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Everything posted by Muse_Cubed

  1. If my tuition fees magically disappear overnight, I know where my savings are going...
  2. Opeth - Godhead's Lament It sounds like an evil carousel some awesome riffs in there.
  3. AFAIK, germanium-transistor-based effects don't like active basses very much. Correct me if I'm wrong. I've got a Fuzzrocious Green Stache - it's awesome, like a green Big Muff but holds the low end ver well and has more crunch..they're not easy to find but they crop up in the second hand section from time to time. My other fuzz is a Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B which is versatile but aggressive and a bit more harsh sounding than the Green Stache.. I also use a Zvex Mastotron for chainsaw type fuzz, if you're looking for that.
  4. Cheers for the help guys (especially Al, I tried but it's hard to do a vertical Falcon kick when playing my Warwick. It's a little too heavy, nothing to do with my insufficient athletic ability in any way, shape or form) - I should've remembered Martin Owen, he modded my Phase 90 a while ago. Duuuuuh.
  5. I picked up a Boss OC-2 off of Ebay, unfortunately doesn't work. Well, it does if you turn it upside down. Sounds like a bad contact or something - can anyone recommend where I can get it fixed?
  6. Sigh. £12,000 worth of tuition fees and 3 years of higher education (1 remaining) and I can't even connect a quick-connect pickup cable the right way. I'm an idiot. Thanks very much for your help, sorry for the, er, cretiny!
  7. Here's the reply I got from EMG: [quote]Rob I assume both p/ups are working and that you've replaced all the original wiring and pots with the kit as supplied What you describe is not indicative of a battery connection problem as the units will not work passively. A weak signal means it's going somewhere it shouldn't. I suggest you check the install again very carefully as low output usually indicates a partial signal short to ground or bad solder joint. Check very carefully for dry joints, wires trapped under the scratchplate or whiskers touching the shielding etc. Make sure the QC cable is correctly fitted and making firm contact If you can't find the fault please contact the dealer who supplied the p/ups who will evaluate the problem and take any necessary action. Thanks.[/quote] He says it doesn't work passively, but I get the same output with or without the battery. So I don't know what I'm meant to do :/
  8. These pickups are supposedly hot, but I'm getting a pretty tiny output from them compared to my Warwick/Pedulla - it barely registers on my amp unless I've turned the input all the way up on passive mode (I'm getting some sound by using my boost pedal, but it's not really enough). I've adjusted the pickups as close as possible to the strings and changed batteries...everything's wired alright I think. My soldering's not amazing, but I did what the thing said. What's going wrong?
  9. That's some serious boardage you've got there wow. Would replacing your Landmine with a landmine count as "banter" or would it be a "step" too far?
  10. [quote name='Spartacus' post='546992' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:41 PM']looks like everything outside of N17s too out of the way for these guys [/quote] Heh, only because I live halfway to Oxford on the very end of the Met Line
  11. Right up my street but Turnpike Lane's a little out of the way. Sigh.
  12. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='543707' date='Jul 18 2009, 12:50 AM']Looking good man, good to hear the green stache is treating you well, if you ever get a chance try it on guitar, i almost kept it just for that, and i'd replace the oc-3 with an oc-2 if i were you[/quote] I'm so glad I bought it! It sounds absolutely brutal when running my Warwick (via the Cream Pie) through it...love the grittiness. I've heard that the OC-2 is better than the OC-3...would that honestly be the best option?
  13. A little update...need to rewire it as it's so damn messy at the moment. I've basically replaced the Russian Big Muff with the Green Stache (whilst the Big Muff had sentimental value, the Green Stache is so good, less woolly, fewer unwanted harmonics, better low end and grittier than the BMs) and Blowtorch with the Mastotron. I'm contemplating replacing my OC-3 but I'm not sure which octaver I'd replace it with, especially considering size restraints.
  14. Blowtorch sold pending payment
  15. What length are the "patch cable" length ones? The metre length one may be useful though, some of my pedalboard wiring is pretty strained.
  16. I love Origin of Symmetry and bits of Showbiz and Absolution but Black Holes is a pile of mediocre crap. I was so disappointed but I've moved on thankfully and I'm not excited at all about the upcoming album, so who knows, hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. I love Chris' style and that got me into playing bass. He's not the world's best bassist by a long way but he's got *it*. And as far as slap goes...really cool technique but I could never use it seriously. I don't know, to me it's a little bit cheesy and I'm can't help but be overawed by people like Wooten, Claypool etc. but IMO it's got its limitations.
