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Everything posted by phil.mcglassup

  1. The ER-20s drop the volume just fine - it's just the 'occlusion' that's the problem when doing backing vocals. Hey, I've learned a new word!! Perhaps the HF17s will do the job. Has anyone tried them?
  2. I use ER-20s which are very comfortable but find it difficult to sing backing vocals as all I can hear is my own singing voice which puts me off! I tend to loosen them a bit but that defeats the object. They are excellent for songs which don't require BV's. Would the ER-15s be any better as I find that the ER-20s block out too much sound. Any thoughts?
  3. I swapped a Fender precision for a Hofner violin bass- made the world of difference as I can play a 45 minute set with minimal pain even though it is only a few pounds lighter! I also do yoga which stretches my back and have regular acupuncture and also do regular stretching excercises which were recommended by a physio.
  4. Thanks for the replies. Of all the flatwounds available, which ones sound the most 'modern' on a violin bass (with sustain block)? The roundwounds which it came with can sound a bit bright but I don't want to end up with a deep blunt thud, if you know what I mean, as we also cover modern songs in our set. As a newbie I would prefer strings which are designed for the violin bass so that I can put them straight on as I get the impression that some suggestions involve cutting down longer scale strings to suit the short scale of the bass. I take it that no-one makes half rounds for the VB? Once again, It would be helpful if they are readily available from the UK or Europe! Cheers.
  5. Regarding my Hofner Contemporary Violin bass who in the UK (or Europe) supplies flatwound specifically for them? Supplier? Make? Name? etc etc would be appreciated
  6. Hi All, I have done quite a few searches for tech answers but as a non-tech kinda guy need some help. Basically, for our covers band, when working out bass lines and backing vocals I tend to use YouTube where I can stop and start etc and it is free and very easy to use. A problem has now arisen where our female singer needs to raise a particular song by one tone to suit her voice. Many replies to this sort of question mention Audacity etc but I would like to know: Is it possible to use this sort of software in conjunction with YouTube. if so, how? Alternatively, my son has an ipod so could the track be downloaded to it then transferred to the adjusting software on my PC and then burnt to disc so that I can play it in the car in the new key? Which free software is the easiest to use? (and free?) Any info appreciated but please keep it simple as I am not familiar with how it all works regarding MP3, waveforms etc. I did have a quick go with Amazing Slow Downer and found it a doddle to use but only does a third of the track!! Regards.
  7. I saw a guy gigging with one of those and it sounded brill!! -can't go wrong at that price.
  8. All that info makes sense - even the technical stuff!! When I think about it, most of the backing vocalists I've seen appear confident and look content with the results of their performance. For me it's remembering the vocal line that I need to sing. The song I'm working on at the moment is more difficult because it changes key half way through- though I find the harmony part of the second part easier than the first!! -Maybe because it's that bit higher. Worst of all, even though I can produce harmonies moderately easily, nearly every time I practice the song I produce a different harmony - some more suitable than others though there is only one which fits and sounds perfect, the others sound naff!! Oh well, practice makes perfect!! From the replies it looks like I'm not the only one to occasionally make a mess of the BV's !! Though as I've maybe mentioned before, I've asked the rest of the band to be honest and let me know if I sound awful!!
  9. That all makes sense - thanks. I know I need to practice but with one song in particular I can sing BV's fine when singing along to a CD, although an octave lower than the female backing singers who I believe are singing separate harmonies, but at yesterday's practice after several attempts I still couldn't get it right. I'd even practised my harmony part at home by playing an acoustic six string in the correct chords for the harmony part if that makes sense. As has been already said, I need to practice it more so that the notes are engraved on my brain!! I agree that backing vocals make so much difference to a band that's why I thought I'd give it a go.
  10. One other thing...to practice I like to sing the harmony along with the original song on CD or YouTube, however, because we have a female singer a lot of the songs are played a tone higher than the original song. So how might I get round this? Is there a technique I could use so that I have something to sing along to (preferably with the harmony part) without recording our own version of the song in our chosen key? It's bad enough practising the bass part, so what I do is detune the strings by one tone to play alongside the CD etc so that when we practice the notes are at the correct fret with correct tuning!! TIA
  11. I bought a secondhand Hofner Contemporary Violin Bass recently -and love it!!. I don't think the tonal range is anything to write home about but it supposedly has a sustain block so it sounds more modern and does not have the thuddy tone of the other violin basses. I find it easy to play and it is my main gigging bass -plus it has Hofner written on the head. Neck dive is not a problem. i just have to change the strings though they are not too bad as they are. Now to sort out a decent amp.....there's always something isn't there!!
