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Everything posted by Azrabella

  1. [quote name='Gordy' post='964642' date='Sep 22 2010, 04:39 PM']Anybody interested?[/quote] Yep, I'll buy it.
  2. Azrabella

    Sansamp help

    I have a GT2 pedal I currently use as it is a left over from when I used to play guitar. Its quite good on certain settings but I was considering trying the Sansamp Bass DI. Anyone know of any major differences? or are they essentially the same thing?
  3. I guess most of you guys play in "standard" tuning, but I've always played guitar in either open G or open E (D). Anyone reckon I should conform now I intend playing bass, or should I carry on with open tunings? Just a thought, but I would appreciate feedback - (er, no pun meant) on this issue
  4. [quote name='bob_pickard' post='893180' date='Jul 12 2010, 08:56 PM']I've got one somewhere from Ethel <- I swapped mine for a fender de luxe as the telecaster one is rubbish, I'll have a look in my bags and stuff and see if I can find it - if I can you can have it. I'd get a better one if I were you tho! Bob[/quote] Thanks for your help guys, much valued.
  5. Any of you guys know where I can get a Telecaster Bass bridge from in the UK?
  6. Azrabella


    I just recently stumbled across this site a few days ago, and my first impression - er' I'm impressed! About me... well I'm a 60 year old fart that has justgot back into playing after a layoff of some thirty years -probably longer than a few of you young 'un's are old. Anyway, this gitar thang was recommended as therapy after a life saving operation. I needed to excercise both my brain and finger co-ordination. Well, that bit is all behind me now, but after revisiting the stuff I used to enjoy I got to think bass (I blame Stanley Clarke)... never had one before, so I bit the bullet and bought a Hofner fiddle bass - because I thought "semi-acoustic, wanted one just because I think it is an iconic image, can play without an amp, when needed". Whilst it is a stunning thing to look at, it plays crap (intonation stuff). I'm now waiting on a J-bass - that'll be fun? I'll get to try funky stuff - I'll be an old slapper yet. Anyway, sorry for the waffle, and I hope my time here will be both enjoyable and profitable.
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