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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Dot at the 21st on the Trib L2500, but not on the US L2000. Not sure of the year of either, but both are 90's models, and the L2000 is older with the 3 bolt neck plate. Edit; both are of course 2000s models, I was rather drunk when I posted this last night .
  2. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='930320' date='Aug 19 2010, 09:30 PM']I believe that Tribes Vibes & Scribes is their best album closely followed by 100 degrees and Rising and then Positivity[/quote] Same order as me
  3. In my years as a front man in the early 90s, I did a gig on the back of a truck in a quarry near Bremen in Germany. We were one of about 6 bands playing a mini festival, on a very cold, damp day. We were also the novelty foriegn band amongst a bunch of local bands, so we had a decent drowd watching us, but it was weird being surrounded by this old quarry, and it poured with rain most of the day. U2 at Red Rock Canyon it was not.
  4. Gah, I'd have this off you if I could. Great price.
  5. White all the way. Tort looks the dogs on the right colour, to me personally, that's not the right colour for a tort guard. I'd be looking for a cream pearl guard for that.
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='928227' date='Aug 18 2010, 12:04 AM']Didn't even know they were touring - thanks for the heads-up. I absolutely LOVE Dub Side Of The Moon. [/quote] DITTO.
  7. Lovely set up. You can keep yer ruddy boutique stuff, all you need at the end of the day is a P and a J, the classic combo. I'll bet they sound sweet through the acoustic too?
  8. Another vote for a Steamer, and if I had a choice I'd go for a Stage 2, just because I think they're little bit brighter and cleaner than the Stage 1 tonewise, and it would have to be a 5 stringer for hip hop IMO. I love playing along to a bit of Jazzmatazz, Guru, Gangstar etc, and you'll definately need the B. Streamer Stage 2 or 1, either will hit the spot.
  9. [quote name='Doctor J' post='927395' date='Aug 17 2010, 11:45 AM']I think the problem with bass cutting through or not is purely down to the player - their technique and how they EQ. I've never encountered a model of bass which wasn't capable of cutting through, just the players change.[/quote] 100%, and also the room you're playing in makes a big difference. I might be the only person on the site who had a problem getting a Stingray to cut through. I never did get to the bottom of it, but I think it was probably down to a 2EQ and lack of mids. No problem at all with the G&Ls, because I find them so much more versatile and controlable, but for pure live punch and honk I always found passive Fender Jazzes were pretty much the best.
  10. I'm very much looking forward to this album. Unlike some, I've loved pretty much everything Jay Kay has produced, regardless of who the bass player is, altough I'm definately a Zender fan. I don't know if it's because I'm a fan, or just because I like the cut of JK's Jib, but I'm yet to hear a [i]bad[/i] Jamiroquai album, although some are of course better than others.
  11. [url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=149"]http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=149[/url] Any help?
  12. [quote name='BaseBass' post='925030' date='Aug 14 2010, 05:30 PM']Brilliant, what you will realise Shonks is after a while here, the tire kicking anoraks hijack threads and take the greatest of pleasure in trying to belittle new members and any minute incorrect detail. You will still get arguments because remember they will know better than Fender! Good luck whatever you decide to do with it. Basebass[/quote]
  13. Great thread, I'm fascinated to know where it will end up. Good luck with the sale Shonks.
  14. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='924320' date='Aug 13 2010, 08:11 PM'] Don't get me wrong, I like players who are technically proficient, to see an artist at the height of their musical prowess and mastery of an instrument, but some players just don't do it for me, and the 3 listed rank at the top of my list. One man's meat and all that! It would be boring if we all liked the same thing [/quote] Absolutely right. Variety is the spice of life. I have to say, out of ALL the bass players mentioned here, I think every single one is important to someone, Tal, Hooky, even the bloke from Fall Out Boy, someone somewhere likes what they do, and to me, that means they're important and valued as musicians, even if they're not to evryone's taste. The only one I still think is/was a waste of oxygen was Sid. I hated him when he was alive and I still do, purely because he was a totally useless musician. Just my opinion of course, I'm sure someone loves him.
  15. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='924095' date='Aug 13 2010, 04:24 PM']Steve Bailey gets my vote any day of the week - completely OTT player with little in the way of soul. It's all technique and flash in the pan pyrotechnics that are totally dull and uninspiring! All those false harmonics, many of which are never in tune... boring. Adam Nitti also falls into this category! Another example of a player who's playing is all technique at the expensive of anything else. I saw him live at Bassday, and while he was interesting to watch, it left me very cold and unmoved. My all time most awful bassist ever though is John Myung! How is it possible that someone so completely unoriginal and lacking in technique gets so much devotion and attention as being a 'special bassist!' Saw him live with Dream Theatre, and that has to be the worst gig I have ever seen - period. Talk about a band comprised of egos instead of musicians! sh*t![/quote] I couldn't disagree more, but fair enough, each to his own.
  16. Ha, awesome, and better build quality than a Fleabass at a fraction of the cost. I'm off to get a donut.
  17. Yeah I must admit, I like Tal's playing. Her album's a bit dull at times but.....
  18. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='923806' date='Aug 13 2010, 01:14 PM']I can't help but feel this thread may end in tears [/quote] Yep, as is normal around here these days.
  19. Sid was so awful that Steve re-recorded all the crap Sid had put down. Sid was just a poster boy, planted by Malcolm McLaren to make them look the part.
  20. Well from the point of view of a major turning point in my life musically, of a [i]non bass [/i]nature, then I have to go back to the day my brother brought home a copy of 'Unleashed In The East' by Judas Priest in about 1979. I was 14, and only really been listening to Beatles records of my parents, and an ELO EP we had. My brother said listen to this and gave the LP to me. I stuck it on the Teak radiogram we had in the front room, and turned it up. That was it, I felt like I'd been born again. I can remember staring at the front cover of the record and imagining I was watching them live on that stage in Japan as I listened to the album over and over again. I was a rocker instantly, and with the discovery of bands like Rush too, I was engrossed in music for ever more. While I'm not a heavy rocker as such anymore, that day I first heard that music changed my life.
  21. [quote name='Shonks' post='923677' date='Aug 13 2010, 11:56 AM']good idea,..just sent the serials to Fender... lets see what they have to say[/quote] I hope you have more success than me, whenever I've requested information from them in the past I've had no response at all.
  22. It's the only way to learn for me, I can't be doing with staring at bits of paper trying to work it out. Hooky's basslines aren't overly taxing, it should be pretty simple to just sit down and listen to them. I can remember playing along to Atmosphere (I think) and Dead Souls, on my Columbus Jazz, in the bedroom of my parents house in Macclesfield the day after Ian hung himself only a few hundred yards away from us. I ended up living only a few doors down from Ian and Debbie's house on Barton St.
  23. I've wanted one for years, maybe one day eh?
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