  12. Wow!! Thanks very much for all the help everyone -much appreciated. Looks like I've got a lot of practicing to do - and it may be a while before we can do anything like the guys in the videos. I have been honest and open with the rest of the band by insisting that thy tell me if anything I sing sounds naff!! Finally, I have already simplified the bass lines where I sing BV's, by playing the notes in time to the melody or 4 or 8 beats to a bar. Cheers
  13. Hi All, Even though I am not musically technically minded I have always considered myself to be a fairly competent bass player. However, the songs that the band I have just joined cover songs which require me to sing backing vocals. The lead singer is female and the remainder of the band are tone deaf males so that just leaves me to do it. It is about twenty years since I last played bass and sang BV's fairly successfully. I would like to know:- 1) Because my voice is fairly weak -it's like comparing a single note to a chord- is there an effects 'pedal' available to add character to my voice, say like a chorus effect. Adjusting the EQ on the mixing desk does not help. 2) When looking at copying the harmonies sung by females who support a female lead vocal (quite high)-where does a guy start? As I said, I'm not technically minded so I hope this post is understandable!! As usual, any help appreciated.
  14. Sorry, but it sold on eBay.
  15. Thanks for that. The only bit that concerns me is the bit which says,"Buyer pays any and all customs and duty fees". What could this mean when purchasing a set of strings?
  16. The saddles on mine are staggered - but not enough!! At least the intonation is correct. I think most string manufacturers claim that McCartney used their strings on his Hofner though maybe he changed supplier depending on who paid the most!! What's the situation regarding getting LaBellas in from America? Anyone else want some?
  17. Thanks for that!! I've measured mine from bridge to nut and it is 30.5". I've measured the bridge between the A and D strings as it is slanted to get something like the correct intonation. Is that bad? So, finally, is there anywhere at all in the UK that supplies the LaBella Beatle Strings?
  18. So ideally, do I need to get a (cloth) tape measure and measure a string from under the ball to the nut and that will give me the scale length? I assume any strings specifically made for the violin basses will fit my Contemporary just fine. I read that some violin basses have slightly different scale lengths so it might be wise to ask the question first eh?
  19. Good point. Am I right in thinking that the '760' in the Item No. is the scale length? If so, this works out at 30" whereas I think mine is 30.5". So might I need the 32" version (if there is one) ? I did read somewhere that the 'non-silked' section of the string should not allowed to be wrapped around the tuning peg -is that right? I told you I had loads of questions
  20. Unfortunately I've tried Stringbusters but they don't stock the ones I am looking for although they are getting some shipped over in December. Are there any other suppliers I could try in the meantime?
  21. Arhhh!! It all makes sense now. I've never used flats before -how much difference do they make to the playability? Finally, I don't know what gauge the standard strings I have on it at the moment are, but would thicker strings affect the neck relief due to different tension? Might they be too much?And I've read somewhere of peeps having problems putting the .115" E string through the hole in the tuner!! Any thoughts? Sooo many questions :blush:
  22. Cheers all. Would those be the Hofner H1133B's ? I've done a bit more searching and found that the La Bella Deep Talkin' Flatwounds for the beatle bass 760FHB2 (39/56/77/96) are the ones to have. If so, who stocks them? Will they still fit OK on mine as it's a Contemporary model as opposed to the 'original' ? They ain't cheap!!
  23. Any ideas anyone? Any info appreciated as I'm a bit confused!!
  24. Apart from the strings it came with, what might be the best strings to get for my Hofner Contemporary Violin bass? I know with this model it is not going to sound like a beatles bass due to it's sustain block but I would like it to sound more like one than it does now if possible. I've read that flat wound strings are the ones to get but different VB owners seem to go for different strings. I'm a bit of a newbie so what playability differences might I expect? As usual any info appreciated!!
  25. Cheers, Any other suggestions ?-just in case they're out of stock!!
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