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Everything posted by Tandro

  1. I have to give props to G4M though. Granted it would have been great if there were no issues in the first place, however its when things go a bit wonky you see how a retailer responds. I don't think I ever bought anything from G4M before, and off the bat there was a slight issue with my order. I replied to an email explaining, and the response was swift, as was the remediation. Then there was the issue with the power supply on the same order. Contacted them, got a response soon after and it was already being rectified. IIRC the power supply arrived the day after! I can't fault their responses, I would have no problem transacting with them again.
  2. I appreciate it, and the experience has me rethinking many things. The scammer also caught me at a time when I was out with family and friends, I had some alcohol in my head (not much, but maybe added to my joyous mood), and I was about to score this awesome guitar! I was just in the moment, happy, with family, and tried to quickly do this on a phone (which I normally never do). It just caught me out unsuspectingly. But the root of the problem is we don't speak out. We don't share so that others can avoid our mistakes. A real personal bad (or good) experience goes miles more, than an instruction in a vacuum telling you, 'Do not do this'. And I don't know how to get around the following one, but we have all been trained to not interfere with someone's 'for sale' thread. And the last thing we want to do is falsely accuse someone of something. But in looking at what happened, it was apparent other ppl who tried to buy the guitar(s) got a bad feeling about it, but for various reasons did not say anything. Again, they may have just been being cautious, but as soon as one person said something did not feel right, then a bunch ppl involved all mention they pulled out the deal because it did not feel right etc. That is a tricky one to balance...how do you warn about a 'potential' scam to help other forum members, but not falsely accuse someone and damage their reputation if all it was is a misunderstanding. I dunno...
  3. Yep, I was almost caught in one of those scam sales (there was more than one). Actually let me correct myself, I _was_ indeed suckered into one of those sales, but luckily the payment did not go through (as was the case for a few other people, who all dodged a bullet...others were not as fortunate). For a quick summary of what to look out for, see: https://thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/259362/recent-scams#latest For some paypal scams, check: https://thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/259029/paypal-payment-scams#latest I don't mind speaking up and possibly looking like an idiot, if other people can learn and don't repeat my mistakes. It has me reassessing my practices that I've done for years on sales forums I trust. But its not the forum I need to trust or not, its users on them. You may not be dealing with who you think you are. Incase you think I was dealing with some newbie account, the username selling had been registered for years, had various sales threads and some were marked 'sold'. That normally instills some confidence in me. None of that matters if their account is compromised. And I have done all the wrong things in the book in my purchases over the years...took the messaging off the forum to email, paid by Paypal F&F (with some due diligence, or so I thought).I have had a great transaction every single time. So when things like: -asked me to pay to a different paypal email account -then sent his wife's paypal etc. -not answering my concerns directly -it felt like he was pressuring me to buy -throwing in incentives to coerce me to buy -realising it was a foreign paypal account and not a UK based one Some of these things I'm sure I've done at least once in the more than a decade on forums, all with no bad consequence. And ppl have indeed been nice to me and thrown in incentives for a sale. But everything at once!? My spidey sense started to go off, but I refused for a while to believe that someone was scamming me! Nothing ever goes wrong - until it does. I got too enthusiastic and dare I say it, greedy. But it just showed me, that someone like me (and others) who has been buying gear for years, let our emotions impair our judgement. We keep convincing ourselves 'that I've done this in the past, it will be fine now'. Possibly the OP can rename the title of this thread to show its about scamming. We all need to be aware. We can become complacent and let our guards down. It really can happen to anyone.
  4. You don't have to use anything in particular. The only requirement AFAIK is that you upload the song to moses. It can be in various acceptable formats, such as mp3 etc. So technically if you have a cd and you have ripped the song, or you have mp3s or whatever, just drag and drop them into moises. It does not care where the source material is from, so long as its in acceptable format. I should also state, I don't directly use the app, even that is not a requirement for my purposes. I login via their website on my laptop. I drag and drop songs, and it does its magic.
  5. Had an awesome transaction with Ben! Great comms, everything as described and he was very understanding. As Christmas time tends to get a little hectic, even though he did not have to, he literally went out of his way to make sure everything went well. Highly recommended!
  6. Some talent from that little island . Its interesting how music gets around...my supervisor based in the Netherlands, out of the blue mentioned Queen Omega to me some weeks ago. Firstly, I had no idea he listened to Reggae, much less Queen Omega. The world is getting smaller.
