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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='Huwberry' post='902967' date='Jul 23 2010, 11:13 AM'] [/quote] That's fab, lovely playing there sir, and a beautiful tone from the 'ray, love it.
  2. So this is the latest incarnation of my live set up: US G&L L2000 in Clear Forrest Green, and a G&L Tribute L2500 in Cherry Burst, standing in front of my faithful Fender Pro 400. I'm actually prefering the Trib at this point, although it doesn't [i]quite[/i] have the same depth of sound that the L2000 has, it's a beautiful player. Both of them can produce an amazing range of tones, and right now I'm using them both active, series, fingered over the bridge pickup and with some bottom end taken off for a great funky tone. Live, cranking up the tone controls in passive mode seems to be a good way to go, give me a more traditional kind of sound, but nice and punchy. Great basses, really nice to play, well made and they sound fantastic.
  3. Kinal MK-5, custom made, and utterly beautiful in every way. Overwater Progress 3 Deluxe 5, custom made, and also utterly beautiful in every possible way. Both of them would be expensive new, and both of them would be worth every single last penny. God I wish I still had them. A custom made bass, made by a quality luthier like Chris May is not comparable to a factory mass made bass in my opinion, it's a whole other level.
  4. I love Miles, and I love Marcus too, and I [i]really[/i] want to love "Tutu", but it's just never hooked me. I prefer Miles' older 1950s/60s stuff. I went through a big Marcus phase a couple of years ago, and still love stuff like M2, but his lead slap and pop started to get on my wick after a while, I much prefer it when he grooves with a band, he's a fabulously funky fingerstyle player, and certainly not [i]just[/i] a slapper.
  5. Fabulous basses, I had a blue one, and loved it, but GAS always get's the better of me so off it went. Great bass for someone.
  6. [quote name='Clarky' post='900292' date='Jul 20 2010, 05:42 PM']Hey Joe[/quote] There's a song in that somewhere. Stunning bass, from a top bloke.
  7. I like his add, I think it's aimed at the kind of folk who might buy that particular bass. Good fun, and different from the norm.
  8. Hmm...well I can see why some people would find his add a bit irritating, [i]me?[/i] I think it's a great, fun add, informative info, and the pics show the bass in the kind of settings it might find itself with a prospective new owner. I don't have a problem with that add at all.
  9. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='897964' date='Jul 18 2010, 12:17 PM']By the way, the other thread was for someone selling a bass on e-bay, giving pictures of him holding said instrument while posing on stage.[/quote] Which thread?
  10. [i]I believe[/i] that when you're playing in front of an audience, you owe it to them to put on a show, or at the very least look like you're enjoying the gig even if you really aren't, after all, it's showbiz isn't it? Even if it's only down the local pub, it's still a live gig, and people have taken time out of thier day to come and watch you. I've always hated bands that stand motionless staring at thier feet looking miserable, I really hate that. So my vote is for showing off, every time.
  11. Me too, Stuart's playing does it for me every time. Although I did my best on the album version, it never quite stood up to Stuarts vibe.
  12. Absolutely right Pete. I've used EB Slinkys for years, and the odd set of DRs on a couple of other basses too. Recently when buying a new set PMT had no Slinkys left, so I went for a set of Rotos Swing 66. I stuck them on the L2000, and hated them instantly. Couldn't put my finger on what the problem was, they just sounded and felt poor. I stuck a new set of Slinys on at the soonest possible juncture, and hey presto, the bass was fab again.
  13. I sold Nick a Precision, and couldn't have wished for a better transaction. Great bloke, and highly recommended to all.
  14. Shame, I was just about to post something along the lines of 'don't buy a MIA jazz whatever you do, the Reggie Hamilton is a much better bass'.
  15. Fantastic Band Squeeze, saw them many years ago. Yeah, nice bass tone too.
  16. [quote name='simon1964' post='894898' date='Jul 14 2010, 06:01 PM']I'm no expert, but I do own a CIJ Precision and a red Hohner B2a, so its only right that I offer an opinion I'd say £350 to £450 for the Precision. As Old Git suggests, it will depend on the model. The reissues go for more than the standard models. I think much more than £200 is optimistic for the Hohner. They're cracking basses, but I think I got mine for about £140 off ebay a year or so back.[/quote] Yeah, I'd agree with that on reflection. 450 would be the top end price for the P bass IMO, and maybe I was a bit optimistic with the Hohner, but I still reckon it's worth around 250 quid.
  17. I loved my Epi T bird. Used it in a UFO tribute band and loved every minute of it. I for one [i]love[/i] T-Birds.
  18. £450 for the Precision, and £300 for the Hohner, that'd be my guess. Pictures will help a lot though.
  19. Bang them up on here, picture and description of each, and you'll get loads of opinions. What are they? Make, Models etc.
  20. Schwiiiiing..........nice, always a good sign when you nod your head in time to a tune, and I did.
  21. That's a beautiful bass, and it's a terrible shame that custom basses don't hold the value so well, but I'd be very happy to pay £1200 for it, however as mentioned above, it's more likely to get about a grand, and it's worth every penny of that.
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