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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. WOW c'est manifique mon ami. Beautiful bass.
  2. [quote name='witterth' post='910325' date='Jul 30 2010, 03:04 PM']ooppss "ace of bass" ....see what I did there?[/quote] I definately saw the sign.
  3. Some people [i]like[/i] a certain bass player or band or genre, and other people [i]don't[/i], because they're into something else, that's it. No point at all arguing about it. Hilarious read though, but I do worry about some of our members, and their state of mind. I said 'crikey' to an American girl once, she also thought it was the weirdest word she'd ever heard.
  4. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='906383' date='Jul 26 2010, 10:02 PM']My Shuker is perfect for me - 5 strings, comfortable weight, nice balance, sounds stunning, easy to play, staggering build quality, top quality woods / hardware, looks. This bass cured my GAS and will see my playing days out.[/quote] Best bass you've ever had Al, no question. Me? Gawd, wouldn't know where to start. I guess the Kinal MK-5 or the Overwater Progress 5 were maybe the best basses I've had in terms of what I'd call [i]top end [/i]stuff, but, I moved them on, so they can't have been right for me can they? Since discovering the G&Ls, I'd say they were perfect for me in terms of tone, playability, build quality etc. I have no plans at all to change them, and in fact turned down a tempting offer recently to hang on to them, so that says a lot to me. I am Captain GAS, but I have none at all at this time.
  5. I bought my 9 year old daughter a 'Shine' Precision copy as her first bass. It is, without question, an utter piece of sh*t in almost every possible way. She now uses my Fleabass, which is like an Overwater in comparison.
  6. [i]To me[/i], the G&Ls are better basses than Stingrays. It's not that I don't love 'rays, I do, but the G&Ls are more versatile, and I find them more comfortable to play. As far as the 'ray HH is concerned, I reckon it's capable of a lot of tones, and is the only bass you'll get [i]that[/i] Stingray tone from, the L2000 will get close, but it's not the same. I would describe the tone I get from the L2000 as something between a Stingray and a Jazz, but it also does a good Precision impression too if you set the EQ right. If it's a Stingray tone you like, then it's a Stingray you have to get, but [i]for me[/i], if it's versatility and playablity you want, it has to be the G&L every time.
  7. As always it's personal choice, they're all good basses, my choice would be the L2000 but then it would be wouldn't it? It's a much more versatile bass IMO.
  8. Great stuff Steve, interviews like this can only help to lift the site up to another level. Let's have some more.
  9. Lovely Sado, looks like you've done well there. [i]Me?[/i] I love Stingrays, or at least I love the look and tone of them, but both the 'rays I had suffered from the silent G effect, so I moved them on, and ended up with G&Ls instead, which I much prefer I hasten to add.
  10. Yep, my first thought was around 1200 quid.
  11. Don't blame you for loving the G&L. Best of luck with the Buzzard, you don't see many of them on here so there should be a lot of interest. Looking forward to the pics.
  12. Rayman

    Tokai basses

    I love that Talbo, it's fab.
  13. Why thank you sir. Yes, I have to be honest, I wasn't sure about the green at first, but I really love it now, and the Cherry Burst is really nice too. I'd like a Blueburst L1500 next.
  14. Many years ago I borrowed a 70s Jazz with a 3 bolt neck, you could physically move the neck slightly from side to side if you used enough force. It was said that the 3 bolts weren't enough to keep the neck absolutely rock solid, so 4 bolt necks became the norm.
  15. Alan's summed it up for me. I'm not a Beatles fan per se, but the influence they had on music cannot be argued against. My memories are of being a young lad, and hearing 'I wanna Hold Your Hand' and 'She Loves You' on the radio in the early 70's. Those two songs still give me goose pimples when I hear them, maybe only for nostalgic reasons, but nevertheless, pop music at it's undeniable best for me. Alan's stories of his friendship with Paul and Mike and subsequent brushes with Lennon and Co are just amazing.
  16. Sounds like a cracking good day out to me
  17. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='904305' date='Jul 24 2010, 08:46 PM']G&L L2000 + Genz Benz 750 + Genz Benz Neo 2x12. Match made in Heaven - pedals only ruin it for me [/quote] +1
  18. [font="Impact"][size=2]Villex[/size][/font]
  19. I love reggae and dub, and Robbie Shakespeare is the man for me in that genre, although I agree with regard to Horace, he's a fantastic player. A Thunderbird never sounded so good. When I first started in the early 80s, there were a handful of bass players that made me want to pick up a bass guitar. Colin Moulding from XTC, JJ Burnel from the Stranglers, and Tina Weymouth from Talking Heads. However, I had many years away from bass, and it was about 10 years ago that I started again, and it was seeing Stu Hamm with Joe Satriani that started me off again. So all of the above, and many many others have influenced me over the years.
  20. [font="Impact"][size=3]YUMMY[/size][/font]
  21. I've given up thinking I'll ever find my perfect setup. I've been close a few of times though: Yamaha BB3000S, BB1100S - Roland DB500 Lakland DJ4, Fender Geddy Lee Jazz - Fender 400 Pro Overwater Progress 3, Fender H1 Jazz - Fender 400 Pro Kinal MK-5, Fernandes APB-5 - Fender 400 Pro No idea if the current live rig will be the last, but I doubt it very much knowing my history for moving gear around. I think it's an endless search for me, like running after the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I'll never get there. I mean if you'd ever heard the Kinal at full tilt through the 400 Pro during one of our gigs, you'd wonder why anyone would ever want to change that setup, but I did, because I'm an idiot.
  22. Looks like it mate, no takers when it was offered up. That's fine, it sounds fantastic, even if it is a bit heavy to lug about.
  23. Yup, the L2500 was kindly sold to me by Pete, and it's a fantastic bass. I had [i]only[/i] 5ers for a while but fancied a switch back to 4 strings. Once I'd sold off the 5ers I really missed the low B , SO, I decided to have one of each. They're my first G&L's, but then I've had most other makes, so I decided I should check them out, and I'm glad I did. I tried a Tribute L2000 a few months ago up at Peters (greeneking) and fell in love with the tone and playability of it. So I recently picked up the Green L2000 in a recent trade, not [i]really[/i] knowing if I'd like it, but I [i]really[/i] did, so the L2500 seemed to be a logical partner for it. Petes' L2500 is a particularly nice bass, so I'm very happy.
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