  17. Big Muff on hold. + bump
  18. Hmm, I might think about this (I'm an Amersham-er) as I'm completely self-taught and haven't really had a lot of input from others with regards to my playing.
  19. [quote name='Higgie' post='529297' date='Jul 1 2009, 02:55 AM']Ok - I've gone from the PT mini seen here: To this, the current band board: Underside: Ok so the underside is a bit messy, but it's all stable and works so if it ain't broke... Signal chain: Bass>TB Edition Cream Pie>OC2>XBlender>Analogman Chorus>Atomic Echo Clone>Korg DT-10BK In the XBlenders loop is Pickle Huge Fuzz>Crowther Prunes and Custard. As you can see, the board is powered by a Diago power supply, which is velcro'd to the back wall of the board on the underside. Just plug the power chord into the Diago and everything lights up I want a Subdecay Prometheus on there (not sure which pedal would have to go), and the Echo Clone will be replaced by my Demeter Compulator, once I have bought the adaptor that will allow me to daisy chain it. There is a spare power outlet on the Daisy chain that isn't in use, so I may just take the tuner off the board and plug it in on the side, so I could get the Prometheus on there without having to lose anything.[/quote] That's an awesome board!
  20. The ODB-3 and the Blowtorch are very different animals really. I consider the ODB-3 a rather trebbly, hissy fuzz whilst the Blowtorch is much more flexible; that's the pedal's forte, it can do a lot of different sounds tending towards a synthy, chainsaw fuzz on the balls-out settings. But there's a wide variety of sounds in between...it also cuts through pretty well due to the blend control and there's little low end loss. The mid-shift's also a great feature. Haven't used the two pedals together though as they're in parallel loops.
  21. [quote name='iamapirate' post='523977' date='Jun 25 2009, 06:26 PM']what amp do you use the BT with? How is it, generally, in your honest opinion![/quote] I use it with an Ashdown ABM EVO II. It's a good pedal IMO and pretty versatile. There are a lot of options with the EQ controls, midshift and switching between "normal" fuzz and chainsaw fuzz via the red knob and I've found the blend control very useful. I'm replacing it simply because the Mastotron does the chainsaw effect better (better sustain and more variety) and I don't really require the overall versatility of the Blowtorch (I have 5 distortion boxes on my board...). It's the sort of pedal that divides people I think...a lot of people can't get over the "buzziness". It also requires a little perseverance to get the right settings, but the ones which work are pretty good.
  22. Ok, first up is my trusty [b]EHX Russian Big Muff[/b]. It's in pretty good shape (let's face it, they're hard to break). I've removed the feet but I'll include them in the package when I send it. Two minor problems: the pots are a little bit scratchy but it's not a big problem; secondly I had to do some DIY repair to the 9V connector which I accidentally ripped off. Soldered it back on and there have been no problems since. Comes in a wooden box for anyone who's into that sort of thing. Price: [b][size=3]NOW SOLD[/size][/b] Secondly is my [b]MXR Blowtorch[/b]. It's in good condition, no problems. I'm packaging it with the 18V power supply for funsies. Price: £80 shipped
  23. [quote name='boabskiboab' post='520524' date='Jun 22 2009, 09:53 AM']It may be worth while doing a test pice first. I might be completely wrong but glow in the dark paint might not glow in the dark once laquered?[/quote] It depends if the lacquer contains a UV quencher...acrylic by itself does absorb some UV but not all. I'll probably do a test run on the back to see.
  24. Thanks for the advice guys! Yeah, this bass project is a bit of a "silly-but-not-really" one. I want black as the base colour with all black body hardware but I want to outline it in green. Not sure what else I'm going to do yet though, I was thinking that Pixie paint would be amazing but I don't know if it'll work on a black surface [url="http://www.glowtec.co.uk/pixie-paint.htm"]http://www.glowtec.co.uk/pixie-paint.htm[/url]
  25. My Squier is getting a serious overhaul at the moment - in fact, the body is going to be the only original part when I've finished with it. I want to do some sort of paintwork on the body (most likely involving fluorescent green and glow in the dark paint). However, I've not really found any good advice on how to undertake such a project as most of the guides/advice on the net focus on completely stripping and repainting from scratch - I'd much rather be able to paint on what's there currently (it's a black poly finish which is the colour I'm looking for). Any advice?
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