  7. I had no idea what a 'lurex suit' was....Google is your friend, now I know
  8. Since we on this Rhythm, have to throw in this one then:
  9. This takes me back to my youth. Wow, memories.
  10. LOL, true dat. Now I can't help but notice it. I was gonna clean it up, but then that awesome car picture will be out of context. Maybe I'll leave it as a reminder for all to avoid Babylon next time.
  11. I'm a Caribbean boy. As a young kid in pre-teen years, Dancehall became an integral part of music listening. And that repetitive bassline, of just a few notes, was hypnotic, like a Siren call. And while this will sound cheesy (and miles away from Dancehall), I by accident heard Victor Wooten. I could not believe that was a bass, and that sealed it, I want to learn bass 'some day'. Mid-teen years, I had an opportunity to learn guitar (on acoustic) with friends. While not a bass, it was my start! I used to 'play' the bass lines on a guitar because we could not afford a bass and had no access to one, not even electric guitars. We eventually got a 'deal' on an Ibanez bass and electric guitar. With our other friend, we had a 'band', though we just played for ourselves and friends. It was glorious years. We played music badly, and surfed/partied weekends. I'll leave out all the numerous years in between where friends moved away and I fell away from it. It was actually coming to London years ago that got me back to playing when I saw and briefly met my idol Victor Wooten, and I picked up a cheap bass at a CashConverters to 'see if I still had an interest' in this. I may play badly, but I love music, its my escape. And as fortune would have it, one of my friends in that little band so many years ago, studied Law at Oxford and is some Exec in a bank now, but we still get together every so often, and it takes us back decades. Just wonderful.
  12. For those that bought this deal, did you also have to pay shipping as when I looked at the deal they were coming in from Europe with delivery times into December/January?
  13. A 'lil Saturday vibes...I had no idea who this artist was, randomly came across this song a couple months ago. I then could not help listen to it on repeat for the next half hour and sing along (badly), sent it to my old band mates, and they really liked it to. If not posted here already, hopefully you enjoy....
  14. A-ha!!!!! So you see....no matter how hard we try, there is always something else out there, that elusive thing (that as you describe in your case, is not even a real thing...as yet) but its in your minds eye, and you want it...and if it were to be real, and not have it...you would be GAS'ing for it 😜
  15. How...How does one achieve that status, that I would love to know
  16. You know you gonna do it
  17. To be clear, you may not need the paid version. Try the free version first. I thi k the sale is until 30th Nov so you have time to try it with no rush. You might realise you don't like it...though I love it, ha You have to upload your own copy of a song for example. The way I did it was sign up for a free account on a Web browser. I actually just use that version for now. Then it showed me the 50% discount. My friend who told me about moses was paying monthly and also could not see the discount. He created a new free account, then saw the offer and paid for it.
  18. I had to share in case it helps anyone also who was not aware. Yes, I like the free/cheap stuff. But for the busy or tired person after work or family, anything for ease of use and little friction to playing/practicing is needed. I was trying to transcribe a song, but the bass was so hard to hear. I might have tried some shenanigans with Audacity, but a drummer friend told me about moises. Wow. Separates the instruments, change tempo, chord chart (was hit or miss though) etc....and the bass in this song is so clear to hear now. The free version has limitations on the features. They have a Black Friday sale on now. So for the basic ('Musician') plan for one year it cost me £17.50. I can't even buy a KFC meal for 2 ppl for less than that now. Why pay? I can do unlimited songs, and everything else mentioned. Plus that click track really helped me with hearing where certain parts come in. It even transcribes lyrics. This was a reggae song with a Jamaican accent, so I honestly thought it would fail. It was about 98% correct. This coupled with the Boss Waza Air (which I debated buying so long cause of the cost) just make it so much fun to pick up my instrument and just play something, and its all mobile and silent practice so I don't wake the kids. Sometimes if you can afford it, spending the money on the right things (for you) makes it so much easier.
  19. _and_ it has a matching headstock...wow
  20. Bought a pair of (basically brand new!) Boss Waza from Frank. Excellent comms, great product with extra bells and whistles. Highly recommended to deal with!
  21. Now, not that I am encouraging any GAS related purchases to a new forum member (I mean, I would never do something like that...), but oh look, there just happens to be a Jazz in Tidepool blue that came up in the for sale section yesterday....I mean, if you just happened to 'need' a matching jazz bass in the same colour.... jus' sayin'....
  22. Noice....I think somebody better step up quick and give you the pep talk about G.A.S.....or not
  23. Why oh why do I love a matching headstock on a Jazz...and then with that colour too....and the bit of mojo just fits....oh my
  24. Tandro

    NAS Bass

    Bought a great pedal from@NAS Bass. Super quick comms and butter smooth transaction. As has been said by others, item is in really great condition. Indeed a great person to deal with!
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