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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71695&hl=fleabass"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=fleabass[/url] Here's the thread on mine.
  2. Heavy rock? The mids are your friend. Medium gauge strings are fine 45-105, on a jazz I'd turn everything up full, and clunk the strings like a head on colision between a tractor and a bulldozer. Sansamp would be great, Aguilar tone hammer would be better IMO. The Aerodyne should be fine.
  3. Stingrays are fab, I've had two of them, but now I've got a couple of G&Ls, I'm in no hurry to find another 'ray. If I found a grand to spend tomorrow, I wouldn't be looking for another Musicman, I'd be looking for another G&L.
  4. Don't get either, get an L2000 For the real 'ray tone I'd say 2EQ, but having had a couple of 2EQs myself, I'd go for a 3EQ if I were to get another, it just adds another dimension to the tone, BUT, it's arguable that it doesn't sound as authentic as a 2EQ.
  5. I've tried a couple of Metros, and owned one, and was underwhelmed to be honest. Nice but sterile. I've played an NYC at a BC bash, and was blown away, it was beautiful. Make of that what you will.
  6. As you've discovered, L2000s are bomb proof, and utterly outstanding basses, you're going to love it.
  7. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAynG1MsHkY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAynG1MsHkY[/url]
  8. Yeah he's doing Manchester too Al I think. I really fancied going just to see Rhonda Smith, I was gutted when she wasn't involved in the Prince gigs at the O2.
  9. It would have been the mid 80s with a new wave band I sang and played bass for. It was all original stuff and pretty awful too probably, in some dump of a pub in Manchester I seem to remember, and it would've been on my Columbus Jazz. What a nightmare.
  10. You're a star sir, thanks.
  11. Tal was a recent member of his band before Rhonda Smith. This was definately a bloke
  12. Anyone know who the bass player with Jeff Beck's band would have been in 2006? I know Randy Hope Taylor did a stint that year but it wasn't him. It was the lineup that included Jan Hammer on keyboards, and I saw them at the Manchester Apollo. Any ideas?
  13. I had a pee next to Johnny Vegas at some services on the M1, and he didn't wash his hands either.
  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='911630' date='Aug 1 2010, 03:32 AM']I love the string spacing on G&L 2500 basses that I've played. But they tended to sound a little dark to me.[/quote] I've found that my US L2000 is slightly darker or richer sounding than my Tribute L2500. The trib is slightly brighter, but I like the fact that they're different tone wise, it gives me a few more options, but the playability on both is just fantastic.
  15. My signature says it all for me. You can play [i]any[/i] style on [i]any[/i] bass, period. There's no such thing as a rock bass, funk bass, etc etc. I, for example, quite happily used to slap a Thunderbird, and it sounded great. Any bass, any style, simple.
  16. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='910646' date='Jul 30 2010, 08:35 PM']I am......[/quote] Do tell.......
  17. Blimey, what a wizard wheeze!!
  18. [quote name='steve-soar' post='910514' date='Jul 30 2010, 06:32 PM']Funk can't be taught. It's a calling. [/quote] It's in the fingers from birth baby, if you ain't got it, you ain't got it, period
  19. [quote name='Veils' post='910334' date='Jul 30 2010, 03:15 PM']Probably a Lakland DJ4[/quote] [i]Really??[/i]
  20. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='910608' date='Jul 30 2010, 08:04 PM']Is Beki Bondage famous?[/quote] I played 'Bogeys Club' in Cardiff in the 80s, and in the dressing room there was loads of various grafiti and scrawl on the walls, one comment stated "Beki Bondage is a slag". I'm in no position to comment either way of course.
  21. [quote name='Heathy' post='910588' date='Jul 30 2010, 07:50 PM']Kim Wilde? That's nothing. Russ Abbot once nearly ran me over.[/quote] Oh what an atmosphere there must have been after that.
  22. I have to say though that many people here will say they've [i]never[/i] had a problem at all, so don't write off a 'ray just because some of us [i]have[/i] had an issue, they're great basses when you find a good one.
  23. Man that's nice. There's some lovely gear for sale at the moment.
  24. I've read somewhere that it's a design thing, not an age thing, which is odd, as you'd expect the design to have evolved to illiminate the thing by now. Some people still deny there is a problem, some people cure the problem by angling the pickup slightly towards the G, but I tried everything with both my Stingrays and never cured it with either of them, so I sold them, it drove me mad.
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