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Everything posted by Tandro

  1. I got one of these recently after lusting after it for a while. Love it. Good luck with the sale.
  2. I'll take this off your hands. PM on its way.
  3. Folks, a friend of mine who is a hardcore audiophile (I mean, who the heck mods cd players) had an older pair of these. He actually changed the ear pads for the open back ones. I had never heard of the brand. I borrowed them from him to see what all the fuss was about...he never got them back! I insisted I had to buy them off him and I did not take no for an answer. I will never buy another brand than these. Have a bump for some awesome headphones.
  4. Darn, was looking for one of these.
  5. Pretty slick! Never been one much for Infinity's but I like that, and some really nice playing too! Have a bump on me...
  6. I bought Paul's Streamer Jazzman. It was exactly as described and he went out of his way to ensure the bass got to me in proper condition. Great communications and a really nice guy to deal with. The bass is absolutely wonderful (oh yes!) and I would not hesitate buying from him again.
  7. Yum, Jazzman. Can't wait to see the pics.
  8. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1321561734' post='1440764'] Cheers Tandro, been trying to work this out. Problem solved! [/quote] hehehe...a friend showed me this video and it was hilarious when I saw it (my friend by the way has perfect pitch, darn it). I still have'nt transcribed a song end to end but people have time (and ears) to transcribe this...man...
  9. OK, this is just for a bit of fun and there are no ground breaking techniques to be discussed. You may have seen this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og97jAm8DsU I'm having trouble transcribing a 'song', let alone something like this.
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1321476887' post='1439748'] Glad you are getting on with the Streamer, it really is a beaut, if only it weighed...! [/quote] When I saw warwickhunt's streamer briefly appear on BC, I was just as floored with that as this stage II. If I could have my way and have the two as a pair...oh man. I must say that I don't think I've ever seen a for sale post with as many views as this stage II. I hope you get a sale MarkusWarwick...and I seriously envy you Chris2112
  11. It really sucks, but I was coming and I'm unable to make it anymore I hope it goes well, or maybe there'll be some video from the show on Janek's site or something.
  12. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1318861320' post='1407006'] What a stunning bass. I'll have one of these one day! [/quote] That's my motto too...but 'one day' is not today Checked under the cushions on the sofa...nope...could not find enough cash...all the best with the sale though...
  13. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1316694454' post='1381542'] Yep, its a buyers market at the mo. Having said that it wasn't in great condition, but its nothing a few months wont sort out. Edit: To add to the point, JCM 800's are selling for about 250-300 euro in places, those are like gold dust 'round here. [/quote] What the...!? An SS1 for about £430. I need to get out of London...
  14. [quote name='molan' post='1359987' date='Sep 2 2011, 03:30 PM']Work for an ad agency & have racked up 32 years in the business. Basically I'm old with very low mortgage, still working & have a bass addiction, lol.[/quote] Got to admit, I wondered the same thing too, lol. So the moral of the story is I got to get into advertising But back to the topic, beautiful bass. Good luck with the sale.
  15. I'm not after a stage 1 myself (got one already), but I have to say that seems to be a pretty good price for this. Have a bump on me...
