not in london?
  9. Could you have two pitch boxes on set to octave up and one a 5th up to make a chord effect, or would it crao out? Would also like to hear about the green mile.
  10. Thanks guys, it's a well built unit.
  11. This was made by basschat badgerific. It's a great sounding dirty fuzz but I have no use for it. He does still make them I believe. It has battery and psu capability. Here's the link. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/148499-big-pedal-sale-check-first-post-last-updated-270312/page__pid__1678562__st__40#entry1678562"]http://basschat.co.u...40#entry1678562[/url] Condition is as new. £30 inc postage.
  12. It was just an idea i was thinking about. It's probably not worth it really. I have the original deluxe model.
  13. I have a sansamp vt deluxe, was wondering if i could run that into a power amp? I have a schroder 4 ohm 1212l as well.
  14. I'm not playing so much at the moment, would like a new head unit though, this one is in full working order comes with the rack ears, box and bag. I'm looking for something cheap, ashdown is fine, maybe a mag 300 or 600 but let me know what you have, I guess this is worth around the £150 mark. Here's the original thread that I bought this from, it's had a few more uses since then but the condition is the same except I put some rubber feet on the bottom. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/114994-ashdown-little-giant-lg-1000/page__p__1066911__hl__ashdown%20little%20giant%201000__fromsearch__1#entry1066911"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1066911[/url] Will get pics up at the weekend.
  15. somehow this is in the wrong thread, my bad delete this and i will re post in amps and cabs. Cheers!
  16. Just putting this up for the time being as I'm not playing so much at the moment, I'm really in the market for a new head unit however, something ashdown and pretty cheap, I don't really need anything too special. I kinda miss my mag 300. If anyone is willing to trade I will hear you out, I'm guessing this unit is only worth around the £150 mark now, i have the box rack ears and bag as well, in full working condition. Will try to get some pics up at some point, more than likely the weekend. Let me know what you have.
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