  16. Well guys, I thought about it all today and I won't go for my dream bass in 5 strings. Not that I don't want to or that I have anything against 5 (actually, I'm a bit more interested now to try it), but for more practical reasons. I could scrape together the money, but I would indeed be scraping it together and it just won't be the responsible thing to do, especially with recent events. As ppl have been wondering, the 5er I am SERIOUSLY GAS'ing for is the the Stage II in the for sale section. I know, I know, Warwicks are'nt for everybody...but I want a stage II so bad!!! If its one bass I need to own at some time, its that.Truth be said, three different 4 string versions did come up this year and they were about the price of this 5 or about £100 more I think (one was a definite no go though). But those were non UK sellers and maybe I just thought it would be more hassle(?)...no offence to the non UK sellers, plus I did not have the money This same 5 stringer has all the case candy etc. and has come up 3 times this year alone also! (Fate maybe for me to buy it? I wish). If I sell my current basses I could afford one, but I just really don't want to sell what I have, heh. I'll just stop watching the for sale section untill I _know_ I can comfortably buy what I want instead of freaking agonising over it every single time. Thanks for the comments guys. When I get that Stage II (4 or 5 string) everybody will know
  17. Thanks guys for the replies. Don't get me wrong, I do eventually want a 5 string...but I had nothing carded to get it now. My sole motivation 'at this point in time' to even think about getting this _particular_ 5 string is because...well...I can't seem to get it in 4 string cheaper! The 4 string version of this was/is my dream bass. Really speaking, if there was a 4 string version of this bass right now at a price I could afford I would snap it up. Maybe that answers my own question. If I had a choice between the 4 or 5 of _this_ bass, I would buy the 4. Now mind you, if I could afford the 4 AND 5 in it I'd be happier than a pig in mud (I would naturally want to play the 4 normally and have the 5 there for when I needed it ) Having a 5 in the arsenal is a good thing. But having the overriding motivation to get the 5 'because I can't get it in 4 affordably' irks me somehow, like I'm just coping out. Like I feel I should bide my time and wait for the money and right bass to be there before spending. Or has been suggested, just get the 5 for that really long thumb rest
  18. You guys are gonna laugh at me for this, but I've been wanting a particular bass for some time now. I had the money once, but don't anymore, Anyways, I've seen a couple times the 5 string version come up at a 'reasonable' price and been disappointed. But then I started actually thinking, I could buy the 5 string instead! Do I want to try 5 strings, sure. Did I really want to buy a 5 string anytime soon or have this great need to play them, no. I've never even tried a 5 string. I mean, I'd get a low B that must come in handy some time So really, I should not even consider spending a whole load of money to buy it, even if it is my dream bass. I must be ridiculous to even consider buying for this reason, right?
  19. Cool, no worries, but if you change... Honestly, (and I guess this will be showing up my ignorance on the matter) if it was a bass being transported I would expect it to be packaged like a tank in a hardcase etc. etc. however I thought if its just an empty gig bag (albeit a really nice one) then a box would not be necessary and a plastic bag of some sort would suffice to give it basic protection en route. If this sounds ludicrous forgive me, as I just don't know any better. I have received various items from BC members (bass included) packaged really well. But I have never posted anything myself, and an empty gig bag with nothing to really break (?) I honestly thought would have been easier. But I only bring this up as I really don't know. I do understand about the waiting on the courier etc. Have a bump on me...
  20. Are you sure you don't want to post? Let me know if you change your mind on that.
  21. Ooops...uncharateristically have not been on BC for a few days so did not see this. Yes, it is indeed in my hands (the bass that is). Crossed my mind once to possibly move it on, but couldn't do it. One day maybe...
  22. As that guy on Apprentice had said, 'Let me just step in and diffuse the situation'...(loved that line!). It is inevitable that some people might find it useful, and others not. Nothing wrong with that IMO. I am a newbie and looked at it earlier, and it does have a purpose (for me anyways). I'm trying to learn my maj7 arpegios and really commit them to memory. I play it ascdening as you do when you start, and I might write it out for 1 bar, but I also am trying to sight read. I thought it would be nice if I could easily see how chord tones look on the staff not only in sequence and ascending. This does it. I used it for sight reading earlier with a chord I have been running in my head for days and still got stuff wrong trying to play it from the permutations. It forces me to think about where the note is, especially if I need to shift position. I hear the chord tones in different sequences. So it helps me get the notes under my fingers. I hear from lots of people that sight reading is recognising patterns. I think this could help me learn how the notes of a chord look in different situations to recognise chords/patterns. Its just one tool that may assist me for what I am working on right now.
  23. So...this is the point in time where someone says something like "oh, if only I had the money I'll be all over this" or "bump for a great bass". So I might as well say it OHHHH, if only I had the money. Bump for a great bass!!! I really need to stop visiting this forum, 'cause seeing this bass makes me realize how much I want it...and also how empty my wallet is. Good luck with the sale.
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